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Great Superbowl Commercials


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As you guys know the NFL Network usually has a Superbowl Commercial with players/coaches who didn't make it sing the Annie theme 'Tomorrow'...Do you think Clinton or Sanata (maybe even both) will be there this year? (I know LaVar was there a couple of years ago). Next year I know we won't have a need to be in the commercial. :cheers:

My 5 Funniest Commercials.

5. 7Up (Win $1 Million if you can dunk). (Guy runs out of his with a cup of coffee and a basketball going to work.

4. Nationwide Insurance (MC Hammer dancing in front of his house and 30 mintues later it's get reposessed.)

3. Ameriquest (Guy is fixing dinner, the cat jumps up on the stove and sauce spills...His woman walks through the door to find him holding a knife and the cat).

2. Gatorade (Old Jordan vs. Young Jordan Not very funny but man is it Sweet)

1. Reebok (Terrible Terry Tate - If you've seen it I don't need to explain it).

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It was some .com commercial from the Titans/Rams Superbowl. There was an old guy, a retarded guy, and a chimp sitting in a garage clapping to music. At the end the announcer comes on and says, "We just wasted a million dollars, what are you doing with your money?"

I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that.

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The Mountain Dew commercial where the guy on his Mountain Bike chased down a cheetah, reached down its throat, and recovered his Mountain Dew can.....

Also the Cat Round-Up was pretty funny too.....

"Terry Tate, Office Linebacker" was, and still is, a classic!!!!!

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It was some .com commercial from the Titans/Rams Superbowl. There was an old guy, a retarded guy, and a chimp sitting in a garage clapping to music. At the end the announcer comes on and says, "We just wasted a million dollars, what are you doing with your money?"

I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that.

Yeah I remember that, that was funny

Terry Tate is #1 on my list.

4. Nationwide Insurance (MC Hammer dancing in front of his house and 30 mintues later it's get reposessed.)

This would be somewhere on my list as well. That was hillarious

(and it's 15 minutes later......15 minutes of fame....)

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Well many of the bowl commercials were great,but i still miss the bud bowl..i would actually bet on that game too.But the funniest commercial i have seen as of late is the budweiser commercial with the zebra referee time and time again reviewing a play, "man what a jackass" .Wasnt seen in superbowl...yet

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Google Video has a number of Terry Tate clips available:


SOme of my other favorites:

The Careerbuilder add series where the guy is working with a bunch of chimps.

Last year, Emerald Nuts where the dad sitting on the couch tells his young daughter that the Easter Bunny will die if he shares the nuts with her.

And was there a jeans add with the guy walking down the street with his legs bending in all directions? That was more eye-catching than funny - I think it was Levis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this thread isn't about today's commercials, but I had to comment. Just after the close of the 2nd half, they had an NFL commercial of the "faces of the fans around the NFL." They had fans from all teams, but one stood out.

A little girl who had a shirt on that said "Anyone but Dallas"

I gave a little shout for joy at the Redskins fan, and then looked at my wife and did another after that. Go whoever's playing Dallas! :point2sky

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