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Some Comicbook art.


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It occured to me in the Stadium section that there are some comicbook fans posting around these parts. So I figured I'd share some of my recent work. If you have any of your own, feel free to share them in this thread.




And in technicolor...


You can see more by clicking on the pic in my signature.

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The second appears to be Thor vs. Hulk. Good stuff. Always wondered who would win that one.

I always wondered that myself. I couldn't decide who would win so I kinda just tried to made it look like something epic was about to happen.

The 3rd one is my version of The Crow.

The 4th one is a cover for a book I was working on.

Some of the character design work for that:




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You do great work.

Have you tried getting work with the Major Publishers?

I haven't tried in a serious way in a long time. Comicbook industry is shrinking and a bit unstable as far as careers go. I've always been able to make a whole lot more money doing other things. If it paid the bills though, I'd be all over it.

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I haven't tried in a serious way in a long time. Comicbook industry is shrinking and a bit unstable as far as careers go. I've always been able to make a whole lot more money doing other things. If it paid the bills though, I'd be all over it.

Have you ever published your own stuff? Like any TPBs or anything like that?

What kind of stuff are you most into or would you like to draw?

Like crime drama a la Lapham's Stray Bullets or Bendis' Torso?

Like Smith's Bone? Like Moore's SiP?

Like traditional Superhero?

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Have you ever published your own stuff? Like any TPBs or anything like that?

What kind of stuff are you most into or would you like to draw?

Like crime drama a la Lapham's Stray Bullets or Bendis' Torso?

Like Smith's Bone? Like Moore's SiP?

Like traditional Superhero?

I self published twice. Once in the mid 90s, a 48 page book called Crucifix. It was a darker story. Preacher's son with a mental problem slicing up drug dealers and such.

I also self Published another book called Soleil not too long ago. Post Apocalypse story... like Mad Max with a twist I guess.... with some Indiana Jones thrown in.



I sold both at Comicbook conventions and local comic shops. Never distributed nationwide. I'll probably do the same with this next book, which is more swords and sorcery.

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The Preacher's son one sounds cool--do you have any extra copies that I could buy from you?

Where did you distribute? To places like Big Planet and the like?

I wish I still had copies of Crucifix. Only printed 500 of them and sold them a long time ago. If I still had the original art, I'd reprint it... but to be honest it wasn't very good. The art I'm showing in this thread is a vast improvement. Crucifix was printed shortly after I graduated highschool. I might try to find some sketches and post them for kicks. I've thought about redoing it with my current skills.

I lived in Dallas when I put that together. Sold most of my copies at the San Diego Comic Convention. Had a signing at a shop called Ka-Boom and also the Dallas Fantasy Fair.

Soleil was sold at various shops in the DC area, The Pittsburg con, Charlotte and a small show in Tysons corner.

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df: Hell, that's better than most people could ever do--and damn good for anyone irrespective of age. I'm bummed you don't have any copies of the Book. Maybe I'll be able to find it on eBay.

I guess anything is possible, but I'd be shocked!

Like I said though, I've thought about redoing it. If I do, I might set it up as an webcomic. I'll let you know if I do it.

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I guess anything is possible, but I'd be shocked!

Like I said though, I've thought about redoing it. If I do, I might set it up as an webcomic. I'll let you know if I do it.


Do you still read stuff produced these days? If so, what titles are you reading these days?

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Do you still read stuff produced these days? If so, what titles are you reading these days?

I don't buy monthly issues anymore. I stop by a Shop in Old Towne every once in a while and pick up trade paperbacks. I follow artists more than I follow characters or books. But the one book I make sure I buy when it hits the stands is Hellboy.

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Nice stuff... Im not a comic guy but you're pretty talented... Shame you couldn't find a way to make a living at it... When your finished with your next project make sure you post where we can get it... I'd be interested. :cheers:

Thanks man, I'll definately pimp it here.

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