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A Different Look on T.O/Cowboys...


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Hey everyone... I haven't posted here too much, but I stop in every now and again because I cant stand the ESPN boards...

Without wasting any more time... is there anyone else on here that would be surprised if TO "cancered" another team? I mean, the chances of him doing this once again is just mind-blowing. I think with all the bad press from the Philly situation, he'll keep his cool. I highly doubt there will be another Garcia/McNabb situation with Bledsoe. I could be wrong, but it just doesn't seem likely.

Moving on, is there anyone else that just doesn't understand how the Cowboys could be ranked higher than the Giants and Skins? It just doesnt make sense. I scroll down the depth charts and nothing strikes me. Maybe you guys could enlighten me on what the experts say will give Dallas that extra edge over the rest of the division. If its because of TO, well... I dont see how one wide receiver could make a difference. If we were facing Keyshawn and TO this year, I would worry a bit. But just TO, with Terry Glenn? I dont get it.

Fill me in...


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well for one, the media loves the cowboys, bill parcells and believe TO is god on the football field. that alone might be the reason they are ranked higher.

the great thing is, the rankings mean nothing. their defense is not that good, their o line is terrible and their QB is not going to satisfy TO's want/need for the ball.

the cowboys are headed for a winning season, but i'd be surprised if they make the playoffs

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Hey everyone... I haven't posted here too much, but I stop in every now and again because I cant stand the ESPN boards...

Without wasting any more time... is there anyone else on here that would be surprised if TO "cancered" another team? I mean, the chances of him doing this once again is just mind-blowing. I think with all the bad press from the Philly situation, he'll keep his cool. I highly doubt there will be another Garcia/McNabb situation with Bledsoe. I could be wrong, but it just doesn't seem likely.

Moving on, is there anyone else that just doesn't understand how the Cowboys could be ranked higher than the Giants and Skins? It just doesnt make sense. I scroll down the depth charts and nothing strikes me. Maybe you guys could enlighten me on what the experts say will give Dallas that extra edge over the rest of the division. If its because of TO, well... I dont see how one wide receiver could make a difference. If we were facing Keyshawn and TO this year, I would worry a bit. But just TO, with Terry Glenn? I dont get it.

Fill me in...


Every team in the East is dangerous not just the skins and giants. Even the eagles could win the division this year. Any prediction made is good because if these team were in seperate divisions across the NFC they would probably be favored in those as well.

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For starters, Terry Glenn is better than Meshawn.

Uhh how bout the media has a love affair with the Dallas Cowboys and whenever they pick up any good players they predict playoffs and superbowls. Last season people were predicting Julius Jones to rush for 1500 yards, and said that the addition of Bledsoe would take them to the playoffs. Didnt quite work out that way.

People can guess all they want and give as little credit to the Redskins or any other team as possible, doesnt mean it will happen that way.

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i try not to underestimate the effect TO can have on that offense. i never doubt that the cowboys can make it to the playoffs and can have a good season. my only problem is the fact that everyone and their mother wants to say that they're looking like a super bowl team and that TO is the savior of football.

but honestly i wouldn't be surprised if ANY of the teams in the NFC east won the division (except for the eagles :laugh:).

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Santana Moss = one receiver that made a hell of a lotta difference for us last year. after the showing SM had last year i would never under estimate one receiver (especially TO) to help push a team to at least the playoffs. but their O-line will kill them and Cowboys can still suck a ****!!

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i try not to underestimate the effect TO can have on that offense. i never doubt that the cowboys can make it to the playoffs and can have a good season. my only problem is the fact that everyone and their mother wants to say that they're looking like a super bowl team and that TO is the savior of football.

but honestly i wouldn't be surprised if ANY of the teams in the NFC east won the division (except for the eagles :laugh:).

Well with T.O., it's not just a matter of him catching balls, it's how he spreads defenses to allow others to catch balls. Just look at how he helped out the Eagles' offense, and they have lesser WRs than the Cowboys. With T.O. stretching the field deep, Glenn across from him, and Witten underneath- that's fairly formidable. The only thing I think that will hurt the Cowboys is their running game since Jones just hasn't proven he can last a season yet and Barber doesn't appear to be anything special, and we all know you NEED a running game in the NFC East. As for T.O. being a cancer, all reports indicate he's somewhat of a changed man (which to be honest wouldn't surprise me actually- he knows it's his last shot and screwing around with a coach like Parcells is like career suicide) and even if it's not, he should be good for atleast one season. I don't know about being ranked higher than the Skins though, if only because we have the edge on O-line and definitely running game, not to mention coaching. Either way, I think Cowboys/Redskins/Giants are really gonna make a fierce run for the division and playoffs, but I honestly don't see the Eagles making it. In my eyes, I wouldn't be shocked if we dropped the games at Dallas and in New York (while winning at FedEx), but I expect to win both Eagles games.
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Well with T.O., it's not just a matter of him catching balls, it's how he spreads defenses to allow others to catch balls. Just look at how he helped out the Eagles' offense, and they have lesser WRs than the Cowboys. With T.O. stretching the field deep, Glenn across from him, and Witten underneath- that's fairly formidable. The only thing I think that will hurt the Cowboys is their running game since Jones just hasn't proven he can last a season yet and Barber doesn't appear to be anything special, and we all know you NEED a running game in the NFC East. As for T.O. being a cancer, all reports indicate he's somewhat of a changed man (which to be honest wouldn't surprise me actually- he knows it's his last shot and screwing around with a coach like Parcells is like career suicide) and even if it's not, he should be good for atleast one season. I don't know about being ranked higher than the Skins though, if only because we have the edge on O-line and definitely running game, not to mention coaching. Either way, I think Cowboys/Redskins/Giants are really gonna make a fierce run for the division and playoffs, but I honestly don't see the Eagles making it. In my eyes, I wouldn't be shocked if we dropped the games at Dallas and in New York (while winning at FedEx), but I expect to win both Eagles games.

This was a real good, fair, and objective post. Good Job.

I do disagree with you taking the Eagles for granted though. They are solid throughout thier team. Same team minus TO that made 3 straight NFC championship games. They have as good a chance as anyone in this division.

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the thing is, the skins new dallas was getting T.O. Most of the NFL knew it was either dallas or denver.

Either way, the skins went out and got Archuletta, and we have Sean taylor.

I dont know why these "experts" think that T.O has put such a huge edge in dallas's favor compared to the NFC east. Especially the redskins.

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the thing is, the skins new dallas was getting T.O. Most of the NFL knew it was either dallas or denver.

Either way, the skins went out and got Archuletta, and we have Sean taylor.

I dont know why these "experts" think that T.O has put such a huge edge in dallas's favor compared to the NFC east. Especially the redskins.

TO was not the only improvment made by Dallas

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Hey everyone... I haven't posted here too much, but I stop in every now and again because I cant stand the ESPN boards...

Without wasting any more time... is there anyone else on here that would be surprised if TO "cancered" another team? I mean, the chances of him doing this once again is just mind-blowing. I think with all the bad press from the Philly situation, he'll keep his cool. I highly doubt there will be another Garcia/McNabb situation with Bledsoe. I could be wrong, but it just doesn't seem likely.

Moving on, is there anyone else that just doesn't understand how the Cowboys could be ranked higher than the Giants and Skins? It just doesnt make sense. I scroll down the depth charts and nothing strikes me. Maybe you guys could enlighten me on what the experts say will give Dallas that extra edge over the rest of the division. If its because of TO, well... I dont see how one wide receiver could make a difference. If we were facing Keyshawn and TO this year, I would worry a bit. But just TO, with Terry Glenn? I dont get it.

Fill me in...


I think Dallas is putting out a lot of "idiotic" news in an attempt to play on ones "phyce". As far as TO is concerned, granted, he's a terrific WR but even he can't carry the entire "Plowboy" team. I think he will become "disgruntled" when he realizes that he will not have a 100 catch season in a Bill Parcells" offense and he will begin his tirade.
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well for one, the media loves the cowboys, bill parcells and believe TO is god on the football field. that alone might be the reason they are ranked higher.

the great thing is, the rankings mean nothing. their defense is not that good, their o line is terrible and their QB is not going to satisfy TO's want/need for the ball.

the cowboys are headed for a winning season, but i'd be surprised if they make the playoffs

I'm going to stick my neck out and predict that the cowboys "WILL NOT" make the post season. !!
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Ahh the media. The media only reports on and gives attention to controversy. The media only praises and honors those that feed that controversy. It is natural for the media to give Dallas love. TO could call a media confrence while taking a dump and ESPN would run a special report. The media doesnt like bland, proffesional behavior out of athletes. Hence Art Monk is not in the HOF. Hence Joe Gibbs is an after thought when the "experts" talk about the best coaches in the game. Did the Skins ever get any preseason love, even before Spurrier, or Norv? Parcells teams.... always. Mouths, the media loves em.

Randy Moss goes to the Raiders. No O-line, historically shaky QB, no running game, and a suspect D. Randy who.......................?

TO goes to the Cowboys. No O-line, historically shaky QB, no running game, and a suspect D. Oh yeah.... and a coach, that the game really has passed by.

Does the media ever really get it right. Im still waiting for Salisbury to take his walk.

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For starters, Terry Glenn is better than Meshawn.

Uhh how bout the media has a love affair with the Dallas Cowboys and whenever they pick up any good players they predict playoffs and superbowls. Last season people were predicting Julius Jones to rush for 1500 yards, and said that the addition of Bledsoe would take them to the playoffs. Didnt quite work out that way.

People can guess all they want and give as little credit to the Redskins or any other team as possible, doesnt mean it will happen that way.

I think Peter King is being paid "under the table" by the cowboys org. for his negative reporting and assasination of Art Monk. I think he is a despicable character.
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i try not to underestimate the effect TO can have on that offense. i never doubt that the cowboys can make it to the playoffs and can have a good season. my only problem is the fact that everyone and their mother wants to say that they're looking like a super bowl team and that TO is the savior of football.

but honestly i wouldn't be surprised if ANY of the teams in the NFC east won the division (except for the eagles :laugh:).

I'm having a difficult time figuring you out, are you a "true skins fan" or a fake?
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Santana Moss = one receiver that made a hell of a lotta difference for us last year. after the showing SM had last year i would never under estimate one receiver (especially TO) to help push a team to at least the playoffs. but their O-line will kill them and Cowboys can still suck a ****!!
Santana was supported by 10 other players operating on the same "page". It;s all about "team effort". !!
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Heres proof that T.O doesnt scorch the skins D.

First game vs Skins T.O's Stats

2 rec 24 Yds 1TD

Second Game

6 rec 46 Yds 0 TD

Springs always has played him well along with sean and the rest of our DBs. Greg Williams seems to do a good job to get our D to stop the other teams leading offensive player.

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Well with T.O., it's not just a matter of him catching balls, it's how he spreads defenses to allow others to catch balls. Just look at how he helped out the Eagles' offense, and they have lesser WRs than the Cowboys. With T.O. stretching the field deep, Glenn across from him, and Witten underneath- that's fairly formidable. The only thing I think that will hurt the Cowboys is their running game since Jones just hasn't proven he can last a season yet and Barber doesn't appear to be anything special, and we all know you NEED a running game in the NFC East. As for T.O. being a cancer, all reports indicate he's somewhat of a changed man (which to be honest wouldn't surprise me actually- he knows it's his last shot and screwing around with a coach like Parcells is like career suicide) and even if it's not, he should be good for atleast one season. I don't know about being ranked higher than the Skins though, if only because we have the edge on O-line and definitely running game, not to mention coaching. Either way, I think Cowboys/Redskins/Giants are really gonna make a fierce run for the division and playoffs, but I honestly don't see the Eagles making it. In my eyes, I wouldn't be shocked if we dropped the games at Dallas and in New York (while winning at FedEx), but I expect to win both Eagles games.
Do you honestly think that Greg Williams will not be prepared for a TO onslaught or the rest of the plowboy offense? I think not. !!, Where is your faith ?
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