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Is anybody going to the Os game tonight?

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Guest fuji869

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by NavyDave:<br /><strong>Smoot should wear a Skins jersey so we can see him as well as p1ss off the locals.<br /><br />I wont attend any Wo's games</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wear your Fred Smoot Jersey so we know it is defiantly you!

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the primary purpose of sports is entertainment. What Angelos has decided to put out on the field the past two years is basically the worst talent in the AL. And he has charged premium prices for the opportunity to see it.<br /><br />when an owner has the money to put a good team on the field but refuses to do so for political or other personal reasons, then I decide to take my entertainment dollars somewhere else.<br /><br />Angelos is going to find that Baltimore fans are very fickle. You have to field a winner just to get anyone interested in going.<br /><br />I still have remembrances of Colts' PLAYOFF games where there wasn't a sellout.<br /><br />For those of us who are Washingtonians, what is the incentive to bring us 50 miles up I-95 to watch a 72-90 type team with a roster of AAA and AA players?<br /><br />Marty Cordova and Chris Singleton?<br /><br />That was your offseason? <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" /> <br /><br />Let's see, your pitching staff's 'ace' Jason Johnson won 10 or 11 games last year, and you don't make a single move to bolster your rotation?<br /><br />I guess 35 year old Scott Erickson, coming off Tommy John surgery, is going to return to his 20-win form from earlier in his career, eh?<br /><br />Well, I guess a hopeless season-ticket holder can always dream.<br /><br />I'm just glad I'm not one of them. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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I am not an O's fan but let me ask a question. A few years back a few friends of mine who are O's fans were always complaining that they were a high salary old team that didn't produce. So the owner has seemed to me has gone in the youth and cheaper mode, and is trying to build the team without the old expensive vets. Now I am a Phillies fan and my team never spends any money( we are going to lose one of the best 3rd basemen because of it) but isn't the owner making strides in the right direction. No body can spend with the Yankees so why even try. Finally I think the Phillies have a chance to knock of the 2 Yankee teams of the National league(Mets and Braves)but we will have to see<br /><br />Like I said I might be wrong as I do not folow the O's much

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the fact remains the Orioles are one of the teams in MLB that can afford to field a competitive team each season, it is just that Angelos has decided having a top flight team now with the push for DC baseball would only hurt his cause in getting a possible indemnification.<br /><br />And in regards to the purely baseball side of things, there is a world of difference between having an older, overpaid team that has lost some of its commitment and then going overboard the other way in fielding a team of AAA and AA players that no one has heard of and who aren't ready to play at this level yet.<br /><br />The Orioles have had one of the worst farm systems in recent memory and that DOES have an effect on the organization over time.<br /><br />Of course the O's didn't help themselves by holding onto Rafael Palmeiro and Roberto Alomar beyond the trade deadline on the last year of their deals when it was obvious neither wanted to be back.<br /><br />The organization made a mistake in not trading them and getting legitimate prospects in return.<br /><br />Instead they just left.<br /><br />And each time younger foreign born players from Cuba, Japan and Dom. Rep. come to MLB, the Orioles are never in line to sign them.<br /><br />These players always seem to end up in LA, Seattle, NY or Atlanta.<br /><br />Why? It's not really the money (the O's have money), but the willingness to make a commitment to winning.<br /><br />Angelos has stepped back from making that commitment, part out of criticism from the underachieving older teams of several years ago and part out of a desire for future bargaining room when the expansion dollars for DC are handed out.

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Wait a sec.<br /><br />I always assumed that most local Skins fans were also Orioles fans... That's not the case?<br /><br />Or were you guys Orioles fans before the Ravens came to town and turned you off to B'more?<br /><br />I'm a casual Mets fan. I'm a diehard Skins fan. I live an hour or so from Shea stadium. I have to fly to see the Skins play.<br /><br />If not the Orioles then who do local Skins fans root for?

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Here's something that I've been wondering about for a while. Assuming that Dan Snyder & Robert Johnson or one of the other ownership groups angling for a new baseball team in the D.C./NoVA area get their wish and the Expos are mercifully relocated, what should the team be called? Surely, they can't stick with the Expos moniker. But should they be renamed the Senators? Two MLB squads with that nickname were moved outta the nation's capital in pretty quick succession back in the '60s. Maybe calling them the Senators would be bad luck.<br /><br />What do y'all think?

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Personally, I'd love to see a Washington team called the Senators again. Lots of history. Bad history, mind you, but history nonetheless. I have a feeling that most folks would agree about the bad karma thing, though, and make enough of a fuss to keep that from happening.<br /><br />I don't really know what I'd favor beyond Senators. I do know what I DON'T favor ... and that's anything singular, like Power, or Storm. Too damn WFL for me. I also hate the idea of some generic animal (Wombats, Platypi), or even some cutesy animal derivative (Sea Dogs). Yuck. Basically I guess I'm just leary of any committee in this PC era coming up with something compelling. Go with Senators. It works.<br /><br />I've become a bona fide grump when it comes to baseball. Most of my adult life has been spent watching the game deteriorate, and developing a healthy distaste for the people who run and play the game. With a few notable exceptions like Cal and Sosa and to some extent McGwire. It's a short damn list. I have little faith that the game will give Washington a team in the first place, and fear that even if they every DO, the eventual name will be more of an embarrassment than anything to sing Hail songs about. Grumble.<br /><br />Be a nice problem to have, though.

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By either ignoring good GMs or failing to hire GMs, Angelos fielded old, overpaid teams in the past. That doesn't mean what he's doing now is defensible. Hell, they aren't even that young. Their "kids" are 26, 27-year old journeymen. The O's have become masters at trading for 21-year olds who turn out to be 26. They do NO homework & get ripped off by smarter teams. <br /><br />Even assuming that Angelos is trying to field a competitive team, he has no really good baseball people to help him rebuild. He doesn't know anything about baseball. His dopey sons know fantasy league crap, but nothing about actual baseball. Syd Thrift knows a lot about baseball, but he's way past his prime. Pat Gillick, Kevin Malone & Frank Wren were terrific baseball people who had a plan to get younger. Angelos ignored them & humiliated Wren in public, hence making it difficult to get good baseball minds into Baltimore if Angelos ever realizes how horrible he's run things & wants to bring someone into the front office. <br /><br />Had the Os attempted to get younger on Gillick's or even Wren's watch, they'd have a fun, competitive team right now -- peppered with some good FA acquisitions. Think Seattle, the Chisox even the Phucking Phillies (and it hurts me to say that). As it stands, Angelos has completely gutted & humiliated one of baseball's classiest franchises &, short of him selling the team, offered little hope for those of us who have followed the Os for years. Now that he seems focused on keeping a National League team out of my hometown (a very nice thank you to the DC fans he cherishes), he & his team (Orioles in name only) can rot in baseball hell. And they will.

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Originally posted by Om

I don't really know what I'd favor beyond Senators. I do know what I DON'T favor ... and that's anything singular, like Power, or Storm. Too damn WFL for me. I also hate the idea of some generic animal (Wombats, Platypi), or even some cutesy animal derivative (Sea Dogs). Yuck. Basically I guess I'm just leary of any committee in this PC era coming up with something compelling. Go with Senators. It works.

Couldn't have put it better myself, sir. :)
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