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Spurrier's first play


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I'm thinking (and it hurts) the hype surrounding Steve's Complete Revitilization of The Concept of Offense is gonna get thicker than the buildup to the Super Bowl. This hype will built until the first play of the first regular season game. <br /><br />I think the first play should be used to send a message to all the people who've been saying what should be done. A way of saying who's in charge. A statement. <br /><br />The image I've got in my head is: Nobody knows who the starting QB will be, or who's the "#1" reciever, or will we completely abandon the run, or whatever. <br /><br />The Skins break huddle, and line up with Champ, Smoot, and Darrell, wide. Danny Wuerfel's in the shotgun, with Davis in the backfield. The ball's snapped, and Danny hands off to Davis up the middle. <br /><br />That for everybody who thinks I'm predictable.

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here's my prediction:<br /><br />first play from scrimmage (regular season) the Skins come out in 4 wides and use a fake end around to spring Jacquez Green for a 65 yard touchdown on a post down the field. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />I'm still hedging my bet on whether the Skins are going to win the game, though <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="frown.gif" />

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I think Spurrier might have some real fun with the first play.<br /><br />I figure he'll line up in that Emory and Henry formation with - get this - Craig split wide, along with four other receivers.<br /><br />Then the ball will be snapped to Blake who'll run for a first down.<br /><br />Way to go Rosewood.<br /><br />RebelYell

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Nope. After a preseaon of fine tuning his offensive scheme, where the S.S. offense for the pros is still in its infancy. We will see Kornheiser and Wilbon devote an entire 1/2 hour to the S.S. offense in the pros. <br /><br />"Hey! I said S.S. will be the next big innovator in the game and I think he's shown us a little of that so far. By the way, nice coat!"....."Yea yea. I got this coat at ....anyway. He hasn't shown me much. His offense only put up 28 pt.s per game, and it's the preseason!" (only one loss by the way. Damn Sushi.)<br /><br />Len P. will write how S.S.'s falure to realize the pro game is so much different than the S.E.C. will lead to a long and painful learning processs.<br /><br />Mort will report that sources close to Dan Snyder say he his absolutely livid about S.S.'s choice for a pre-game meal and that it doesn't bode well for the rookie Headcoach.<br /><br />USA Today will show the Redskins finishing 3rd in the new NFC East. Spurrier and his pass happy offense. Gordon Forbes will finish an article on S.S. with "Things aren't always as they seem", or some other melodramatic line.<br />The Sporting News will have the Redskins finishing last. Something about the coaching staff and owner Dan Snyder. <br /><br />Fox pregame will include Bradshaw's verbally beating up the Redskins and how Dan Snyder will keep them from winning. The teams will take the field for the first game of the season. 3 reciever set for the Skins. (fill in the names). The ball is snapped and.....................<br />Stephen Davis takes the ball up the middle for an 8 yd gain. (Skins win by the way.)

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