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My concern with Brunell


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I'm not as comfortable as many of you with our QB status. What I have seen and read of Campbell made me shocked when we pulled off the trade to get him. I understand Collins knowing the system, but come on, it's Todd Collins. Brunells age is shining through, especially in lost arm strength, not reads. And by the way, Patten was pathetic at getting seperation in some of those early games. When he did get open, Brunell had already given up on him.

I hope to see Campbell get an opportunity this season and shine. It sure has been a long time since we had a reliable starting QB string a few years together. Has there really been one since Joe T.? That is pathetic.

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I dont think you beat a dead horse. I think the horses corpse was so mangled, that a cleanup crew removed it, and you walked over to the chalk outline and started beating the ground. :-)

Seriously, I do have to say we have covered this topic a bazillion times. I for one would love to see JC in there. I for one would love more than anything to not care and have any QB who is in there play great. Brunell had a good year last year, not a great one. He was one of the league leaders among QBs in Turnovers(16), and he really faded down the stretch. However, its also hard to say whats his fault and what was the playcalling and coachings fault. Bad playcalling makes it harder to find open players, and bad coaching means less WRs open, and possibly his hands being tied in what he can and cannot do.

So we will all find out this year. There is absolutely 0 excuse whatsoever for a QB not having a great year in this years Redskins offense(well, unless it were a rookie), so as long as he performs this year, its all moot.

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After Brunell's performance last year, especially against Dallas, it is impossible for me not to support him. People who want Campbell have bad memories.

I hate it when people use the Dallas game to praise Brunnell. The first 56 minutes of that game was the absolute worst QBing I have ever seen in an NFL game. Well maybe besides some of the Brunnell antics 04. To me, his best games last year were against Denver and KC, both losses. The rest of the season he was in that "play to not lose" mode and left the game in the hands of the defense...It worked out pretty well for the most part but we are going to need some production from the QB position at some point this season. And at some point, everyone is going to have to face it, even JG, that Brunnell is 37 years old and his better days weren’t even in this century. His arm goes south for the winter and it’s just a matter of when. Is it in pre-season? Or is it somewhere around the 4th or 5th game of the season? My guess is that it’s the latter.... Some where around or during the Jags or Giants games a change will be critically needed. The bigger question will be, will Joe Gibbs make the needed change? Or will he wait way to long as he did in 04?

As to the original question of this thread, I don’t know anything about Jason Campbell. I just hope and pray that he’s better than the incumbent. He almost can't help but be. Can he?

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After we drafted JC, someone posted a clip of his "highlights" from college. One of the biggest concerns I had watching the clips was he seemed to lock in on one guy. He never surveyed the field.

Having said that, I'm no expert on his college career, that's just what I recall from his highlight reel.



Most College players LOCK on to receivers until they learn how to scan

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Thank you. Did Brunell throw a lot of pics. That should be the number one concern for a QB. WR's were not getting open. When Patten went down we had no one who could get open. The only thing we could do is hope CP opened the field for Moss or Cooley. If they were stopping CP. They were stopping our pass game for the most part.

Brunnell threw 10 picks

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Let's take a look at a few Brunell facts:

1. Last year, Brunell's QB rating was 85, which is pretty much his career average. No evidence of a decline.

2. Brunell threw more TDs last year than ever in his career.

3. Brunell threw 10 picks in 454 attempts, or 2.2% of the time. That's better than his career average of 2.35%.

4. Brunell did not get appreciably worse as the season wore on: his worst statistcal games were sprinkled throughout the season, not concentrated at the end. The first Giants game, the Raiders game, the Arizona game, the second Philly game, and the TB game were all QB ratings of 60 or below.

5. Brunell actually improved dramatically on the previous year: in 2004, Brunell had a 64 rating, threw INTs 2.5% of the time, and had the lowest completion percentage in his career. In other words, Brunell got better with time in Gibbs system.

6. Brunell accomplished all that with only two receiving threats: Moss and Cooley. After that, you had Portis (2 catches/game), Patten (a little over 1 catch/game) and then a handful of guys who caught a ball every couple of games.

OK, those were facts. Let's venture some opinion: Part of his limited number of receivers might be his laser-like focus on those two guys, but it also might be -- listen up here -- that the other guys COULDN'T CATCH. His fourth-leading receiver didn't finish the season. His fifth-leading receiver was Robert Royal, who has hands of stone. But Royal had many more catches than Taylor Jacobs, who might catch the ball but then would need to take 2 games off to recover. Now that Brunell is surrounded by guys who can catch -- the Skins can line up with Moss, ARE, Lloyd, and Cooley out there -- he'll have many more real options. That's a big difference, and it will impact his confidence.

Also, while Brunell is getting older, he's also making fewer mistakes. Witness his improvement in interception rate. The one statistical area where he has shown a significant decline is in his rushing yards. He had 111 rushing yards last year, well off the 400 or 500 yards he put up early in his career, and only half of his average rushing yardage in the middle of his career. But he's also matured -- do we really need another 100 yards rushing out of Mark Brunell? That's 6 yards per game. If the Skins lose a game because they didn't get 6 yards rushing out of Mark Brunell, they've got bigger problems than we think.

I know Brunell is near the end of his career. I also know that Campbell should be ready to start his. But if Brunell plays the way he did last year, the Skins are a playoff team. If Campbell plays, his rookie mistakes will cost the Skins some games. That's just inevitable. So Brunell, despite his age and increasing gimpiness, is the best hope for the Skins right now.

This man is right on target. Carson Palmer sat 2 yrs. Favre sat 2 yrs. It helps the developement. Matt Hasselbeck sat 3 yrs. Helps you learn.

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I hate it when people use the Dallas game to praise Brunnell. The first 56 minutes of that game was the absolute worst QBing I have ever seen in an NFL game. Well maybe besides some of the Brunnell antics 04. To me, his best games last year were against Denver and KC, both losses. The rest of the season he was in that "play to not lose" mode and left the game in the hands of the defense...It worked out pretty well for the most part but we are going to need some production from the QB position at some point this season. And at some point, everyone is going to have to face it, even JG, that Brunnell is 37 years old and his better days weren’t even in this century. His arm goes south for the winter and it’s just a matter of when. Is it in pre-season? Or is it somewhere around the 4th or 5th game of the season? My guess is that it’s the latter.... Some where around or during the Jags or Giants games a change will be critically needed. The bigger question will be, will Joe Gibbs make the needed change? Or will he wait way to long as he did in 04?

As to the original question of this thread, I don’t know anything about Jason Campbell. I just hope and pray that he’s better than the incumbent. He almost can't help but be. Can he?

You can't have "2" good games all year and throw 23 TDs. Brunell's only thing he does to irritate the crap out of me is that damn fumbling.

He holds the ball like a meatloaf

And Brunell is not 37 yet

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I think Brunell zero'd in on Santana after Patten went down because he really didnt have a choice considering nobody else even tried to step up. But there were many games that Brunell spread the ball around great, throwing TD"s to Patten, Moss, Cooley and Sellers.

But if I was in his shoes, I would look for Santana 1st as well and especialy this year since defenses has to worry about the other 7 threats in Lloyd, Randell El, Patten, Cooley, Fauria, Sellers and ya better believe Al Saunder will use Portis in the passing game knowing a LB cant keep up with him.

I think this is going to be Brunells best year ever and that man can take this team to the SB if he stays healthy. I think our Defense will be better then last years with a better pass rush and a very dangerous secondary, and our Offense is already better because no way is RE and BL gonna be worse the Taylor Jacobs and that other kid we put in, Ferrell I believe his name is.

We should have lost only 2 games last year if it wasnt for some very ignorant calls. We out played every team on our schedule who was in the playoffs and even Denver, who was in the AFC Championship, and we did it missing some of our star players in every one of those games and no depth to take there place, Brunell proved himself last year.

We no longer have a depth problem this year, and the depth that we have are better then most starters on over 20 teams. Look at the coaches running this years show, and the weapons all across the offense, no way in hail would I put an unexperienced QB in to try and lead us to Miami this year.

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Honestly from watching the games on TV, I think Brunell looked around alot. Moss was just the only one remotely open.

But I think you have more of a hidden JC vs. Brunell agenda for this thread so you aren't really looking for a Brunell positive are you?

agree!... brunell took his time and looked around and moss was open most of da time... i guess brunell isnt paying much attention... but dat can b fixed :)

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