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After New Video Evidence Will/should Gibbs Sit Taylor???


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We are in G. Washington's city and should abide by his rules.

When he was only 14 years old, George Washington wrote his Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation.

Rule 12: Shake not the head, feet, or legs; roll not the eyes, lift not one eyebrow higher than the other; wry not the mouth; and bedew no man's face with your spittle by approaching too near him when you speak.

Fortunately, George didn't lay out any ground rules for punishment. Therefore, even though S. Taylor attemped to bedew another man's face with his spittle, it only means that he is not Civil and Decent. Boo hoo.

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Maaaaaaan get cha post count up before you come at me with that youngster nonsense....then you need to READ a post before you respond instead SKIMMING them.

your age, 31, hence the youngster comment........My post count was very high several weeks ago!;)

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I saw the video evidence. I have been anti-Taylor when discussing the event. However, having watched the tape, I didn't see any saliva actually hit Pittman. It looked to me like Sean spit while jawing with Michael but he spit at the ground. Then Pittman swings at Taylor.

Am I wrong? Did anyone else see Pittman get hit with spit? From what I could see the "lunger" got nowhere near him. It didn't even look like it was intended for Pittman.

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I saw the video evidence. I have been anti-Taylor when discussing the event. However, having watched the tape, I didn't see any saliva actually hit Pittman. It looked to me like Sean spit while jawing with Michael but he spit at the ground. Then Pittman swings at Taylor.

Am I wrong? Did anyone else see Pittman get hit with spit? From what I could see the "lunger" got nowhere near him. It didn't even look like it was intended for Pittman.

he does tend to spit after almost every play if u watch him.....i never saw any spit actually HITTING pittman and it didn't look close to his face :whoknows:

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Football is a business and winnung games is the nature of the bsiness. Why should JG bench our best defensive player? It has been handled by the league and I'm sure JG handled it in house. Let this die already. This isn't college ball. This is the pros. It's the playoffs. Hell no should we bench Taylor.

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