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Feathers Will Fly..Pluck The Eagles!!! 2500!!! YOU DID IT!!!!! (UPDATE 01-01-06)


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If, God forbid, the Eagles plane would ever crash on a deserted island, they'd be thankful Andy Reid was there. Not because his heroic leadership would guide them out of a tragic situation, but because he could feed them for months!

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How many Eagles does it take to change a light bulb?

Andy Reid: "We'll change the light bulb next year." OR "I only change the little light bulbs. I can't change the big one."

Terrell Owens: "Donovan McNabb just ain't a light bulb changer. If we brought in Brett Favre to change it, it'd be a helluva lot brighter."

Drew Rosenhaus: "Next question."

(former Eagle) Freddy Mitchell: "I'd change it, but I'm afraid Sean Taylor would knock the ladder out from under me." OR "I'd change it, but my arms are too short." OR "I'd change it, but we're still waiting for FredEx to deliver the new one."

Jeremiah Trotter: "Do you guys realize you're still paying me to change the neighbors light bulbs?"

Jevon Kearse: "I'll change it. Excuse me Mr. Jansen. Excuse me. Jon, get out of the way. Oh hell with it, change it yourself."

Brian Dawkins: "Are they light bulbs? I thought I was still seeing stars from the Sellers hit."

Any random Eagles fan: "We don't need to change the light bulb in the trophy case. There's nothing to see."

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less than 12 hours to destiny

des·ti·ny ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dst-n)

n. pl. des·ti·nies

The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot.

A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control: “Marriage and hanging go by destiny” (Robert Burton).

The power or agency thought to predetermine events: Destiny brought them together.

After the game clock read all zeros, Andy Reid was asked how he felt his team played, "They are a determined playoff team, when it came down to it we were helpless in the face of destiny," he said.

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