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What the worse part about losing???


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I hate that we went down like that... with all the opportunities....

but the worst thing about losing is like said before no Redskins to watch next week... nothing to look forward to all week.... nothing to drive me on through the work week... well nothing as driving as watchin the skins play thats for sure..... o well heres to the free agency, the draft and a strong 06-07 season....

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Man I don't know guys. I think it's a beautiful day out and I feel great. I guess the skins didn't even belong in the postseason in the first place. It was only a matter of time until their luck ran out. The Skins were the biggest imposters this year and its good that they finally realize that. Enjoy the rest of the playoffs you **** talking bunch of losers.

Poor baby.

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My first reaction is to say that the season is over. But that's not really the worst part about losing. Because even if the Redskins won the Super Bowl, that's still only two more games. The season will be over for everybody soon, win or lose.

The worst part about losing, to me, is the missed opportunity. Now, this wasn't our best shot, but it was our best shot in a long time. Hopefully we'll have a better shot next year. You tell yourself, once your team makes the playoffs, that a Super Bowl win probably isn't happening. There are 11 other teams in the postseason, and this year, every single one of those teams had had a regular season as good as if not better than the Redskins'. The Redskins would have had to go on the road and beaten three teams that had better records than the Redskins, and done so consecutively. You remind yourself that the only team to do that, in NFL history, is the 85 Patriots, and they got trounced when they got to the Super Bowl.

But it doesn't matter. The thoughts drift into your head anyway. How good it's gonna feel when Gibbs lifts that trophy...

Then, BANG!, it's gone. And you have 7 months to wait until they get another shot.

That's the worst part.

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The worst part about losing is riding to a Redskins game party with three close friends, that are Dallas Cowboys fans, hearing them say that this seahawks game is the end of the road. Me....decked out in my redskins gear and listening to all the comments like...."Well I guess you'll hang your jacket and that jersey up" or....."Well just like us [Dallas Fans] you'll be watching the games at home". I love my skins...win or lose...a fan is a fan, and no matter what happens I will be in full force every year.

No matter what....this season was great....beating the Cowboys once would have been enough for me but they beat them twice.....thanks for beating the Cowboys...:dallasuck

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I had to watch the game at work, so I fielded phone calls from my entire family after the game. My mom, dad, brother, wife and grandmother all called to offer their "condolences." It was almost as if my favorite uncle had just died. And that's about the way I felt.

The good news? My "favorite uncle" will not only come back to life next year, but be stronger than he was last year. How cool is that?

EXACTLY. It has been like a death in the family. Couldn't have described it better. But what a great way to put it about next year.

Heck I feel like calling out of work tomorrow, yet again that would be too obvious. :doh:

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Man I don't know guys. I think it's a beautiful day out and I feel great. I guess the skins didn't even belong in the postseason in the first place. It was only a matter of time until their luck ran out. The Skins were the biggest imposters this year and its good that they finally realize that. Enjoy the rest of the playoffs you **** talking bunch of losers.

It's pathetic if all you have left to do in your life is kick those who are down. God save this soul and give him a life.

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I can understand the sting of losing, but I wouldn't let those things bother you. If fans of other teams try to heckle you... well, if it were me, the answer to every question or every jab would be "10-6" or "division round". There are only a few teams whose fans have the right to talk trash at this point, and if they have any class, they won't.

Thanks Blue Talon. Props to your team bigtime. They were there on a tear to win it. I guess we can take solace that we stunned them some, but they really came to play and played well. Hasselbeck shined when he needed to and got around our defense who has been SO hot the last 6 weeks. I hope you go far and I will be cheering for you guys. I want either you guys or the Broncos to beat the Colts. (I do respect the Broncos also).

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The worst part about losing is that Seattle gave us every chance to win! :(

Our D was awesome again!! Hasselback was throwing up some crazy desperation passes we were pressuring him and he did some very silly things.

Anyways, it was great year and I'm looking forward to next year, just so long as Brunell is starting QB.

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I was fielding phone calls from cowpuke fans the whole second half saying the party is over. Now when I go back to work, I will hear it from all angles including calls from the west coast, freaking 9er fans. Not to mention Iggle pukes. It sucks not living around DC, because everyone like different teams. When you grow up around DC everyone likes the Skins, so you don't hear it as bad.

The funny part about your friends is that their teams party was over along time ago. So don't take any sheet from them. LOL


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Losing. Losing. Losing. It sucks to lose, especially when the Seahawks tried to give us the game, and we didn't take advantage of it. Gibbs must consider getting Jason Campbell some work this year in mini camp, and training camp. Brunell will be a great backup, and tutor for him. We need speed and strength at the qb position, and Brunell is just getting too old for a 18-19 game season. He looked bad Saturday, he was limping after getting hit, and just looked tired.

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