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I got Sean Taylor's back!!


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yeah hes made a lot of dumb mistakes and what he did or didnt do Saturday was dumb but you look at this year on the field and off hes matured outside of his criminal thing hes pretty much been a good citizen. But he just needs to play ball. There no other FS in the NFL id rather have then Sean Taylor!!! :logo:

Same here! Sean can go into battle with me any day. If there's one player on my team that I want other teams to fear or hate, it's my safety.

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i support Taylor 100% and i dont care what any of you other 40 something year old dudes think we finally have some badass attitude on our team, hes a nasty football player and he will always be a nasty player, get over it the man is a beast. i am sick of seeing these "gibbs is running scared" posts or "should we sit Taylor" posts.... Are you kidding me! this is the playoffs, forget class and whatever else, next year nobody will be talking about this spitting incident.... its kinda sad that theres not enough going on right now in sports for ESPN to talk about anything else but whatever, i support Taylor and would want him on that field and i wouldnt care if he had come right to the stadium from an armed robbery..... we need to go to the next level, and hes the caliber of player that gets you there.

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Some of you seem to think Sean spat on Michael Pittman because he is "immature" or somesuch thing, when in fact Sean, who is a good kid inside, did this to disgrace a man who has done some very questionable things ( http://www.sptimes.com/2003/06/07/Tampabay/Player_s_wife_said_ab.shtml ), such as endanger his 2-year old and lifting his (huge) hand against a woman in anger.

Sean did his little "stunt" on the field for security reasons, since there would be people on the field preventing him from really kicking Pittman's ass after he would retaliate. In fact, there are reports that after the game Sean was spotted patiently waiting next to Pittman's sports utility vehicle, but Pittman was nowhere to be seen. According to teammate Simeon Rice, Pittman, while they were exiting the stadium, suddenly explained he had to take care of some things, and disappeared over the parking lot fence.

I have no problem with Sean's act, moreso because there's a good chance he would get away with it too. But unlucky for him, the zebra was watching the lion up close. And while I believe most people deserve a second chance and Michael shouldn't have to carry a label his whole life, I certainly do not condone Sean's act. In fact, I hope if we play against Chicago he will spit on Kyle Orton for being such a lousy quarterback.

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Kansas Fans support Taylor; I still state, it was a "set up" and Taylor bought into it. Kansas people should remember a K-State QB that was "set up" at a Bowl game. However, Skins won their game, the media overrated the spit and forgot the "sissy slap" on the field by Pittman. Shame on them.

Goes to show ya, Pitmanic will smack anyone, in front of anyone; what happened to him getting PENIL ized.............Nothing. Refs set an example........................if you don't like something, SMACK Attack and then yell SPIT!!!!!!!!!!! 15 yd penalty for your team, the player gets ejected and you get "hero sized?". Come on! WTF?!

My opinion, Taylor rocks and will definitely eat the "hawks"...........

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I got Sean's back too. We don't know what Pittman said, but Pittman tries to act like he is such a good sportsman. He probably deserved it for what he said. He's lucky Taylor was out of the game, cause he could get hurt by Taylor. Pittman will get his next year, when Sean lights him up again and again and again. Pittman your on our schedule, Taylor could end your career.:logo::logo::logo:

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I am really struggling w/ this issue, more so b/c he lied to Gregg Williams. I think spitting on ANYONE is sick and uncalled for, but I could forgive for that act pretty easliy. Lying to the men that have turned my Sundays into something great every week, thats just f-ed up.

I think that if Williams and Gibbs have handled it however they find fit then its done as far as the team is concerned. But I really wish he would have taken like a man and owned his mistake to begin with!

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It was disgusting and classless - but it's over and he can't take it back.

Moving forward, I got his back too.

He got media coverage this week - albeit negative - but people are hearing his name and if they don't know, they will soon know he is for real.


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NFL Films just came out with some Video showing definatively where he spit. You can see a big loogy falling from his face mask. It looked like it hit the facemask more than anything. I just wish people here would stop making rediculous conspiricy theories.

At any rate, I just wish we'd put this issue to bed. It's behind us, Gibbs had his talk with Sean, and now we've got the most important game of our season to play. We need to focus on that and not let this be a distraction.

Sean will redeem himself this Saturday. I believe he will.

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It was disgusting and classless - but it's over and he can't take it back.

Moving forward, I got his back too.

He got media coverage this week - albeit negative - but people are hearing his name and if they don't know, they will soon know he is for real.


The coverage he's getting sure isn't about his football skills.

A real question would be is he in the same class of people as Marcus Vick, Maurice Clarett, etc... and where is it going to lead for him.

NFL Films just came out with some Video showing definatively where he spit.

Here it is.... http://media.putfile.com/Taylor-edit29

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Doesn't everyone have some friends or a little brother that is kinds thuggish gets in alot of trouble etc... You still love em. You might even love em because of this trouble that surrounds them, it's interesting, all the drama. It's their character flaw but it's what makes them unique. Not everybody follows the straight and narrow it's OK. Everybody loves a good bad guy. We love Sean. It's better that we have him on our team than have to play a team that has him.

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funny how we give athletes special treatment or just let them slide by whenever they do something wrong.

RE: I got Sean Taylor's back!...COUNT ME IN.

ST has not been given much "special treatment."

He was fined for every real or imagined transgression his rookie year.

Was arrested, and tried, and found NOT guilty for DUI stop that most of us would have been let go for at the scene, since he didn't fail any on-site tests.

He was fined for uniform violations.

He is being prosecuted in Florida based on allegations by auto thieves.

He was ejected and fined for spitting during last week's game.

Just in case I missed something, please advise when you believe he has been given "special treatment?"

Appears to me that a lot of people are getting very puffed up over the spitting incident. I wish he hadn't been involved, but have known a few NFL players who've told me some stories that make this incident pale in comparison...that doesn't make what he did right...just puts it into some context.

He plays and works hard...has the respect of his teammates and coaches...and throws his body around with abandon on the field trying to win games for my favorite team.

NFL football is a brutal, contact sport and I'm not surprised when players have trouble staying completely under control...particularly the younger ones. Not sure how well I'd do trying to keep it between the lines and the whistles.

If you want to break bad on ST, you'll get no help or support from me!

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