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A couple of Wilbon Quotes/Doubts

NorthEast Skin

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Here are a couple of Wilbon quotes from earlier this year that indicate that JJG should have been preparing next year. Good to know that our Coach understands how to handle adversity.

Post other quotes that you can fine.

Wilbon Quote November 28th:

The bottom line, however, is that the Redskins have lost six of their last eight games. Nobody who has lost six of eight should be thinking playoffs.


Wilbon Quote November 21st:

And since the season is now 10 games old, there's only one thing to conclude at this point: The Redskins aren't very good. And they're not a serious contender.


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Something from Pasty from November

(For any Joe Gibbs fans who love to chide us during our Tuesday chat sessions, uh, that's six losses in the last eight games now for your beloved Redskins.)


As far as the Wilbon quotes, he loves to state the obvious, is a huge frontrunner that constantly tries to state two sides of every topic so that he can go back and state he wasn't really wrong...he just irritates me...he needs to go back to Chicago.

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He was right on with both of those statements at the time he made them.

This was NOT a playoff team around the time we'd lost to the Raiders and Chargers at home.

The way we have played over the past 4 weeks, however... we ARE a playoff team. I am just happy that we control our own destiny and don't have to rely on help.

Make no mistake, however... if we can't beat philly at philly, then we are NOT a playoff team. It's that simple.


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When are we going to bring out the articles from all the haters around the media and roast them? I think it is about time they realize that we have not forgotten how completely off they were about the Skins. And the second one tries to jump on the bandwagon, give him a friendly push off, they have missed that one by trashing us so mercilessly in July and August.

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I like Wilbon. I don't think he was out of line for saying what he did when he did.

Like Ignatius J. just said - we're not in the playoffs yet. We need to win this week. We play before the Cowboys do - if we lose that game, you can bet your ass they're going to be pumped up and prepared to lay a whuppin' on the Rams, and they'll have the last laugh.

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I like Wilbon. I don't think he was out of line for saying what he did when he did.

Like Ignatius J. just said - we're not in the playoffs yet. We need to win this week. We play before the Cowboys do - if we lose that game, you can bet your ass they're going to be pumped up and prepared to lay a whuppin' on the Rams, and they'll have the last laugh.

Very true. The Redskins should realize that the real team they're playing is the Cowboys. Then kick that A$$!!!

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I like Wilbon, but I can see how he rubs people the wrong way. Especially when talking about the skins. At times I believe he can be too critical of Gibbs and the fans, calling him a whiner after that loss to TB didn't earn him any points with me. What do you expect after getting robbed like that? Everyone who saw that replay could clearly see that Alstot was down before the ball crossed the line. That was a huge call in a huge game that could still cost us the season. If Gibbs doesn't hold the zebra's accountable for calls like that then they won't get any better. You know he respects the officials and never rides them too much, but when they blow a game like that, you gotta point it out.

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