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Sporting News Radio Predicts


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Unless Sporting News Radio is reporting that they have some inside information on this (which of course they don't), then they don't know any more than the next fool.

You gotta understand the difference between the reporting of actual news and baseless speculation. Some 2-bit sports jockey on a low-rated radio talk show mouthing off about the Gibbs era ending does not amount to the reporting of facts. Whoever said it probably knows less about the Skins than 95% of the people on this board.

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sporting news and the sports reporters can go suck an egg. arrogant self important know it alls that haven't got a clue. :stick: :whippin: :laythehur :nutkick: :loser: don't waste your energy and time with their opinions.best to just wipe your behind with them. :cheers:

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