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I hate comments like this!

Joey T

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From one of OUR brothers/sisters:

Chalk this one up to the fact that there's no accounting for some people's tastes. Why on earth someone would want to play the last year or two of their career on astroturf for a losing/rebuilding team with a looney head coach is beyond me. And he'll have to live in Detroit to boot! - redman

There's no call to beat up another CITY in our great land. Now if you want to beat up a TEAM of choice, no matter what city, that's QUITE another matter!

I'm a native of Detroit and like some people say,"that's your problem"!

Just leave it alone redman and TRY to live in PEACE @ LA, LA Land (sic):toilet: That's your choice and may you have GOD speed in your city of choice, :notworthy

Now, on to our favorite subject, the Washington, D.C. Redskins!

City of my birth & PROUD:silly:

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Joey, have you ever been to Dee-Troit ? I hate to say it, but I could much more easily defend the team than the city. I think of it as "Filthydelphia North".

However, don't let me color your opinion of it. Please, by all means, go experience it for yourself if you haven't already, and let us know what you think.

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Yusuf06, my brother:

Joey, have you ever been to Dee-Troit ? I hate to say it, but I could much more easily defend the team than the city. I think of it as "Filthydelphia North". However, don't let me color your opinion of it. Please, by all means, go experience it for yourself if you haven't already, and let us know what you think. -Yusuf06

Come on up to our fair city brother and we will give you the southern gentleman's welcome you deserve, with talk like:

However, don't let me color your opinion of it. - Yusuf06

If you have a problem with color, why are you a fan of the Washington "RED" Skins:laugh: ?

Now, back on the streets with Yusuf06:cool:

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All I can say is DOOOOOHHHH!!!:doh: :doh:

However, my opinion of the city still stands. Maybe I'm letting my opinion of my ex-wife (another Detroit native) get in the way. Even so, it's the only city I've been to that was "otherwordly". Only place I've seen (outside of rural areas of course) with vacant lots for whole city blocks or larger in some cases. It was also to the best of my knowledge the place where car jacking originated.

No offense, but feel free to keep Detroit all to yourself. You won't ever have to worry about sharing it with me.

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Thanks for your input Pete. I mean no disrespect to redman, but he's gotta lighten up about other cities and their people.

"And he'll have to live in Detroit to boot!" - redman

Hey Pete, you, redman and I came on board about the same time and I have always given you guys the respect you deserve. Now I'm just talking about a comment redman made in one of his posts and d@mn man, I don't like it!!

The quoted post above has nothing to do with professional players of a sports team, it has to do with a city and it's citizens.

I live in Monterey, CA. I was born in D.C., but am a native of Detroit and proud! Like you Pete, being a native of NY city.

I don't take comments lying down from uneducated, maleficent

people who care about nothing but themselves and their OWN d@mn opinions:gus: :doh: :moon:

Jus' p!sses me off, big time:puke:

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I agree to an extent that one can be frustrated with a place of abode and identify it as the "city's character". It's easy when you have so many things in life to do, instead being worried about politically correct. However, the flip is, I would much rather "focus", which at times, we all know, I can lose, when it comes time to express a distaste.

Detroit is a combination of the largest cities in the world and because of it's location, competing with NY or Chicago or even Paris, as a favored large city for events, it gets slanderous remarks, instead of appreciation, so they're used to it. Be prepared for a fight though and that's what Redman drew from Joey T.

I identify with both, in that RiggoDrill thought I either lived in Indianapolis all my life or didn't share his viewpoint that Indy is a "shi*hole". I am from D. C. and have had my share of its ups and downs and wouldn't dare put my head in the sand, and would love to be its mayor, but black people can't stand my positions, as I would lock up so many of them, because I know every little detail, they wish I didn't. However, on the other hand, I still like a walk down Minnesota Ave., Anacostia, Rhode Island Ave, Farmers Market at Pennsylvannia AVe (in danger of being closed down by docker's group corporate financers - a point to lobby from, yet be close to the Capitol (told you I know all the details of D. C. - got my finger on the pulse). So I could like D. C. and hate it. I can piss people off and and have them eating out of my hand with laughter (sigh), so emotions run deep with me.

With that said and done, you don't have to be there to know what's going on, but to love it and really appreciate, one should at least live there a while, get to know it's people and their struggles, their needs and what makes them who they are.

I could trash every city on the planet, starting with Paris, because having been there and smelled the air and in the streets with the people (I was missing for 18 hours, according to the tour service, but do you really want to get know people, just riding on a boat or a dam* bus? :)

Then my opinions have more clout and I can focus on the real argument instead of saying everyone's a crook or all corporate sponsor's have political motives to control a neighborhood and hold its market hostage. In reality, cities are just a place where the confusion is grouped together, instead of stretched way out.

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I'm over redman's post and am quite at peace. If you have taken offense to what I posted, then :moon: :toilet:

Now I suppose that puts me in the same mindset as redman and the text of his post:box: :stop: BUT :cheers::pint: :laugh:

It's OK to disagree, I suppose:shootinth :doh: :cool:

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No, but I never had a problem with the old one either.

I suppose the remark by JoeyT is for someone else, as I was just sharing that odd, "other" view from a big city person myself (home area of the very team we support). I really do see each side, because, we have rural, suburban and urban people in our country and can't expect everyone to love what we love.

OK, here's an example: do you love Elvis?

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Detroit's population keeps steadily dropping because it's such a craphole. I stayed there for a week to visit my cousin, and I felt like I was in a slightly upscale version of Kabul.

Kicked ya outta Kabul, huh? Sometimes ya jus' run outta luck Orangat.......

My thoughts were the same, last time I visited Fredericksburg. Oh well, no accounting for some peoples taste. Different strokes for different folks, as it were huh?:laugh:

OrangeSkin? :doh: :gus:

Thought provoking handle.

I'm sure you gave it a LOT of thought:doh: :shootinth :cheers::pint:

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Joey, my brother, I only offered an outside view from a direct quote given. If you had originally added his line about living there, I likley wouldn't have posted to the thread in the same manner.

A native of Detroit, born in DC. How can that be????????

My daughter was born in CT, bu I consider her a FL native, being she was less than a year old when we moved here.

Your right about me standing true when it comes to defending my home town, and I don't fualt you in the least for being pis$ed and doing the same. I also try to respect all members here, and this thread is turning into a wizzing match real fast, so I'm outta this one bro.


:high: :high:

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Please pull panties and straighten. They are in an awful wad.

And yes, Art, Durham DOES in fact blow. No apologies necessary to anyone hailing from there as they already know that. I am sometimes uncomfortable just knowing it's an hour away. :)

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Joey, I'm not hating on your hometown. I had no way of knowing where you are/were from. I'm glad you're a long-time contributor to this board since around when I started here.

Anyway, feel free to bash LA in response. It works for me. ;)

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Art, I have picked up on your post's while your were @ Durham (DuKe). At that same time, both of us were in IT as system ADs. I thought to my self, far out!

I saw your comments of how you migrated and thought how opposite from mine they were. You, born in Detroit, migrated to DC. Me, born in DC migrated to Detriot.

I lived in DC briefly, moved to Detroit, then back and forth as the story goes with WWII kids.

It's OK to be a native of Detroit, or Washington, D.C. I feel native to BOTH cities and am d@mn proud!

When I said WWII kids, I guess that sorta time stamped me, huh?

"ts OK by me ;o)

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