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Question about Joe Gibbs


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According to Henry and a few others, it automatically means that he is no longer a Redskin... not even close.

After all, Spurrier moved from College to the Pros, two leagues that don't directly compete.

Gibbs is moving within the league to partial ownership.

Nope... he's no longer a Skin... might as well remove his name from the record books... it all belongs to Atlanta now.


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What, do you think Gibbs has somehow failed a loyalty test? I don't.

I think Gibbs realizes he can have more influence as a part owner with the Falcons than he can have as part owner of the Redskins. Maybe that's not being fair to Snyder, but Snyder has always come across as a control guy. (No doubt Snyder would have loved to hire Gibbs as a coach, but that's not what we're discussing here.)

The new owner of the Falcons, Arthur Blank, is the Home Depot founder. He's not a football guy, and he's brought in Gibbs as part owner and Beathard as personnel consultant to help get him going. Blank seems a good guy -- it's hard to dislike a guy who has jump-started fan interest locally by offering season tickets for $100. (You read that right. 10 tickets, including 2 preseason, for $100.)

I think Gibbs has earned the right to do whatever he wants, except maybe help the Cowboys.

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Originally posted by GatorMarc

According to Henry and a few others, it automatically means that he is no longer a Redskin... not even close.

After all, Spurrier moved from College to the Pros, two leagues that don't directly compete.

Gibbs is moving within the league to partial ownership.

Nope... he's no longer a Skin... might as well remove his name from the record books... it all belongs to Atlanta now.


GatorMarc, you hit the jackpot. That was sort of where I was going with this thread. I was trying to point out that Gibbs is still beloved and considered a Redskin, therefore, Skins fans should understand that Gator fans will continue to love Spurrier and consider him a Gator.

That being said, enough of the Gators Vs. Skins.

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Whatever Coach Gibbs wants to do, the best of luck and much success to him -- including being a part owner of the Falcons.

Even if he did end up coaching in the NFL again I couldn't be too upset -- he gave us alot here in DC, and I couldn't begrudge him any move he wanted to make.

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It's a biz thing. Think he's boys with the majority owner, too.

He always props up the squad in the annual interviews, and he's a class act, so hail to the Chief!

But I wish Gibbs would realize it's the falcons he's buying into. His new book is all about being smart with money (he went bankrupt once) and I don't know if this is a step in the right direction. ;)

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Originally posted by Smootylicious

But I wish Gibbs would realize it's the falcons he's buying into. His new book is all about being smart with money (he went bankrupt once) and I don't know if this is a step in the right direction. ;)

I wouldn't write off the Falcons longterm. They're saddled with Vick and a carpet dome (both mistakes, I think), but the ownership tandem of Blank and Gibbs is a pretty powerful 1-2 punch.

Blank (Home Depot king) knows marketing, and he showed it by offering season tickets for $100. He realized the same thing I've felt, which is that one big reason no one cares about the Falcons here is that they can't even watch their home games on TV (they're blacked out due to the stadium not selling out).

If Gibbs hangs around to provide counsel, I figure the Falcons may be real powers in 5 - 7 years (maybe sooner), as soon as they can pass Vick through their system. (That's the G/I system I'm referring to.)

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Of course part of him will always be a Redskin. But he's with the Falcons now, and that doesn't suddenly make me a Falcon fan. While I wish him the best, I have no interest in what he does with the Falcons. And still I hope we crush Atlanta if and when we play them.

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I guess since I was singled out personally I should elaborate further.

I also won't be on the Falcons board telling them this or that about how Gibbs did things back in The Day. First of all, he's in a different role, and second of all, the game is different now. I realize that success in coaching with no salary cap does not necessarily translate to success in ownership with a salary cap, and I certainly wouldn't feel the need to lecture Atlanta fans on what they should and shouldn't expect from Gibbs, or how being a Redskin fan is a so much more profound and spiritual experience than being a Falcons fan (Ok, maybe it is, but I wouldn't tell them that on their board :) )

Gibbs is on their team now. It's their business, not mine.

Can we drop this now?

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Let's keep this on forever.:laugh:

I think we can get along. Most of our new fans will be busy soon with Florida and the Skins will become secondary. They are bored that they have no Florida talk yet. Well it's coming soon Florida fans. The Zook era is about to start.

AS for the Question. Gibbs isn't coaching- so i've got no problem with him being a part owner of another NFL team. That would be similar to say Steve Spurrier left Florida and then became athletic director at Florida St.

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Did I miss something?

I was under the impression that Gibbs was a consultant to the Falcons, not a part owner. The connection stems from the new owner of the Falcons being the owner of Home Depot. The chain is a major sponsor of one of Gibbs' NASCAR rides. I thought that Gibbs signed on as a special consultant merely as a courtesy to the man who writes out big checks for the privilege of having his company's name on the hood of a successful race car.

Regardless, he's still a Redskin. Ask a Bulls fan (if you can find one these days) if Michael Jordan is a Bull or a Wizard.

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Originally posted by codeorama

I was trying to point out that Gibbs is still beloved and considered a Redskin, therefore, Skins fans should understand that Gator fans will continue to love Spurrier and consider him a Gator.

Interestingly, you don't see 'Skins fans posting their love for Gibbs on Falcons message boards . . .
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I was not picking on you personally, If by me quoting GatorMarc game across, negatively.... sorry man, I didn't mean it that way.

I'm just trying to point out that Spurrier is a really big Icon that is bringing tons of fans to the Skins. I don't agree with rooting for ONLY the ex Gators especially at the expense of others.

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