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Where were you when the world stopped turning?


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So im sitting in the middle of a two week trainging class bored out of my mind and day dreaming.

I started thinking about when we first heard of Joe Gibbs return to the Redskins. Does everyone remeber where you were? I remember smileing and honking at every "welcome back joe" sign in the road. Everytime you turned the tv on, looked at any newspaper, or just listened to peoples conversations all you heard and saw was Joe Gibbs. I still get chills thinking about that first news conference he gave. Weeks before left us searching for hope with the departure of spurrier but that night the world stopped.

Thank you Mr. Gibbs for re-lighting a flame that had been slowly burning off after years of torment.:notworthy

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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Aye, thanks for taking me back 2 years ago. I've almost begun to take it for granted having Gibbs back. There was so much despair after spurrier left but then when I heard that there was a possibility that Gibbs would be back I've been living a dream ever since. Feel like a kid again!

I can't remember exactly how I heard the news break, whether Snyder said that he had a special announcement or there were rumors floating around. It's all a big blurr, and I welcomed the foggy euphoric haze that news produced!

Thanks for the reminder!

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I was hungover as **** at my buddy's place in College Park, on the hard wood floor, no blanket and a t-shirt as a pillow. I was dying for water! My dad called and said the Skins had a new coach.."Well who is it?" he said "you might have heard of him before he's good...his name is Joe Gibbs" I flipped out!, my buddy and I went crazy, woke up the whole house and proceeded on shotgunning some busch lights, then proceeded on throwing up...but then I did get my water

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I couldn't believe the news. I was over at my dad's house and I was like "Guess who is the new coach of the skins?" and he was like "Who?" I said, "Joe Gibbs" and he was like "No really, who is it?" and I said "Joe Gibbs" and he was like "Come on...really?!"

It was awesome!

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I remember it well. My wife had just gotten home from the hospital after giving birth to our 3rd son. I was in the car heading back to Maryland after dropping my two older sons off a daycare in Tysons Corner. I was just about to cross over the Cabin John Bridge when I heard. I was immediately on the phone to my Dad, then my brother and then my wife. I remember thinking this would be the worst joke of all time if it wasn't true.

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I usually watch TV in the morning, but that morning I didn't. I was running late, and I ran out for work. It was about 6 degrees outside, and that was the morning that my POS jeep finally died. I was stuck in a car with no heat, on the side of the road, waiting for a tow truck to drag my sorry ass jeep to the shop. After I dropped it off, I walked home (about 2 miles).

When I got home, I was freezing. I could barely feel my ears. I was pissed off, and I decided to watch the price is right, hoping that might cheer me up. When I turned the TV on, it was on ESPNews. The bottom right corner read: "Joe Gibbs to return to Redskins."

The worst morning ever turned to the best day ever in about 5 seconds.......

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I was at my best friend's house, we watch every Skins game together. We were just sitting there watching TV when his roommate (a Broncos fan) came in right as they announced it. He had a look of disbelief as he watched us jump around the apartment and high five until our hands bled. It was awesome to see a high and mighty Broncos fan look like their heart had been ripped out--again.

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It was around 11pm news I believe.

I just remember that what I 1st heard was the he was coming back to the team, but nobody had said "to coach" yet.

So, I figured it was a GM/Team Prez deal.

By the next morning, it was all over. I watched ESPN news over and over again.

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I sleep with sports radio on and I remember when I woke at about 4AM for a bathroom visit. I left the bathroom relieved and stumbling from being 1/2 asleep. When I got back into bed I heard Joe Gibbs had returned and I don't think I slept much after that. The excitement was unreal.

I ended up going to work and nobody could shut me up after that. What a day!!!:notworthy :dallasuck

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I was in my room and the phone rang. I answered it when my dad did. My dad then said, we're going to the Super Bowl to his friend on the phone, Joe is back. I hung up thinking it was a joke. Then, turned the T.V. on. Reality hit, and I got the chills, and already couldn't wait for the season to start.

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i was at my father in laws house, in mannasses. I stayed up as late as i could so i could sleep as much as i could during the day (in laws) i remeber the night before seeing that they had resigned mike sellers....i remeber being happy about it but thinking why would we sign an H back, then the following morning at 3 am it popped up on washingtonpost.com Gibbs is back, i remeber i was exstatic.... i went and got my wife out of her slumber and dragged her to the office to look at the good news....some how she wasnt as excited as i was...women...go figure. All over NOVA that day there was electricity in the air, i was told it was similar to when they caught that scumbag sniper. i remember some guy on the news on his couch crying tears of joy.....we went to the red lobster that night and every tv had Joe on it.....everyone was excited..........best trip to the in laws EVER....still mad at myself for not going to redskin park, i figured no way they would let us in...plus it was fridget...


HAIL JOEY G!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was at my parents visiting my brother and sis-n-law who stayed the night, only see them once a month or two. Me and my bro was dawging Spurrier for running away like a rebelious teenager and talking about how embarressing it was to anyteam, especialy one with this kind of tradition.

We were thinking what coaches are available, and after seeing there were none worth a dayum we figured here we go again. Done lost our best back in Davis cause of the idiot, cant keep a defensive coach more then a year and now were rebuilding again only to fire another head coach who cant win, watta bummer.

After about 15 minutes of continuous thinking this sucks, the news interupted what ever we were watching saying Joe Gibbs is the new coach of the Washington Redskins and also back is Joe Bugel.

Talk about a shock, we were yelling hail yea baby the Redskins are back!!! I ran outside when my parents came back from the store and said hey dad we gotta new coach, Joe Gibbs and Buges is back, he didnt believe it either untill he came inside and it was on every station. We knew then this team and the NFC East was gonna change.

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I was getting ready for college in the morning. I had heard some rumors I believe the night before. Watching sportsrise in the morning, I heard Joe's Back.. First I thought it was going to be a FO job. Then I realized it was as Head Coach. I almost fell out of my seat... Ahh good times...

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I was working in DC back then. I remember the next day, everyone was all smiles, striking up conversations with strangers on the Metro, asking other people, "have you heard the Good News?" Haha, it was as if it was the Second Coming, which in a way, I guess, it was. It was by far the happiest day in DC I've ever seen.

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myself, 3 roomates, and about ten good friends who came back to college early went to the ABC store and the Grocery store to buy food and supplies for some good ol fashioned binge drinking. When the four of us who went shopping returned to the house there were a handful of very happy skins fans dancing in the yard singing HTTR. After i found out what snyder had just pulled off I smiled at our grocery store purchases. Trying to take advantage of the post holiday poultry sales we bought all the fixins for a traditional american holiday meal. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, ect... We proceeded to get drunk as hell and cooked the first annual, newly christened "Joe Gibbs Day" dinner. One of the best days of my life and one of the handful of times i have seen/heard my father cry.

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In the shower...listening to WTOP at about 5:30am. They teased it at 531am and I thought I was hearing things. I was just barely awake. Then they went into the story as soon as the teasers for the top of the show were through. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I just kept listening to WTOP that whole drive in to work. Talk about a buzz around the office. Word got around SO fast.

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I was in Rockefeller Center in New York, watching the ticker above the "Today" show studio while waiting for a friend who was taking a picture. The News came across and I started jumping up and down, screaming. A cop, laughing at me, asked what happened, and I told him something like, "Joe Gibbs is back! Gibbs is God!" He shook his head at me and kept laughing until my friend dragged me away, embarassed beyond belief.

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I still remember being in trigonometry class (high school!) when I heard the news that Gibbs was retiring...that was a real bummer. It was made up for by Gibbs' return...I was up early and caught the news around 4 or 5 am on Mike & Mike in the Morning (ESPN radio). I proceeded to get decked out in my Redskins gear and headed to the office looking like we'd just won the Super Bowl. That was a nice day.

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I love when this thread pops back up

I was up in New Jersey visiting some family, sitting here on ES

Suddenly on the front page (ES was a bit different back then with the portal page) a thread popped up

"Woah woah woah....Gibbs coming back?"

I was so jazzed, I quickly went to the Washingtonpost site. The few of us on ES that night had chills going through us, wondering if this is some sort of a joke. I watched the late night sportscenter that night which confirmed it

The next morning my phone was blowing up as everyone was calling me to tell me the news. Little did they know, I already knew ;)

And yes, I still get chills thinking about that night, wondering if this really was true, feeling the excitment on the board, and knowing the city would explode the next day

On my way home from Jersey all that talk radios could talk about was Gibbs, even though Coughlin was being introduced in Giants land. I drove through the city and just watched the smiles on people's faces

It was a great day

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I can't really remember the exact moment. I remember George Michael interviewing Steve Spurrier and Spurrier was talking about how happy he was in Northern VA and he wasn't going to leave. Then the very next day he resigns. I was mad about that for a while. Then some time after that I hear about Gibbs coming back on NBC and it just exploded everywhere. I remember watching a special at like 4:00 in the morning where George Michael was talking about the return of the Legend and showed a bunch of old clips. They showed Gibbs being interviewed one year and the interviewer told Gibbs that everyone favored the Redskins to win the Super Bowl that year and Gibbs tore into him for mentioning that because he didn't believe in all that. It really gave me a newfound confidence in the Skins. I'm a little too young to remember Gibbs first go around, but since that moment I learned as much as I could about him and the Skins from that era. He became my hero.

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