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Anyone else think Larry Michaels is annoying?


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I admit I've held a grudge against Larry Michael since he replaced Frank Herzog as the radio play-by-play guy (though I am slowly getting over it), but I've never gotten the impression he was being condescending or obnoxious when he does interviews.

I agree

he has his rouh moments but no way a condescending ****

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Yeah, ol' Larry just stormed the booth in the middle of a game, grabbed Frank by the collar and chucked him into the cheap seats. Redskins security was so intimidated they didn't do anything about it. I don't think Snyder knows about the switch yet.

OMG! That is too funny! Bravo! :notworthy :applause: :cheers:

I have to admit I find LM a bit dry and too much "to the camera" for my liking. I wish he would use the standard interviewing technique of addressing the interviewee rather than the camera. But hey, WTF do I know?!

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I like Larry Michael. He's knowledgable, has a great voice and connects well with the players. I also think that a lot of what we're seeing on Redskins.com--from a creative & organizational standpoint, is inexorably linked to him being made the man in charge. I like the direction of it all--the interviews & features-- and think Larry is doing a fine job.

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He's knowledgable, has a great voice and connects well with the players. I also think that a lot of what we're seeing on Redskins.com--from a creative & organizational standpoint, is inexorably linked to him being made the man in charge. I like the direction of it all--the interviews & features-- and think Larry is doing a fine job.

Yeah. From that angle I agree.

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I cant stand him. It is sad that I head Frank on WTOP doing news after doing the Skins Broadcast for so many years. I have recorded all but the 1982 SuperBowls the skins were in with the RADIO broadcast with Frank Sam and Sonny.

And yes the only reason Frank was let go is LM is a egomanic - he has to have full control of everything.

I havent listened to a game on the radio sence they changed.


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Larry Michael is just ok. As a kid I remember hearing Herzog all the way up until recently so I'm sure I have a bias, but he's not really fluid. He makes dumb jokes and comments like "we're on across the world" when he's doing his Redskins T.V. ordeal. I preferred when he wasn't on while the game was going as well. But to each his own.

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Larry is very innovative and creative. I like that about him. But frankly, he's a little LAME to me. Look how the players and coaches respond to his comments and look at him after he asks questions. They look like they just want to slap him. Larry should be behind the scenes making everything click. He seems very good at creating different fan friendly web/radio interactions, but he looks at the camera too much.. :geek:

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Larry is very innovative and creative. I like that about him. But frankly, he's a little LAME to me. Look how the players and coaches respond to his comments and look at him after he asks questions. They look like they just want to slap him. Larry should be behind the scenes making everything click. He seems very good at creating different fan friendly web/radio interactions, but he looks at the camera too much.. :geek:

I agree with this. He looks a little out of place on camera, IMO. I wouldn't say he's "lame," but maybe a little goofy. Who isn't from time to time?

What I do like about him is that he's pretty down to earth. He asks questions that you don't normally expect. Like, "What kind of car do you drive," or "What is the meaning of your last name 'Randle El'?" No one can say he isn't a real nice guy.

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