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Respect. (OK, old subject.)


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Been gone for a while. Just got back from 5 days at Disney. (Polynesean hotell. (Thanks, Extremers for the recommendations: Great place.))

While gone, I was denied access (well, denied time, actually) to these forums. (I wonder how many Ramsey vs. Brunell threads I missed.) But I did occasionally see (or hear) discussions of the NFL in general.

Am I the only one who notices that the media's "story" on the NFC East seems to be that:

  • Dallas (gasp!) might not make the playoffs.
  • The Redskins (gasp!) actually might squeek in.

I'm serious. That seems to be the way people are "reporting" this. They mention Dalas as the leadoff. (Often along with Marty, as examples of really good teams that might not make it.) (Somehow I suspect if this were colege, they'd be complaining about how the whole process of selecting Who Gets In is flawed, somehow, because it pays attention to things like Wins and Losses, and how teams played when they played each other, rather that doing something scientific like poling sportswriters.)

USA Today does a cover story about the teams who might make it, with a photo of each team. Dallas' photo is top center. The Skins photo is the last one.

I must've heard 5 different sets of "experts", running down the playoff situation, mention that there is a possibility that Dallas might not make it. (When I could've sworn that the more accurate description would be "Dallas might make it in, if they win and if teams that're better then they are lose.")

Less than half of these experts even mention that if the Skins win, then they're in.

No help needed.

(None of the experts mention that the reason for this inexplicable situation is because well, the Redskins beat the Cowboys. Twice.)

I understand we should be used to it by now. Maybe if I'd been checking in here for a dose of reality I wouldn't have noticed it. Just wanted to let people know that it's out there, though.

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The only explanation I can think of is this:

I think there is a perception in the media -- maybe legit, maybe not -- that the Cowboys have more fans nationwide than the Redskins. And being that the various media outlets are about making money by selling newspapers or advertising, they emphasize the Cowboys no matter what; because it sells.

Also, the Cowboys league-wide are perceived as more of a "glitz and glamour" team than the Redskins. The Redskins are a blue-collar, shut-up-and-do-your-job kind of team. It works, but it makes for boring columns.

The Cowboys also seem to have more players getting caught up in legal problems; they do more public squabbling with each other, and Parcells is far easier to get soundbites from than Joe Gibbs.

The bottom line is that the Cowboys make for good TV off the field. The Redskins make for good TV on it.

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The only explanation I can think of is this:

I think there is a perception in the media -- maybe legit, maybe not -- that the Cowboys have more fans nationwide than the Redskins. And being that the various media outlets are about making money by selling newspapers or advertising, they emphasize the Cowboys no matter what; because it sells.


They do. The pokier fans outnumber Skins fans 100 to 1 here where I live.

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All I have to say is its finally nice to have it be tough on opposing fans coming into our house.....it was miserable walking into the Skins/Boys game every year and seeing a ton of blue and white....not so miserable anymore cause now we can heckle the crap outta dem......GO SKINS, down with the iggles!!!!!!!

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Actually, I believe one of the ESPN writers named the Skins as the NFC tesm with the best chance of winning the Super Bowl. Not necessarily getting to the SB, but if they make it that far they'd have the best chance of winning.

Heard somebody on the radio saying the apparently Tony Dungy said something similar. That he wasn't predicting the Skins could get through the playoffs, but their combination of strong defense and ball-control offense made them the NFC team he feared most.

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