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Washington vs Tampa??

Thinking Skins

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I know I shouldn't be going down this road, but isnt this controversy stuff the same stuff we were saying that Tampa is about to have? I dont think that this is a controversy just yet, but I would have never expected this 3 months ago or 3 weeks ago. Anybody else think that these two teams may have a little more in common this year as teh season progresses?

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what controversy is there? The Redskins struggled with Todd Husak as the starter and won't be an effective offense without a veteran quarterback be it Banks or in the best case scenario a healthy Jeff George.

How was this a surprise?

Some of us had identified backup qb as a blind spot for some time.

As far as the rest of the team goes, who expected the line to gel from the start of camp? Most responsible people on the board indicated it would probably be 4 or 5 games in before we know what this group is really capable of.

We also knew that the depth on the defensive line was thin and without healthy ends we were in some trouble. And that has come to pass. Smith is still out and Coleman while getting reps in the games does not look like he is 100% back to form either.

The only way I could see there being real controversy was if Jeff George had been healthy throughout camp and had stunk in each of the three preseason games while the line with everyone healthy and in position for the past three weeks including Ben Coleman came out and struggled as mightily as the present group has.

Gardner and Smoot are not disappointments. Neither are Rosenfels or McCants. Carter is a nice surprise. Banks has been as well.

Once again, anyone looking for 12-4 this season is likely to be in a state of apoplexy.

But for comparison look back to the last Redskins team to win more than 10 games in a season.

How does this team compare in terms of talent, experience and depth to that 1991 team?

It doesn't. And even with the dispersion of talent in free agency this year's team still falls short of the standard set by the 1999 Rams or 2000 Ravens.

So, where is the surprise or controversy, except perhaps for the performance of the special teams the first two preseason games?

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BJohnson should be glad of Tampons defense because even though he had a TD pass against the pats last night,they were introducing him to the turf and picking off his passes bringing back memories of last year.


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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