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Gibbs...losing his touch...or settin for future?


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this might be just me but... when gibbs came back i was really exited... and now i kind of feel like he's nervous kinda. he has really givin up all his authority ...we got greg calling all D with total control of the D...and Al who just took total control of the offence...so gibbs says...im going to help danny smith on special teams???!? and work with player personal (which is more understandable) but dont really remember the old gibbs days...was he this conservative? b/c he sounded much more exiting back in the 80's compaird to now..kind of giving up responsaability... OR is he setting us up for the future??

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well, Gibbs never ran the defense (Petibone from previous era), so the GW thing isn't relevant.

Saunders is a different story, however. think he just wants some fresh ideas from a familiar perspective to help out the offense, and you couldn't choose a better complimant to Joe than Al...both being from similar offensive minded backgrounds.

people are making too big a deal out of this really...MANY teams have a functioning HC supported by both a OC and DC. just relax and enjoy Gibbs ver2 while we've got it, mmm'kay?? ;)

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Make no mistake, when it comes down to big decisions in game Joe Gibbs makes the final call. That said, he told Dan Snyder when he agreed to come back that'd he'd only come back if the ownership stopped being so enmeshed in the day-to-day decisions. Gibbs is the true leader of this organization.

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I thought we made it to the divisional playoffs this year after being 6-10 last year?

I thought the OP asked a question and made an observation about next year? A year in which this past year means nothing.

I've thought about this as well and I always remember Gibbs on the sidelines with the clip board, I don't ever recall him giving up that kind of control. Maybe it works, maybe it won't.. The guys have clearly responded to Gibbs, I'm not sure how this may affect them mentally if they see him pulling back.

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Lots of other coaches have o coordinators who call the plays. Parcells did it this year. Why is it different for Gibss? I don't think it is. There are so many duties to being a head coach and play calling is a very intensive process. It doesn't surprise or worry me that he is letting saunders have some freedom. Gibbs is doing what is best for the team as he usually does. All is well.

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Joe Gibbs has a style and way about him that can never be lost. In fact it grows stronger. His willingness and ability to adapt is uncanny. He is something all other coaches and leaders should aspire to be. I'm not just talking about football. Look at the whole body of work and I challenge anyone to find something Joe Gibbs has failed at.

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It was a similar situation back in the 80s/ early 90's where Gibss had a D cor. and O cor. This time though Gibbs is setting the team up for success after he leaves by bringing in Saunders whos philosophy is kinda like Gibbs its just modified for todays NFL (remember they came from the same coaching tree) and locking up Williams. What Gibbs is doing is making sure that the chemistry, philosophy of team, character etc. dont drastically change when hes gone and that the team can continue to flourish after him. Don't worry.

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Someone said in a previous post that a lot of coaches have o-cord., and d-cord. The head coach jsut oversees everything and makes final dec. That is what Gibbs is doing. He has complete control of the team and he is simply delegating responsibilty to the people he feels best qualified to perfrom a specific task.

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I thought the OP asked a question and made an observation about next year? A year in which this past year means nothing.

I've thought about this as well and I always remember Gibbs on the sidelines with the clip board, I don't ever recall him giving up that kind of control. Maybe it works, maybe it won't.. The guys have clearly responded to Gibbs, I'm not sure how this may affect them mentally if they see him pulling back.

Is he pulling back, or focusing his energies on other things? Gibbs will be out there on the field coaching the players as he always has. That won't change.

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