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A Postgame Observation

Fischer fan

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This has been quite the frustrating season I'm sure you'll agree. My expectations for the season are changing very fast. I'm getting tired of pulling my hair out during the fourth quarter.....ah. the life of a fan. As I was cursing the TV and my young son was crying saying he was going to start being a Colts fan; I was noticing the camera shots on the field after the game.

Players on both teams milling about laughing, smiling, patting backs

of players on the opposing team. It seemed a little bit more than good sportsmanship. It looked like I was viewing a class reunion (and I know for many this is exactly what was happening). I know this isn't new, its just that it struck me odd yesterday. It seems like I am getting more angry about the losses than many of the 'Skins themselves.

Now I believe a lot of this thinking is merely a perception of TV observations. However, some of this is part of what is bad about professional football today. Its a profession or job. The fans are more fanatical and loyal to their team than the players. We live and die with the teams highs and lows but the players do not. Stay healthy, make good income, job security, sponsership, etc. One who has a job certainly can understand these desires.

I work closely with a high school football team and one observes the feelings of those players are more related to those of the fans with wins and loses. This is not a new thought with regard to professional athletes and sports. But clearly there is something missing.


1. Pay team members based on wins(or something to that effect)

no win =no pay

2. Is it at all possible to keep players on the same team for their career?

Probably not. Some players you wouldn't want to keep.

Maybe the retail services that sell jerseys could offer a service to refurbish old jerseys. I'm still pissed that I spent money for my sons on Bailey, Smoot and Gardner jerseys. I'm sure others feel that way when they wear their George, Johnson and Schuler jerseys.

I'm just not convinced the professional players care as much about

winning as we the fans do. Maybe they shouldn't. But without us they don't exist. I miss the days of George Allen. Ah..........the life of a fan.

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To be fair, there were also reports of Royals and Arrington teary eyed in the locker room. It's a little unfair to expect these guys' lives to get put on hold because of losses. Most of them have friends on other teams and you can't blame them for doing some socializing after the whistle blows.

No win = no pay may sound good, but it'll never happen and its not really fair on an individual level.

It's easy to complain about now, but if we were winning with a bunch of money-first players, we wouldn't hear a peep about it.

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I don't need to see guys crying or whatever b/c we lost! Heck, their ADULTS, not 3rd graders! Their also chatting with the other team during the POST GAME. That really doesn't have anything to do with the outcome.

All I need to see is the effort DURING the game! These guys no question come out and fight!

So no doubt about it they care!


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And he contributed a stupid Personal Foul penalty that gave SD 15 yards and a first down.

Unfortunitly I didn't see the game yesterday. I was driving home from FL. The funny thing is that I had the AM on scan and picked up the game when hall was lining up for the kick.

Anyway it was one penalty. Which correct me if I'm wrong but the only one on him all year.

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When it boils down to it, it a game. Why act the fool or be nasty to the other players.

Oh I'm sorry... you are right its only a game.

My thread should have been:

Wow another thrilling Redskin game! Didn't know who was going to win until the final play...AGAIN.

Our guys played their hearts out. There is no reason to hang your head. Its a real shame someone had to lose this. In fact, in my book, both teams were winners. It was touching to see Norv and Schott come away with victories. Since they were former Skins, their wins were in effect Redskin wins! The way our players joked around with the opposition on the field at games end was a real class act. It demonstrated how quickly

they were able to put the loss behind them. I don't ever need to see a Redskin victory again. Just watching the burgandy and gold on the field Sundays is victory in itself. I just hope that the best team wins the Super Bowl, all players make the hall of fame and players of course need more lucrative contracts. Now an NFL group hug :notworthy

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Did you SEE the personal foul? I certainly didnt.

He did what every other football player in the NFL has done on every down and had one hand shove an opponent, who might I add ALSO shoved him.

Its possible the camera didnt catch what totaly happened, but based on what I saw, that was the most bogus ridiculous call for a bunch of officials who practicaly let players mug eachother every down.

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