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The HBC on HBO's Real Sports

Carlito Sway

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Nice long segment on HBO's Real Sports on Coach Spurrier:

This was a pretty comprehensive show about the HBC, from his roots through the Gator days (as a player) through the NFL, coaching days and up to the present. Most of the stuff we know already, and the great majority of questions he was asked dealt with the stuff we've drowned in this summer (Mariucci, Haslett, etc). But there were some interesting tidbits.

First talked about him running up the score, and deduced that it came from his appreciation of SunTzu's Art of War. SS said he got the book 15 years ago, and applied the doctrine of winning by a large margin (so as to dissuade further insurrection) to his college playcalling. Armen Ketayen (whose name SS mangled hilariously) mentioned how this 'piling on' had earned him the 'Steve Superior" label, and kind of smirked when he related that SS prefers to be called a "mastermind" to "offensive genius". :cool:

"If you're calling the plays, and you're the offensive coach, like I am, and you're scoring a lot of points, you're going to be an arrogant and egotistical person. If I didn't score a lot of points, I'd be known as a nice person. Well, maybe not". :D

Ketayen offered forth this Sun Tzu gem:

"Agitate him in order to ascertain the pattern of his movement"

to which S-dub replied:

"Sun Tzu said irritate him if you can, but I really don't do that".

Jeri explained that much of his "off the cuff" commentary is actually practiced beforehand for maximum effect. Spurrier dodged the confirmation question, and said "People take things way too seriously, way too seriously" - which they then immediately correlated to the Haslett comment. SS then admitted that he's not nearly the slacker he's portrayed to be, but it works to his advantage.

SS history: Johnson City, Tenn, son of John Graham Spurrier, a Presbyterian minister who was quite competitive. Apparently in the "Babe Ruth Baseball League", Pop told l'il SDub's team that they should not believe in that "It's not how you win or lose but how you play the game" quote. Rather, "The game is played to be won". When Armen asked him if Dad was too tough, or domineering, Spurrier protested (and he looked a bit pissed) and clarified that his Dad just always pointed out he could do better at this or that, as they showed pictures of the HBC playing hoops and QBing at Florida.

They talk about his game winning FG in '66, then showed a clip of young S-dub claiming the Heisman is "The highest honor a man can receive - at an amateur level" which they then edit into his being the QB of the losingest NFL team when with the Bucs (despite being picked #4 by the Niners). Spurrier seemed pretty good natured about the record for losing all 14 games - "Yep, and I started every one of 'em. That's hard to do". They then say he was cut a couple more times, then coached QBs at Florida and GT; let go after one season at each school.

Then he took off at Duke, then the Bandits, then Duke again where they won the ACC title for the first time in 30 years. Then on to the Gator days, which other posters can wax euphoric about in my stead. They then talked about the HBC wanting to be the underdog again, sick of the expectations and static (!) ten win seasons in Gainesville. Jeri confirmed he'd had it by last season. Then some clips from this offseason, but didn't end without zinging Ketayen for good measure (I swear, I'm convinced half the people he skewers are oblivious to it) "You know, Arm-ah-n, I know we *could* fall on our face. We could. But there are a lot of coaches who are real confident and comfortable, and two years later they are stuck *being in broadcasting*" (with accompanying :rolleyes: face).

Worth catching for the archival footage and to get a glimpse of a college age Jeri (wow) plus B roll of the Skins playing chess and dominos at 30,000 feet. Good segment overall.

Oh yeah, and it seems Gumbel is a Skins fan. Yeeeaccch.



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Originally posted by Brave

Thanks for the report, Smooty. I will now have to find out when Real Sports will be replayed and check it out.

Gotta get me a TiVo man. :)

I have Ultimate TV with Tivo, and it's great. It may change you're life a little..knowing you can dub these programs, find out pretty much immediately when they're coming back on, being able to look into the TV guide 14 days ahead of time to plan recordings...it's worth every penny.....

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Here are some re-broadcast air times:

8/22 6:30 AM HBO - EAST

8/22 9:30 AM HBO - WEST

8/22 5:00 PM HBO - EAST

8/22 8:00 PM HBO - WEST

8/23 11:00 PM HBO2 - EAST

8/24 2:00 AM HBO2 - WEST

8/24 10:00 AM HBO - EAST

8/24 1:00 PM HBO - WEST

8/25 11:00 AM HBO2 - EAST

8/25 2:00 PM HBO2 - WEST

8/26 1:00 PM HBO - EAST

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Yah and Gumbal had to throw in a bad remark. When Spurrier said in baseball, the team doesn't stop trying to score if they are up 10-1, and then Gumbal later says, "umm that is different because the other team isn't trying to steal bases if they are up 10-1" What a jerkoff, the point is, you don't stop playing YOUR game until the game is over.

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Just caught the replay. Good piece.

I tend to like Armen Ketayen ... if only he could replace Gumbel.

One point I found interesting that hasn't been mentioned was that all his remarks are not "off the cuff" like they sound. His wife spilled the beans about this saying he's been heard at home practicing his quips and that he is VERY calculating with everything that he says.

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Yeah, Tom, that's what he likes to call himself, "the Ball Coach."

Being the Head Coach (whether he wants all the responsibilty or not) will lead to the initial game ... HBC. See also SS, SOS, BCS and from most other teams' fans and players a few more in: SOB, A.S.S., MF, etc. :)

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Originally posted by Brave

Yeah, Tom, that's what he likes to call himself, "the Ball Coach."

Being the Head Coach (whether he wants all the responsibilty or not) will lead to the initial game ... HBC. See also SS, SOS, BCS and from most other teams' fans and players a few more in: SOB, A.S.S., MF, etc. :)

Three more that come to mind from other teams' fans are : VisorBoy, Darth Visor, and my personal favorite, The Evil Genius (preferred by most FSU fans)...


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