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The Stupidest Injury You've Ever Had


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Okay, so I need some reassurance here if anyone it willing.

I've been walking around with a broken hand for about a week now. Every time someone asks me what happened I have to tell them I got the sleeve of my robe caught on a rail down our stairs, which of course caught and tripped me when I stepped forward. I jerked back, fell and cracked my hand on the rail. :doh:

Stupidest way to be injured EVER. I mean, if I have to walk around with a injury I want there to at least be a cool story behind it.

SO! If anyone is willing to share their own stories, tell me I'm not the only one who does stupid **** like that.

Also, if anyone has a better story I could tell people, let me know. :silly:

Oh, and if some one already asked this, sorry. I typed it into search and a million Lavar threads popped up. :doh:

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I was running after a football that had been overthrown, jogging really. I pulled (mildly) BOTH quads! LOL I couldn't run after that, even with stretching. It was embarrassing cuz I've never hurt my quads before.

The other dumb one was that I discovered old safety razor blades are great at cleaning certain types of surfaces (porcelain for one.) Well I was using one and kinda fell back (I was squatting) and for God knows what reason, I slashed my other thumb with the razor. It doesn't even make sense how it happened. I bled a lot and finally got it under control. NO stitches needed but man do I feel dumb.

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well, at least people dont assume and make the dumb jokes about how you injured your hand (you know how) or do they?

back to the question, my friend dislocated his knee simply by just stretching during a pick up game of football. he was only stretching, wasnt even playing at the time. he had to be on crutches for the next month.

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Well, it's kinda stupid....

I broke my thumb in 3 places playing dodgeball....yes....dodgeball! Went to catch a ball and it hit my thumb and the damn thing swolled all up like a balloon! :doh:

I did manage to hang on to the ball though and win the game! :D

Dodgeball is a vicious, vicious sport. :silly: Really, there was always that one really mean person that aimed for your face everytime.

i pulled my right butt muscle!!!! from running.....i guess i was sprinting too hard during one meet at the end but loooooooooord that was painful...i couldn't walk...i couldn't sit down....it was awful

Ouch! That's one of those things where you are like "I pulled my leg muscle" and if anyone questions you give them a really evil look. :D

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Ouch! That's one of those things where you are like "I pulled my leg muscle" and if anyone questions you give them a really evil look. :D

:laugh: i know...and the thing is EVERYONE made fun of me and brings it up every chance they get cause it wasn't just any muscle but my butt....:doh: of all the places....
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well, at least people dont assume and make the dumb jokes about how you injured your hand (you know how) or do they?

back to the question, my friend dislocated his knee simply by just stretching during a pick up game of football. he was only stretching, wasnt even playing at the time. he had to be on crutches for the next month.

Nope. I'm female, we don't get that quite as much for some reason. ;)

Wow... that's pretty impressive. So much for stretching to avoid injury.

Severly sprained my ankle playing basketball (to the point that it just became weak and I sprained it regularly thereafter).

Nerf basketball in a college dorm room.

Damn. As long as you leave out the Nerf part, it doesn't sound so bad. :)

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Worst for me was stabbing myself in the hand. I was opening a flashlight with a steaknife when I was 8 years old on halloween. I "forced" the knife through the wrapping and stabbed myself in my other hand. Also sliced my finger open while fishing. I was cleaning a monk fish, and I had the blade turned the wrong way. You clean a monk fish by honding the loose skin in a fist with yout left hand, and with the blade turned away from your fist, you cut open the fish and slice the skin in one motion. Well, the blade was turned towards my hand. . .not fun.

The worst I know of is when a friends brother shaved off his nipple when he was 13. He liked the feel of a straight razor against his chest and. . .well, you got the picture :laugh:

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The worst I know of is when a friends brother shaved off his nipple when he was 13. He liked the feel of a straight razor against his chest and. . .well, you got the picture :laugh:

:yikes:He wins.

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:laugh: i know...and the thing is EVERYONE made fun of me and brings it up every chance they get cause it wasn't just any muscle but my butt....:doh: of all the places....

Yeah people suck like that. When I played soccer I pulled a muscle on the inside on my thigh so I had to walk a little waddle-like for a while. That got some REALLY bad comments. :doh:

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I've sneezed with a 30 pound backpack on and pulled a muscle.

:laugh: :laugh: omg...that sounds exactly like something u would do!!! lol :slap:

Yeah people suck like that. When I played soccer I pulled a muscle on the inside on my thigh so I had to walk a little waddle-like for a while. That got some REALLY bad comments. :doh:
o i know what ur talking about! people probly had a whole buncha crotch jokes huh?
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:laugh: :laugh: omg...that sounds exactly like something u would do!!! lol :slap:

Pffffft... most of my other injuries were tennis-related, yet I have a feeling sports injuries do not sound like something I would do... because I'm fat :cry:

Kinda funny you say that...

I sneezed and tried to hold it in and my friggin ELBOW started killing me!!

Now everytime I try to hold back a sneeze, that same elbow aches!

Okay... that's just weird. Mine is atleast slightly logical, all things considered.

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I broke a bone in the top of my right foot when I tried to jump over my couch.

The telephone rang, and I thought I would be really cute and just bounce over the couch.

I landed fine on my left foot, but hit my right foot on the back of the couch......and then landed on it wrong.

It swelled to the size of a small country......I did this one evening.......and was in so much pain......I thought I would die. The next morning, I drove my self to the doctor.......he took and x-ray and it had 2 small broken bones and the ankle was sprained.

I was in a walking cast FOREVER. I really didn't think it would ever heal.

I also slipped getting out of my tub..........I bathe with baby oil in my water.......and I hit my cheek on the edge of a table in my bathroom.

I had a HUGE black eye........and several people told me the rumor was that someone had hit me. I kept that black eye for a month.

I am a bit clumsy.


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o i know what ur talking about! people probly had a whole buncha crotch jokes huh?

As well as a few well placed jokes about...erm, unconventional sexual positions.

I hate high school sometimes. :laugh:

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Nope. I'm female, we don't get that quite as much for some reason. ;)

I am an old man relatively, but still as stupid as ever sometimes. I actually got into a fight last year. Hadn't been in one since high school and I don't see it happening again. Violence really isn't my thing. The other guy was bullying a friend of mine who is pretty small. Instead of just leaving with my bud which would have been the smart thing to do, I started talkin smack. :doh:

Showed up to work the next monday sporting a shiner and just got through with knee surgery for a torn meniscus (the bully had to get surgery for his schnoz). At work I told everyone I was in a car wreck. Seemed to work pretty well except everyone thinks I am going to get rich from a lawsuit now. Oh what a tangled web we weave. ;)

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Okay... that's just weird. Mine is atleast slightly logical, all things considered.

Yes it is...now that I think about, Ive done a lot more stupid/weird stuff!

I broke a bone in the top of my right foot when I tried to jump over my couch.

The telephone rang, and I thought I would be really cute and just bounce over the couch.

I landed fine on my left foot, but hit my right foot on the back of the couch......and then landed on it wrong.

It swelled to the size of a small country......I did this one evening.......and was in so much pain......I thought I would die. The next morning, I drove my self to the doctor.......he took and x-ray and it had 2 small broken bones and the ankle was sprained.

I was in a walking cast FOREVER. I really didn't think it would ever heal.

I also slipped getting out of my tub..........I bathe with baby oil in my water.......and I hit my cheek on the edge of a table in my bathroom.

I had a HUGE black eye........and several people told me the rumor was that someone had hit me. I kept that black eye for a month.

I am a bit clumsy.


I don't know you well enough yet like a lot of other posters on here do...I'll let them make the jokes. :D

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Just thought of another one...my dad did it actually...

He was grilling up burgers one night, just merrily flipping away, when one started to slip off the spatula. Well, his brain must've ground to a halt, b/c he went to catch the burger. Yes...he put the back of hand right on the grill to catch it! :doh:

Left some nice grill marks though...just not on the burger!

(And yes, I did give him **** for doing it for years...good thing he has a sense of humor!)

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