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Have to admit there IS a civil war in Middle East..

Air Force Cane

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From National Review.com: "In Iraq, the media and libs here at home have harped incessantly on a civil war that Zarqawi tried to start but did not.

By contrast, in the Palestinian territories there may already be actual civil war going on, but don't hold your breath waiting to see it reported as such. This is from Reuters, this morning:

Fatah gunmen torch Hamas offices in the West Bank

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Fatah gunmen torched Hamas offices on Tuesday as violence escalated between followers of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and rival Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh.

Members of Abbas's Fatah movement set fire to two Hamas offices in the towns of Salfit and Qalqilya in the West Bank, witnesses said. Fatah gunmen also fired at a facility belonging to Hamas in the city of Nablus. Nobody was hurt in the incidents overnight, which followed an arson attack by Fatah gunmen on Haniyeh's office at the Palestinian parliamentary building in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Monday evening.

Hamas and Abbas have been locked in an intensifying power struggle since the Islamists took control of the government in March after trouncing Fatah in parliamentary elections.
Tension has exploded repeatedly in the Gaza Strip, where Hamas has its main powerbase, and gun battles have killed at least 20 Palestinians. The violence has spilled into the West Bank, Fatah's stronghold, in the form of a series of arson and shooting attacks against Hamas offices. Fatah called it revenge for a Hamas assault on a security headquarters in Gaza.... In the Monday night attack on the parliament building in Ramallah, gunmen set fire to Haniyeh's office, tossed furniture out of windows and fired shots inside the complex. It was a symbolic attack on Haniyeh, who is unable to visit Ramallah due to Israeli travel bans and so holds court in Gaza.

Tension has been inflamed by a referendum that Abbas has called for July 26 on his vision of a Palestinian state side-by-side with Israel. Hamas, which seeks to destroy the Jewish state, has labeled the referendum a coup attempt. Support for Abbas's position in the referendum has dropped steeply in recent days, with 61 percent of Palestinians saying they will support a two-state plan in the July vote compared with 77 percent a week ago, a Palestinian survey found....
ME: A torching of the Prime Minister's office which involves gunfire sprayed in the government's headquarters is a "symbolic attack"?

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every day for the last three weeks there is gunfire, hand grenades, killings, and burning of each other's offices.

sure sounds like a civil war to me.

then again, Clinton invited Arafat to the White House more than any other leader, so I am sure he knows best about what is happening :rolleyes:

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every day for the last three weeks there is gunfire, hand grenades, killings, and burning of each other's offices.

sure sounds like a civil war to me.

then again, Clinton invited Arafat to the White House more than any other leader, so I am sure he knows best about what is happening :rolleyes:

Minus the gratuitous slap at Clinton, I would agree with you. This does appear to be close to a civil war.

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This has been reported a number of times, Cane, and with "civil war" used in the reporting. What's odd is that you bristle at the suggestion of "civil war" being used to describe the Iraq situation, with similiar actions to what's occurring in Palestine, and yet, you are questioning the supposed lack of "civil war" being used with the situation in Palestine? Time magazine, which some have accused iof being liberal in biasa, even has a new article about this issue: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1192602,00.html

And just yesterday I was reading an AP article that discusses the recent attack on the Parliament building, and lo and behold, "civil war" was used in the article to describe the developing situation.


NOTE: This is an AP article, and not just a Times article.

You may need to reevaluate the situation, Cane. I believe it is obvious to everyone that civil war may be emminent.

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Well, when the media reports internecine violence as a civil war, that shows that the media has a liberal bias. And when the media reports that internecine violence is not a civil war, that shows that the media has a liberal bias.

Its called "cavutoing".

Quoted for truth.

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This has been reported a number of times, Cane, and with "civil war" used in the reporting. What's odd is that you bristle at the suggestion of "civil war" being used to describe the Iraq situation, with similiar actions to what's occurring in Palestine, and yet, you are questioning the supposed lack of "civil war" being used with the situation in Palestine? Time magazine, which some have accused iof being liberal in biasa, even has a new article about this issue: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1192602,00.html

And just yesterday I was reading an AP article that discusses the recent attack on the Parliament building, and lo and behold, "civil war" was used in the article to describe the developing situation.


NOTE: This is an AP article, and not just a Times article.

You may need to reevaluate the situation, Cane. I believe it is obvious to everyone that civil war may be emminent.

Yes, Little Green Apples and Time and blogs...

Not seeing it at night on the major 5 networks including the Fox one...

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Not seeing it at night on the major 5 networks including the Fox one...

I don't watch major network news, so I admit I'd be a little ignorant of anything other than internet news. But I would guess to venture that some of these channels have had this discussion at time. I have heard this issue discuss on NPR as well, but that is not the MSM.

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Right nows not a good time anyway:

CNN, Headline news, Fox, Nbc have been showing:

Hurricanes, Bush in Iraq, Kennedy, voting in Virginia (for here)...

BUT: What i was talking about was the Week long 24hrs a day Civil War? plastered on the scrolling bar at the bottom of the T.V...

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