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Medical question


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Go see a doc immediately. Sometimes there are remnants from development as a fetus that create problems related to what you are describing. These things are usually treatable, but unchecked may pose greater risks. Take the day off and make an appointment.

He is a guy I would hope he has no remnants of a fetus in there.

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He is a guy I would hope he has no remnants of a fetus in there.

I meant remnants from when he was a fetus. Some anatomical structures as a developing fetus are not functional in later life. They remain in the body with no physiological purpose. Sometimes they create medical problems if they persist. A diverticuli, or an outpouching from the intestine to the umbilicus (caused by a persistent/abnormal fetal structure) is one of these cases and can lead to bleeding out of the umbilicus among other things.

He could just have an irritation that got inflammed and bled a little. Either way he should have it inspected.

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:laugh: Dude on my rugby team had that **** happen to him...his belly button would just bleed, except gobs of puss were coming out of his. Most disgusting thing I've ever seen. For him it was just infected, as dks suggested. But you still need to see the doctor so that they can prescribe some antibiotics. But cleaning it out regularly is a good idea...


2 Questions........

1. Are you a chick, perhaps blonde?

2. Are you sure that it is your belly button?

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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