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Anybody recognize this man.

Seahawk Ref

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Yeah, that's the guy Marcus Washington is going to strip the ball from and ST&Co. will take it to the House!

People forget that we were SMACKING Alexander earlier in the season. He doesn't want to talk about it, but the Skins were hitting hard as hell. Rogers forced a fumble, it just went right out of bounds. Where the turnovers weren't coming earlier in the season, we're getting them now. I say Alexander fumbles at least once. The NFC West aka "the creampuff division" (that's from the league charter...I didn't make that up, I swear) doesn't hit like the Redskins.

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Recognize this man?


If not, you should be seeing a lot of his back side going into the end zone multiple times on Saturday.

I don't recognize the guy with the ball. But if you mean that guy in the background wearing the yellow jacket? I think that might be my neighbor.

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This **** kills me. The Seattle fans that come to the boards post nothing worth noting. No stats, no insight, nothing of worth. And I guess it's just asking too much for you guys to even try to be respectable.They just post pics of SA37 and act like that's doing something. Most of the true football fans here recognize how big a threat he is, but it was against questionable talent. They are going to play against a credible team this weekend. If the Hawks win, the majority of us will say, "Wow that wasn't bad for a team that was picked to go 4 -12" and we'll be proud of our team. If we win, you guys will be nowhere to be found. Sitting there, left scratchin your nuts and wondering what happened to your #1 Team in the NFC East from the #1 in the US for raising two legged dogs according to Leg Humpers Weekly. Geez, and I thought the Giants and Cowboys trolls were the worst.

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If seahawks ref is the person I think he is he dresses up in a zebra uniformand sits in the front row of the farside endzone. I think I know exactly who this clown is...

You're just jealous because I'm down front, and you're way up in the cheap seats.

Anyway, speaking of clown, you're the clown! If you know who I am, you must go to lots of Seahawk games, right! :laugh:

I'm sure you enjoy watching our boys play. You see the Hawks with your own eyes. You've seen our victories personally, and know what our 12th man does to other teams. You nned to speak the truch to your Redskin Padres---dude!!

And you're in here pretending to be a skins fan. Wow!!! Come find me on Saturday. I'll buy you a beer. Better yet, I'll let you buy me two young'in.:cheers:

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Oh common guys, cut them some slack. We can only imagine what it must be to never have even come close to tasting a superbowl, let alone a victory or three. Just think - at the end of every season, it must TRULY suck to be them. :(

Personally, I pity them. They need this moment of glory and enjoyment, because it will end all too quickly. After this Saturday, they will be doing what they do at the end of EVERY Seahawks season - wallowing in misery. So cut them some slack now, ey?

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I'm sure you enjoy watching our boys play. You see the Hawks with your own eyes. You've seen our victories personally, and know what our 12th man does to other teams. You nned to speak the truch to your Redskin Padres---dude!!

And you're in here pretending to be a skins fan. Wow!!! Come find me on Saturday. I'll buy you a beer. Better yet, I'll let you buy me two young'in.:cheers:

We understand. Let it out. Let all those years of pain and misery out. We can't really imagine what it feels like to support a team that hasn't even won a playoff game in 21 years, but we're human and we empathize. We know it sucks to be you, and we care.

Common guys, we should take up a collection for group therapy for Seattle. They obviously need it. :2cents:

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An interesting little bit of psychological analysis here. We have a guest using the name of Seahawk Ref trolling our boards this week, telling us how the Seahawks will beat us in the upcoming game. Thus far all he has managed to do is entertain a few of us with his pathetic attempts at humour, however what strikes me as most odd is his username, it implies; at least from where im stood, that the Seahawks need the Refs help to beat us. What do you say about that then friend?

Ahhhh!!!! It worked. What do you think about that my friend?!:point2sky

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Oh common guys, cut them some slack. We can only imagine what it must be to never have even come close to tasting a superbowl, let alone a victory or three. Just think - at the end of every season, it must TRULY suck to be them. :(

Personally, I pity them. They need this moment of glory and enjoyment, because it will end all too quickly. After this Saturday, they will be doing what they do at the end of EVERY Seahawks season - wallowing in misery. So cut them some slack now, ey?

Have fun watching us play next Sunday.

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You're just jealous because I'm down front, and you're way up in the cheap seats.

Anyway, speaking of clown, you're the clown! If you know who I am, you must go to lots of Seahawk games, right! :laugh:

I'm sure you enjoy watching our boys play. You see the Hawks with your own eyes. You've seen our victories personally, and know what our 12th man does to other teams. You nned to speak the truch to your Redskin Padres---dude!!

And you're in here pretending to be a skins fan. Wow!!! Come find me on Saturday. I'll buy you a beer. Better yet, I'll let you buy me two young'in.


Where were you little boy. I offered you free beer and you didn't show. Scared I bet!!!:laugh:

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