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Redskins Trilogy

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Here are some videos I put together. 3 Videos, 3 super bowls.

Part 1 http://redskins.torresa.com/videos/video.php?video=Dream

Part 2 http://redskins.torresa.com/videos/video.php?video=Prayer

Part 3 http://redskins.torresa.com/videos/video.php?video=Sandman

For dial up

Part 1 http://redskins.torresa.com/videos/video.php?video=DreamMobile

Part 2 http://redskins.torresa.com/videos/video.php?video=Prayermobile

Part 3 http://redskins.torresa.com/videos/video.php?video=SandmanMobile

Tell me what you think about the videos.I'd appreciate as many people to post so I could stay near the top so more people could get the chance to see them. Thanks and I hope you enjoy.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Seriously, these videos rock. Great editing, especially in conjunction with the music (like stuff will become stop-and-go motion with the words, etc.), and great footage in general. I also like how in the "Enter Sandman" video, Joe Gibbs is seen a lot during the awesome intro in the song- it's just badass, straight up. Especially for a "youngin'" like myself who wasn't quite old enough during the glory days. Can't say enough good stuff.

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  • 3 months later...
Here are some videos I put together. 3 Videos, 3 super bowls.

Part 1 http://redskins.torresa.com/videos/data/Dream.wmv

Part 2 http://redskins.torresa.com/videos/data/Prayer.wmv

Part 3 http://redskins.torresa.com/videos/data/Sandman.wmv

For dial up

Part 1 http://redskins.torresa.com/videos/data/DreamMobile.wmv

Part 2 http://redskins.torresa.com/videos/data/Prayermobile.wmv

Part 3 http://redskins.torresa.com/videos/data/SandmanMobile.wmv

Tell me what you think about the videos.I'd appreciate as many people to post so I could stay near the top so more people could get the chance to see them. Thanks and I hope you enjoy.QUOTE: Your videos are absolutely well edited and very enjoyable. I thank you for you time and effort. I will keep them forever. !!! :)


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