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Post-game comments: Skins at Cards.


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Okay -- anyone who was at the game, please answer this question: who the hell was Brunell throwing to on his second pick??? It seemed like there wasn't even a Redskin in the screen!! And of course Fox with their winning coverage showed the same ****ty replay over and over, no different angles. Was there even somebody there to throw to? From what we could see on TV, there was literally no receivers within 10 yards. Awful.

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Sloppy win, definitely, but a win is a win. I agree, if we play like this against Dallas, NYG, and Philly there's no way we'll win out.

Look at it like this: maybe Gibbs didn't want to show Dallas any game footage of what we can really do...(haha)

HAIL SKINS...here's to a December playoff run, finally

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SonnyRules says, "we play poorly against soft teams and play great against the cream of the crop. Baffling." We do tend to play to the level of our opponents.

How do you think I feel? I'm a student at Clemson University. Our football team can play with and beat top 10's (Miami, FSU, etc.) but we can have trouble with easier teams like Wake Forest (or Duke last year). I have to watch both of my football teams stay competitive with the best opponents available but still have trouble with "easy wins." It's very frustrating.

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A win. A close game against a fairly bad team, with far too many turnovers.. but still a win. Win's a win, but they're going to have to play a hell of a lot better against dallas and new york.

Oh yeah, Antonio Brown's kiss was sweet, but slightly unprofessional and foolish. If someone had been next to him, it could've easily been stripped.

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We won. Lets move on. We are still in the playoff hunt and in great shape to finish up this season and sneak into the playoffs....we definitely need to execute and finish plays. It's nice to see C.P. get his carries and churn out tough yards...that guy is a horse.

Dallas and New York are not that good. There is no reason this team can't come together and make a solid playoff run.

Hail to the Skins!

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Even if the Redskins somehow squeek into the playoffs, they aren't going to win the whole enchilada. This team shows week after week why they are not worthy of a championship. If the Colts had 4 take aways in the first half against the Cardinals it would have been over by halftime. The Redskins are still pretty average if you ask me.

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well...I'm happy the defense held up in the red zone. aside from the mccoy play on rogers, I thought we did well at something we have been stout in but ultimately failed at in the past - keeping the opposing offense out of the endzone when insode the 10 yard line. we're one mean machine passrushing DE away from a great defense. until then, we are a good, bend but don't break sorta D.

as for the offense...cmon now...most of you are like me: the confidence just isn't there that they will execute anything when it counts. this O is still a few cards short of a full hand....

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Oh yeah, Antonio Brown's kiss was sweet, but slightly unprofessional and foolish. If someone had been next to him, it could've easily been stripped.

:rolleyes: :jerk:

Whatever dude...the closest guy was 10 yards behind him...I liked it. This team needs some swagger if it has any chance of winning out.

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Okay -- anyone who was at the game, please answer this question: who the hell was Brunell throwing to on his second pick??? It seemed like there wasn't even a Redskin in the screen!! And of course Fox with their winning coverage showed the same ****ty replay over and over, no different angles. Was there even somebody there to throw to? From what we could see on TV, there was literally no receivers within 10 yards. Awful.

Anyone?? Anyone?? Bueller??

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As bad as the first half was, the cardinals deserve some credit for the tough fight they put up in the game. Yes their a 4-9 team after their loss today, But watching them play today, they were not playing like a 4-9 team. They were laying some serious shots on defense, and they basically had nothing to lose. They were in their house, and they were fired up all game long. They have two very good recievers and a QB that, when he has time will burn any D. Their defense looked to be playing with a bit of a chip on their shoulder. I commend them on their tough play, and "never give up" attitude. I also commend the Washington redskins for not giving up. I thank JG for "Finishing the game". This was a game we were suppost to win( though some picked us to lose) and we did win. Was it easy? No. Was it pretty? No. Do we "play down to our oponnents"? I dont believe we do. I believe when other teams play us, they show up. They are playing to win. Teams, no matter their record , have intentions of winning when they play. The cardinals are no exception. Having played possibly the worst half of football in the league, on the road, nothings going right, to be able to get back in it, take the lead, and win the game, hey, I'm happy with that. I'm surely not going to start dragging the names of the players and coaching staff through the mud. We now have the pukes, giants, and eagles. We can, and I'm confident we will beat all three. It will not be easy. It may not be pretty. But win the next three, I dont give a damn how they get it done. A "W" is a "W"

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I am happy that the skins won, any win, especially an away win is a good win. It was also good to see the each different department had a say in the win, we scored on offence and special teams and the defence kept the cards out of the scoring zones in the 4th quarter, and dont forget that the defence was short some players. Teams that can win ugly, are normally good teams, next week we play texan stuff, a win here will be a good tonic for the skins, last year we only won 6 games, now we have seven at this time next year we will have about 10 wins, this will not be the redskins year, we may make the playoffs, but next year we will win the superbowl, or at least make the superbowl. go skins.

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I disagree. Why change a good thing right now. You said it yourself look at Eli, in his second year. He struggled his first few starts and is still struggling some now. This team is doing pretty good right now. The offense is not doing good, but at a time like this when we are still in the playoff picture you need a veteran being the leader of the team. I would like to see what Campbell has, but he doesn't need to be in against the Cowboys, Giants, and Eagles(all 3 of which have good defenses). Good luck Skins. Skin them 'boys. Wild Card here we come!:dallasuck

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putting a rookie in right now is not a good idea they still have some hope to make it to the playoffs. this team right now could easily be 12-1 right now if they would stop turning the ball over they cut out the mistakes the will be fine:point2sky :point2sky :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky :dallasuck

please put jason campbell in look what eli manning is doing in his second year after drafting campbell you might as well play the kid you need a young arm in there brunell times is over
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Ugly win.....but a win is a win.

Bouldin is a monster......Portis another great game.

Rogers and Taylor showing why they were 1st round picks.

Sanatana and Cooley gotta step up vs Dallas next week.

Sames goes for Brunell.

O-line and D-lines seem to be improving.

Guys (Royal, Brown, P.P. and Jimoh) stepped up and made a few big plays.

Got to run better in the 2nd half.

Now ready for dallas.

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Gibbs needs to spend this week in his office reversing his tendencies. I also think that Campbell or Ramsey needs to get more snaps this week, Brunell isn't going to be the answer coming down the stretch. I also think that the injury to his thumb is further evidence that we need to give additonal snaps to the backups. All I know is this the short leash he had on Ramsey in the first game, Gibbs better pull that leash out and put it around Brunell's neck for this weekends game. Because Dallas is far better now then they were when we played them the first time. We won't win on 2 fluke plays again we better pull out all the tricks because between Brunell's poor play of late, Williams sometimey blitzes, our lack of a pass rush this weeks game may if fact be our playoff game. I see that Dallas finds ways to win and we have found ways to lose. I also think Bugel better do some extra work with Samuels this week because DeMarcus will have a good game if he isn't chipped or doubled. I also that Dockery needs a tremendous week in practice along with Rabach, Rabach has been a huge disappointment to me this year. One more thing I hope the game plan calls for more than 98 percent of the passes going to Moss and Cooley, Roy Williams is going to be gunning for Moss this week and with a bad wheel Moss may not need to be used as a decoy at best. It's gut check time people and we need to put up or shut up and I hope and pray LaVar is healthy!

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Thank God we won, but it was ugly, we won because of a Kick return, not because of our offense, our WR are dredfull with out Patten and Thrash to draw attention. We turn the ball over, alot, in bad situations. One of the Worst though is the fact that we got a (at the time) questionable TD, and we couldn't get the PAT off on time before a challenge, that is Horrable, I knew as soon as we scored to hurry up, but it took an eternity. Fortunitly it was a fair TD and you can reveiw the fact taht CLinton kept his blaence by grabing a team mates jersey and take a ride (which techniquly is not allowed). We were also fortunite that Boldin was called out of bounds on that one catch with out the posibility to review the push out.

Betts had his first game back from injurey, and took all the reserve carries, despit the fact that Rock picked up 100 last game.

Betts got 5 carries for 6 yards, and 1 catch for -5 yards. He needed three carries and a 4th down to pck up the first early on. Rock should take those duties, and frankly, he should take all the reseve back duties. He has earned it, and he fits better.

Brunell should step off if he knows he is hurt. No need to risk turnover if you know that you are hurn, just so it can be YOU that is on the feild. That is not good.

We won, but we should prepare like we just lost, we have a lot to fix.

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I've read some recent posts, and I have to argue for Brunell. He is the smartest quarterback we have. Ramsey may be good in practice or on the sideline and he may have 'up-and-coming talent' but he lacks the wisdom, decision making, awareness and pocket presence that Mark Brunell has. Yes, he gets blindsided every now and then, but that's not his fault. He knows when to throw, when to run, and when to get rid of it. He has a great arm and can put a ball exactly where it should be 99% of the time. Hypothetically, if we had Moss, Patten, and another WR viewed as a threat (nothing against Thrash or Jacobs, teams just don't consider them as much), Brunell would have somewhere to go with the ball. Right now, Patten is sadly done and defenses are able to key in on Moss. Cooley and Royal are getting more action, which is good, but for no reason should the lack of offense be blamed on Mark Brunell. He does what he can and he takes what he can get. The suggestion of putting Jason Campbell in is kind of stupid. We'd need a lot of luck to get into the playoffs, but it's still possible. Brunell is a leader and should stay that way until seasons end. He's getting older, yes, but if he stays around a few more years and can stay healthy, the offense could find a consistant rythm and make a deep playoff run in the coming years.

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I agree that the lack of production should not be blamed entirely on him. Yes he does get blindsided and it is not his fault, but he does fumble too much when he sees them coming and that 2nd INT today, the only people around were cardinals. But the leadership and intelligence of the game has made him invauluable and has hopefully rubbed off on our "young" quarterbacks. I didn't agree with Coach Gibbs' decision to switch to Brunell at first, but it has paid off. Good Luck guys! SKIN THOSE 'BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!:dallasuck

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Thank God we won, but it was ugly, we won because of a Kick return, not because of our offense, our WR are dredfull with out Patten and Thrash to draw attention. We turn the ball over, alot, in bad situations. One of the Worst though is the fact that we got a (at the time) questionable TD, and we couldn't get the PAT off on time before a challenge, that is Horrable, I knew as soon as we scored to hurry up, but it took an eternity. Fortunitly it was a fair TD and you can reveiw the fact taht CLinton kept his blaence by grabing a team mates jersey and take a ride (which techniquly is not allowed). We were also fortunite that Boldin was called out of bounds on that one catch with out the posibility to review the push out.

Betts had his first game back from injurey, and took all the reserve carries, despit the fact that Rock picked up 100 last game.

Betts got 5 carries for 6 yards, and 1 catch for -5 yards. He needed three carries and a 4th down to pck up the first early on. Rock should take those duties, and frankly, he should take all the reseve back duties. He has earned it, and he fits better.

Brunell should step off if he knows he is hurt. No need to risk turnover if you know that you are hurn, just so it can be YOU that is on the feild. That is not good.

We won, but we should prepare like we just lost, we have a lot to fix.

Dude, so much hate. Just route for the team, be happy when we win, and look forward to Dallas. I don't understand you haters...that was an awesome game, an AZ definitely was not playing like a 4-9 team...they were playing like they had something on the line.

The Skins played hard, went down early, but responded and then HELD ON FOR THE W. Don't konw what else will make you haters happy...

Oh, and by the way, point out in the rule-book where you can't hold another guy to keep your balance...I see it all the time. :jerk:

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Hey guys, we all need to relax a little.. A win is a win in the NFL, especially across country on the road in December. We were able to rest some key people, and have the most meaningful game at home, against Dallas, in December since the Lions playoff game years ago next week. I will be there there fortunately, and know that the 4pm kickoff will only help the locals get sufficiently liquored up for an explosive atomosphere. I am in full anticipation of an environment similiar to Sunday, January 22, 1983.:dallasuck

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