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2007 Uncapped


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I was just asking what people thought, obviously, some of you just want to BASH

Andy, we all understand that you want to express yourself. That is, after all, why we post. So we don't want to bash. However, when a new thread is posted, an old thread drops off the front page. If that new thread is redundant, something else people may want to read about drops off. Heck, even something newsworthy drops off, and then I may not know that Lavar's mother hates Snyder and has put a voodoo curse out on Art (just for fun, say :silly: ). That's a tragedy.

There are several threads on this very subject already. Check the search function and post in an already existing thread.

By the way, I will be in Nellysford this weekend, then going out to Highland County for the Maple Festival. Is the weather suposed to be nice?

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If the CBA is not resolved, is it worth it to have a bad year in 2006, knowing that the richest owner will bring us what we need to win it all for the next however many years?

If the CBA is not resolved, it wont matter whether "its worth it" to have a bad year in 2006. If the CBA isnt resolved, then the CBA isnt resolved. Its not like we're making a decision to have one bad year with the supposed garauntee of "winning it all" for years to come. That would just be the situation we were faced with.

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An uncapped year in the NFL would never hurt the Skins, only help. However, why is everybody who poses this question automatically assuming we will be bad in '06. It has already been stated we won't lose any current starters (other than MAYBE Clark and Royal) if there is no new CBA. With the addition of Saunders we have THE greatest coaching staff in the NFL, and a team that went to the playoffs despite a rack of injuries and the hardest schedule in the NFL. Barring any major, significant injuries next year, there is absolutely no reason to seriously believe we won't be returning to the post-season in '06, regardless of whether or not there is a new CBA agreement.:2cents:

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Andy, we all understand that you want to express yourself. That is, after all, why we post. So we don't want to bash. However, when a new thread is posted, an old thread drops off the front page. If that new thread is redundant, something else people may want to read about drops off. Heck, even something newsworthy drops off, and then I may not know that Lavar's mother hates Snyder and has put a voodoo curse out on Art (just for fun, say :silly: ). That's a tragedy.

There are several threads on this very subject already. Check the search function and post in an already existing thread.

By the way, I will be in Nellysford this weekend, then going out to Highland County for the Maple Festival. Is the weather suposed to be nice?

Got it, enjoy Nellysford, it is beautiful out here. 70's all weekend

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Even if the CBA is not signed tonight, eventually it will be. I don't care what stipulations were set forth, there are not enough owners in the NFL that want an uncapped year. If there is no CBA, they'll create some new form of agreement that will supercede what is supposed to occur due to the expiration of the CBA. I don't believe there will EVER be an uncapped year. It was just written into the agreement as a scare tactic to convince owners to make sure that the CBA never expires.

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Got it, enjoy Nellysford, it is beautiful out here. 70's all weekend

Excellent. I will actually be in Love, but close enough.

TO answer your original question, I would think that we will be all right this year with or without a CBA, and in great shape after that; though the thought of free agent restrictions (only one per playoff team) that has been floated does make me worried. But all in all, I think we would be in great shape, both years.

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Even if the CBA is not signed tonight, eventually it will be. I don't care what stipulations were set forth, there are not enough owners in the NFL that want an uncapped year. If there is no CBA, they'll create some new form of agreement that will supercede what is supposed to occur due to the expiration of the CBA. I don't believe there will EVER be an uncapped year. It was just written into the agreement as a scare tactic to convince owners to make sure that the CBA never expires.

I dont think any owner really wants no CBA. What i thinbk is the High revenue Owners dont want to share there little profits while having debt

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I dont think any owner really wants no CBA. What i thinbk is the High revenue Owners dont want to share there little profits while having debt

Yeah, of course. I was just responding to the initial title and subject of the thread. A lot of people on the board are making the mistake of thinking that there will be an uncapped year. It's my opinion that it will never happen. Both the top 6-9 revenue-earning owners and the lower income owners will ultimately agree on a deal. An uncapped year will hurt both sides of the party. Remember, to ANY owner, it's a business first. Paying even more outrageous salaries wouldn't help anyone.

Even more importantly, as the payrolls increase, their net profit decreases. Guess who will have to make up for that lost profit? And you think 'Skins tickets and beer are expensive now?

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