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Davis Vs. Duce Staley


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Here is something interesting for you Skin fans to think about. Our MAN Duce will get over 100 yards on Sunday, thats a Gaurentee from me. Your BOY Davis will get less than 100 yards. Thats a gimmie from my Eagle Defense. Ever wonder why the Eagles have been in first place for 5 weeks and counting now? Maybe its because most of our games are against division foes, and you know what we do to division foes? Especially ones with sub 500 records - SKINS. Your Redskins are going down hard on Sunday. Can you live with 4-6? Get use to it, soon it will be fact. Your gonna lose Marty, you just dont know how its gonna happen yet. Suey, Suey, here Piggy, Piggy, Piggy. Pigskin fans, LoL. Now its your turn to get stomped. Am I being too nice here? 7-3, hmmm. The Skies the limit if your an Eagle these dayz.

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The "skies" the limit is it Lou? Well, that suitably explains your problem. Replace the substance in the brown paper bag you carry constantly with black coffee, and you won't see multiple atmospheric anomalies when you meant the sky is the limit. As we continue basic grammar class for our Eagle patrons, I'd like to take a moment to answer at least one of the questions you put forth. How do the Eagles do against sub-.500 teams? Ask Arizona for at least a partial answer, eh?

As for your estimation on Davis, I can't say as how I argue with that. I mean, it's not as if the Eagles are surrendering 114 yards a game on the ground or anything. I mean, it's not like the Eagles run defense is ranked 17th in football or anything. Ooops, wait. Bad info. The Eagles are that bad. But, perhaps you are right. Perhaps the Eagles will surprise themselves by actually getting off the field and stopping a team. They'd surprise themselves. You put your nine guys in the box and sell out, and you might be ok in this game.

Perhaps, Lou, in your moments of staring at the clouds in the skies you'll settle down a little. But, if not, I am conducting class all week and am more than willing to continue helping you be your better self.


Doom is in the box.

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Originally posted by Eagle_Lou:

WildBill Hiccup,,, I never said shut Davis down. I said, and meant, no 100+ yards for Steven this weekend. What I did say though is that the Eagles are gonna Stomp the Skins on Sunday. Thats All Folks !!!

[<IMG SRC="http://www.extremeskins.com/ubb/edited.gif" border=0> by wildbillskins on November 20, 2001.]

[edited.gif by Eagle_Lou on November 20, 2001.]

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Originally posted by Eagle_Lou:

Blade,,,, Sorry dude, Im like my Eagles, I like to blitz the opposition to death, if ya want to read my posts, youll have to read between the lines....You guyz lost it a few years back and your only getting worse. Watch the Eagles beat your club senseless on Sunday. Yo Adrian, is the pig done yet? LoL. I love watching those Rocky reruns.

[edited.gif by Eagle_Lou on November 20, 2001.]

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It's ok, Blade. This is an Eagle's version of "clever". It appears that that's their defense's version of clever too.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor


"I fear we've awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve."

- Japanese Imperial Admiral Yamamoto, after hearing that the Japanese declaration of war failed to reach the U.S. government before the attack upon Pearl Harbor

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Originally posted by Eagle_Lou:

Heres one coming back at you Redman, How many Redskins will it take to stop an Eagle from taking off this Sunday? None, because Pigskins dont fly. Eagles got it going on all 10 cylinders guyz. Prepare for a battle that will leave your Skins shaking. Just ask any Giant or Cowboy fan. Cards got lucky once against us, but lightning doesnt strike twice in 1 season. Sorry Skins, your going down and Im just here to let you know that little tibbit. LoL

[edited.gif by Eagle_Lou on November 20, 2001.]

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Here is the rule for you. Stop misrepresenting others words in your posts, or I'll delete them. If this is too difficult for you to understand, what I am saying is stop putting your words in the quote of another person.


Originally posted by Blade:

Blade,,,, Sorry dude, Im like my Eagles

If your here to talk trash, at least make the statement YOUR words and not someone elses. Or I can just delete your misquoted trash. Your choice.

[edited.gif by Blade on November 20, 2001.]

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My apologies Blade. Wont happen again. This is your board and im new here and an Eagle fan as well. As you are beginning to see I love to talk the talk. Heck when was the last time my club enjoyed 1st place, 1988? You have a great board make-up here, by far better than my own Eagle board, which is also very well constructed but not as good as this one here in Skins land. Ill try as best I can to keep out of the trash talk and talk sense about what our clubs will be doing this Sunday. Again sorry, no harm was intended to mis quote your people. As you can see I cleaned up most of my mess. Im learning. Peace out. 4 now that is.

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This is such a hoot!laugh.gif Like I said earlier, these knuckleheads make Boys fans look like Albert E. himself.

It's certainly not going to be pretty for these neanderthals if the Skins do, in fact, win the game. Not pretty at all.frerotte.gif

Wouldn't THAT be sweet?biggrin.gif

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What impresses me so much is the "extraordinary" confidence he exudes which, besides resembling that of a lushed drunk in a wine factory, hedges slightly, no, exceeds that of being absurd. laugh.gifeyebrows.gif

I am still waiting more tangible evidence and facts to support the claimant's claim. I am waiting on the summons of compelibility to exalt him to their feet, so that he may worship their uni's and kiss their spit laden cleats.

I am in hope that this display of fanmanship is by far, the most exubarant expression, besides one of unsupported fact and stupidity, of a kind all may share and come to appreciate in the NFL, like the winners that were that have laid the funk down in the past.

Now we are in awe of this......thang that has crept and stabbed and even fight.gif his way to our toilet bowl, for he'll never have the heart!

<FONT COLOR="Yellow">HTTR!!!!</FONT c> injun.gif

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Actually, Davis and Carter may have huge running stats vs. Philly, since Campbell's kneecap is hurt. While he has solidified the right guard spot this year, his replacement, is actually a far better run-blocker (not so adroit at pass protection though). I look for the Redskins running stats to be much better than Duce and co.'s.

So for Mary Lou, or whatever its name was. . . don't count your eaglets before they hatch, youngster. The yolk may be all over YOU!

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Pssst, Shamaran, just to let you know, Campbell hasn't been in the lineup for weeks. Coleman has been the starter since Carolina and Campbell has only been in for spot duty in the jumbo packages.

But, other than that, your point is solid smile.gif.


Doom is in the box.

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Duce Staley could be a very good back if he could manage to play more than 3 games in a row before getting hurt. I predict Brian Mitchell will be playing RB by the 4th quarter! As for stopping Stephen Davis better try something else it aint going to happen. Davis 125 yards and 2 TD's mark it down!

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right now there is no comparison between Davis and Staley. Staley is not the focal point of the Philly offense and has been spotted in terms of carries by Reid so the team doesn't end up with him dinged again.

On the other side of the field, Davis IS the focal point of the offense and doesn't play off of a pro bowl quarterback for his yards.

Davis has played all 9 games so far and is fast moving up the NFC rushing charts with 750 yards. That projects to 1,350 yards for the season. And that is factoring in only 125 yards in the first three games!

Meanwhile Duce and Emmitt Smith have had their share of injury problems and don't look bound for the pro bowl this season.

Ask Andy Reid if he would like to trade Staley for Davis straight up and I am sure he would jump at the opportunity. smile.gif

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Originally posted by NavyDave:

What kind of feathers are those in the Redskin Headdress?

I do believe they are Eagle Feathers.caveman.gif

Remember crow is best served with a RED(faced)Whine

Text...Actually, they may be Turkey Feathers in the Redskin Headdress because an Eagle has Talons and they are the most beautiful feathers of all unlike the ones in the Redskins Headdress...... Yes Crow shall be served to the red faced Redskins on Sunday, along with some late nite appetizers like cheeze and crackers to go along with their pathetic little whines. Booo Whooo.

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Originally posted by indyskinsfan:

What impresses me so much is the "extraordinary" confidence he exudes which, besides resembling that of a lushed drunk in a wine factory, hedges slightly, no, exceeds that of being absurd. laugh.gifeyebrows.gif

I am still waiting more tangible evidence and facts to support the claimant's claim. I am waiting on the summons of compelibility to exalt him to their feet, so that he may worship their uni's and kiss their spit laden cleats.

I am in hope that this display of fanmanship is by far, the most exubarant expression, besides one of unsupported fact and stupidity, of a kind all may share and come to appreciate in the NFL, like the winners that were that have laid the funk down in the past.

Now we are in awe of this......thang that has crept and stabbed and even fight.gif his way to our toilet bowl, for he'll never have the heart!

<FONT COLOR="Yellow">HTTR!!!!</FONT c> injun.gif

Text....Hey Sir Nose Der Funk is that you talkin the babble there? Oh my god I dont know wether to take a bow or flip you the bird for what you just said. Ill have to get out my Funk and Wagnal to see just what it is your trying to communicate to us all there. Do all Skin fans think like you? Ewwwwwww.

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Hey Eagle_Ru...er Eagle_Lou. Two things. Firstly, it looks like history is trying to repeat itself in DC. First we had Riggo, now we got Steve-O. Philly's run D is lame. You do the math.

Secondly, you might want to run a grammar AND spell check before you flame others for lapses in those departments because as G. Gordon Liddy would say, it shows that you were edu-ma-cated in the pubic er public school system.

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