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List your injury watching the Skins


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Back in 2002, my dad, uncle, and I were all sitting in the living room and the Redskins made a great touchdown and my dad (being as big and tall as he is) forgot about how low the ceiling fan hung down and the lights came even further. So as the story goes, he jumps up for joy and clocks his forehead with one of the lights breaking it all over the place, then trips and falls and knocks himself out........Wow I never laughed so hard in my life and the glass surrounding the light is still to this day "broken." :laugh:

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I already posted two injuries but here is another...

I seriously think I popped at throat cell or whatever. Becuase I'll tell you what...When Sean Taylor jumped sky high above Randy Moss who was high as hell up in the air then come down with it. I was like "OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!!OH MY GOD!! OH MY GOD!!!YESSS!!!!OH MY GOOOD!!!!!!Slamming my fist into the ground while looking down on the ground.

Then looked up and saw when he hit the ground it popped lose then I screamed "NO!!!!...........NO!!!!!!!!............WHY!!!!!!!!!.........NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Havnt been able to talk loud ever since lol!

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I have one last year during the Cowboy's game at Fed Ex and I jumped up because Cooley scored his third touchdown right before the half and I decided to try and stand on the back of the chair in front of me b/c I was so elated and a bit inebriated resulting in a fall through the crack and a sprained ankle to boot. STUPID :doh: :rolleyes: :laugh:

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I have one last year during the Cowboy's game at Fed Ex and I jumped up because Cooley scored his third touchdown right before the half and I decided to try and stand on the back of the chair in front of me b/c I was so elated and a bit inebriated resulting in a fall through the crack and a sprained ankle to boot. STUPID :doh: :rolleyes: :laugh:


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i was watching the 2nd skins-dallas game with a couple friends and my friend's friend(you know that annoying guy who shows up even though i didn't invited him) who was a cowboys fan. anyway he was one annoying mofo and he kept saying **** the whole damn game even though his team was getting crushed so i tell him to shut the hell up. one thing led to another and we were soon bashing each others faces (of course everyone was just watching and betting on who would win the fight). i got a couple bruises but his lips and eye got all swollen and f**cked up.

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You have neighbors, and you live in Montana?

YES believe it or not, people actually live in the "middle east" (anchorman for those who can't catch on) I have lived in Montana, North Dakota, Idaho and Minnesota. I had neighbors and lived in a pretty decent sized cities such as boise, Minot, and bozeman. Its funny how people on the east coast stereotype people and religions that don't live on the east coast. (not all but a lot)

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A friend of mine was watching a Skins game - I can't remember who was playing - but after a play he got pissed off and grabbed a golf club that happened to be nearby and slammed it down on the stairwell in the basement. The clubhead flew off the end of the club and hit him square in the middle of the forehead, leaving a nice big welt. He couldn't hide his war wound and had to explain to everyone how he put himself on the IR.

This has got to be one of the funniest and most unique injuries on this thread.

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