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Where will the Redskins be after Sunday?  

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  1. 1. Where will the Redskins be after Sunday?

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I backed up the game to the last running play for Nebraska. The refs took 24 seconds from when the runner was down to when they blew the whistle for the play clock to start running. 10 seconds I could see... but 24?

I was hoping the guy would score on the last play - due to the clock mismanagement.... but most likely the refs would have thrown a flag and the game would have been over anyway since both teams players came on the field.

I really didn't care who won, and only saw the last 3 minutes so maybe the refs were that bad the whole game and both teams got screwed equally.


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That was a crazy ending. The Michigan player who ended up getting tackled could've and should've scored. He started to run downfield and had 2 blockers with him, but he outran them. Had he slowed down and used them as a convoy, he would've made it because there were only 2 Nebraska defenders in front of him, and none behind him, at that point.

I'm not surprised that there were no flags, the officiating was atrocious. It seemed like Michigan got the brunt of the bad calls too. With the huge runoff on the clock after they stopped Nebraska on 3rd down with 40 secs left, to the missed pass interference on 4th down with 2 minutes left, to TWICE in the 2nd half, Lloyd Carr had to burn timeouts just to get the refs to review very close calls. After Carr chewed out the officials the second time he called a TO to get them to review the play, it looked like the head ref was pretty much intimidated by him and just wanted to get the game over with, so they stopped throwing flags from that point on.

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I'm not one to complain about bad officiating for a few reasons - the refs are only human, bad calls over the year usually even out, and only the losing team complains about bad officiating - but last night was one of the worst cases of bad calls EVER (and yes, i'm a Michigan fan and i realize the irony involved in that sentence).

But, Tirico and Herbstreit (who graduated from OSU and doesn't like UM) spent most of the game openly slamming the poor officiating. It makes NO sense to have a crew from the f'n sun belt league call a game between a Big 10 and Big 12 school - they in no way could handle the speed with which the game was played. Unfortunately Michigan came up on the wrong end of most of the calls, but they did go both ways.

Also, i think its funny that if Eckers laterals the ball to Breston (who would have scored) that play is shown from here to eternity, it probably would have eclipsed the Stanford/Cal band play. But, since he did score it will be shown today and then forgotten - 12 yards from immortality. :(

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Both teams came on the field? Not that simple. One team took over HALF the field, the other team seeing this may have had a few guys who ventured a whole 2 yards onto it AFTER seeing the other team storm it. Sorry but that was unacceptable officiating. Also the obvious PI call that was missed before that play was pretty bad as well.

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