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i'd do this if i was a teacher and one of my students was a cowboy fan, would you?


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I think the bronco fan/kid over reacted, as if he was a real victim.

And I think that bronco fan/kid just over reacted in the wrong place, being that he is behind enemy lines.

I suspect he is going to get smacked around by some steeler fan/bully(s)

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The key here is that itwas an ethnicities class and the teacher said he was trying to prove a point about minorities being singled out and he was joking with him.

Come on, has our society gotten that pussified??? I remember being hit with a paddle in elementary school and it was legal! Now this kids is complaining because for one day he had to sit on the floor? What makes him special?

These kids need to grow some balls and stop being so sensitive! Give me a break!

can't believe some of you are thinking the kid is a *****. What kind of fans are we to even think the teacher didnt do anything wrong? The teacher clearly demonstrated behavoir of a Pennsylvania fan, be it Eagles or Steelers.

No teacher should force a student to do that, now if he lost a bet, that is different. It's not being a ***** in any way, but that could be taken as assault also. Sure teachers were allowed to beat a student in the past, but that was due to misconduct, usually. The kid did no wrong but support his team. Now, if some Redskins fan kid complained cause a Cowboys fan teacher did that, I'm sure you'd be singing a different tune, and you'd probably want to make sure that teacher gets some just desserts.

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The Teacher should be reprimaned. I find it suspect that he tried to prove a point during the Broncos steelers game (the teacher being a steelers fan) and during a midterm with a student who was wearing a broncos jersey. I just don't buy it. I think it was a lame excuse that was made after the fact.

On the flip side, this shouldn't be news. The principal should take care of this quietly and quickly. There is no reason the student should have talked to the press.

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The key here is that itwas an ethnicities class and the teacher said he was trying to prove a point about minorities being singled out and he was joking with him.

Come on, has our society gotten that pussified??? I remember being hit with a paddle in elementary school and it was legal! Now this kids is complaining because for one day he had to sit on the floor? What makes him special?

These kids need to grow some balls and stop being so sensitive! Give me a break!

My thoughts exactly. Everyone needs to relax- the media has obviously put this whole thing out of context. The teacher was making a point- and it was a joke! Maybe they let the kid retake the test or something....but give me a break. Next thing you know his family will sue the school for millions. What a wuss. This kid is going to get eaten up in the real world..... I hope he grows up to play for the Cowboys.

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