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Quarterback Situation


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Here are my thoughts on the qb situation for this season and down the road:

1. Unless DW suddenly has a meltdown he will be the starter, he just knows the offense too well and has performed it almost to perfection throughout his college career and 2 preseason games (and I don't care what string it has been against, he could have just as easily thrown picks or not hit his receivers as well as he has done so far). We all know that he cannot continue at the pace he is on, but I think the job is his during the regular season unless his lack of performance is what causes the skins to lose for an extended period. But, I think if he puts up 270 yds, 2-3tds, 1int. a game on average the skins will be set because of their defense. And these numbers are easily obtainable in this system if DW makes the decisions he is capable of.

2. SM will be 2nd string and will not be released because of his history with SOS and his knowledge of the system. Why would SOS release the person who has performed well so far and who knows the system just as well as DW? At a moments notice DW could get injured and I think SOS would rather have Matthews go in than either Sage or Ramsey. I mean no disrespect towards Sage, but he was at a disadvantage from the get go and has not had enough time in the system and SM has a history with the system and that has to be taken into account.

3. Sage will most likely end up on the practice squad because of what I mentioned in the previous point and for the fact that if the skins only carry 3 qb's which is enough, they will have a spot open for another position like wr or o-line. But, my question about the practice squad is do players placed on the practice squad go through a waiver period where they can be picked up by another team before they are signed on to the practice squad? If not, he is definitely there, if so he might be kept on the team. But, I really don't see anyone signing him even if there is a release period before he is signed to the pratice squad unless another team has a lot of injuries at qb (....or if the COWBOYS want to interrogate him about SOS's playbook:)...)

4. Ramsey will obviously have to be on the roster because he is a first round draft pick. But, I am not so sure about his future with the team. I thought I heard a couple of nights ago that around Aug. 8th or 9th draft picks could not be traded anymore, thus the rush to try to deal him. So I don't think he can be traded right now, but I may be wrong. The disturbing thing for Ramsey, is that according to some articles, SOS was one of the ones who was pushing to trade him. Thus, either SOS thinks the skins don't need him for the future and saw enough of him in passing camp to believe that he will not take hold of the system like DW, SM, or SR and is not the qb of the future; was trying to find a way to get another draft pick for next year plus some offensive guard depth; or just was fed up with the contract negotiations. I don't know, but there is something to the fact that SOS was not hesitant to get rid of him. No way would SOS risk the future of the franchise or his nfl coaching career by trading Ramsey if he thought he was the future at qb for the skins. Thus, I think he might not have a future with the skins and will be traded when possible. But, Ramsey could light it up in practice this year, impress SOS, and become the qb for which he has the potential to become.

5. Obviously it will be determined by how well either DW or SM does this year, but like I said, I think the skins will attempt to trade Ramsey the next off-season. But, they might not get much because of the talented qb class coming out of college next year. If either Danny or Shane do well this year then the Skins will probably have a 25+ draft pick in next years draft. I think Spurrier wants Grossman, but I may be wrong. In my opinion he is the best qb Spurrier has ever had. He has a really strong arm, quick release for which SOS loves, is smart, and is a gamer like DW. He takes a lick but keeps on ticking. Thus, if you are SOS why wouldn't you want him? He knows the system which is most important. He can come in, give you what DW has shown, but with all of those technical nfl qualities that nfl "experts" all love. And if DW or SM has a good year this year, then Grossman can practice next year and not be rushed into the starting position. If SOS wants to get Grossman then he would have to trade up. Thus, Ramsey would have to be part of the package because unless Grossman has a horrible year this year at UF, then he will be top 15.

6. Redskins fans should want the qb who has the best potential to win a SuperBowl in the future. For those who think Ramsey has this potential and is the qb of the future you may be right and I do think he has the potential. But, I think Grossman has more potential than Ramsey to lead the skins to the promised land as the future qb, and it is mainly because he has proven himself in SOS's system and has all the physical skills that Ramsey has.

6. But, SOS may not feel this way at all. He may believe he has all that he needs at the qb position for this season and the future with DW, SM, and Ramsey (future). If Ramsey shows progress this year in practice and Spurrier feels that he is the future of the franchise, then the skins will keep the draft pick and draft the best offensive guard available in the draft who would probably go somewhere around that position in the draft.

6. These are just my thoughts and opinions....just brainstorming. And I am not trying to get as many gator qb's on the roster as possible. SOS knows in order to win right away he needs qb's who knows his system and can run it. That is why he went out and got DW. He knows you don't have to be the most talented in the world to run it, just have to be good at reading the defense before the snap, making good decisions, and throwing accurately. As you notice, there are not many deep outs in this system (the pattern that most "critics" say qb's like DW can't throw). If he wants to win in the future, why try and groom a qb who IS considered nfl talent by the "experts" (Ramsey) when there is the possibility to draft Grossman who does know the system because he is a Gator, and thus does not have to be groomed like Ramsey because Grossman has shown he can run it and is also considered nfl talent by the "experts." Thus, when there is a qb who is a first round caliber qb like Grossman, the Skins would be at an advantage to pick him up. It would be a shame to miss out on the opportunity. If this was other ex gators like Doug Johnson or Jesse Palmer I would not be saying this, I am just saying this because Grossman is special like DW is and the skins should take advantage of this.

Sorry to ramble! Hopefully I am making some sense and if not repectfully let me know why not. Any thoughts? Thanks!

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Boomer, I would change your point 6 to:

6. Skins fans should want the QB with the best potential to win a Super Bowl in the future WHILE UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE SKINS.

It does not good to develop a QB and have him ready to start at the time his contract is up or develop him, have him start his last year for you and then sign with someone else. The Skins need the best group of QBs to try to win now. This is true every year.

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From what I have seen so far,

1) Wuerfful- 27 years old

2) Rosenfells- 23 years old

3) Matthews- 31 years old

4) Ramsey- 23 Years old

I want to go to war with 4 qb's on the roster. If we don't get a solid vet guard we are going to need all 4. I like the fact we have two 23 year olds to learn under the Jedi master. Let Danny start for 3-5 years if he stays healthy it is his job to lose now.

In 3-5 years if Sage or Patrick beats out Danny thats great, because they will have had that much time to learn this system from the sidelines and will be a nice 1-2 punch for another 3-5 years. That means we now have our Qb's for the next decade. I just hope SS wants to sign another 5 yr. contract when this one is up.

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one point, you mentioned Wuerfeull to average 270 and 2-3 TDs and 1 Int....that's about 4300 yars, 32 to 48 TDs!!! he just doesn't seem to have that kind of talent....if you had Payton or Marino I would agree, but Danny is none of those guys.... you are too hopeful....

trading ramsey may not be possible now, since he is signed, and when he gets traded the signing bonus will count against your team...before he was signed that would have been possible but right now with the way the cap rules are set most players with high salary and bonus dollars just don't get traded....plus like you said with the QB class coming out next year.....that ain't going to happen....

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Originally posted by shawn

one point, you mentioned Wuerfeull to average 270 and 2-3 TDs and 1 Int....that's about 4300 yars, 32 to 48 TDs!!! he just doesn't seem to have that kind of talent....if you had Payton or Marino I would agree, but Danny is none of those guys.... you are too hopeful....

Perhaps, but Jay Schroeder was a no talent crybaby who had a 4000 yd season and the highest QB rating in the league one year because he had the benefit of being in Joe Gibb's system. After he got traded to the Rai-duhs for an all-pro lineman, he slipped all the way down to 3rd string on a team w/o any standout QB. Hmmmmmm.

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I agree with about the first half of your post; DW being the starter and SM second string. But Ramsey's not going anywhere. Basically, the Florida days are over and while the two Gator QBs the Redskins have are a boon, I think SS will just look at Ramsey as one more freshman to indoctrinate into the system. He has the best arm on the team; by all accounts he is a gritty guy, and he's now under contract. Forget the trade rumors; they're over now that the situation's settled. This is not to say that DW won't be welcomed back next year should he do well this season, but I think Shane's a stopgap backup at best.

Grossman is a great QB, and no doubt SS would take him if possible, but it's unlikely that everything would shake out in the right way to make it happen. Plus, you just don't take two QBs with 1st rounders in back to back drafts. There are far more pressing needs that would have a far larger impact on the team's fortunes, like the OL interior.

As for everybody's fave Sage, I hope he becomes the holder, just so Spurrier can call a couple fake FGs from the Emory and Henry.

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Shawn, the fact remains that Gibbs not only won with Schroeder but with Stan Humphries and Mark Rypien as well.

The latter two were both sixth round draft choices :)

That was his genius, he could build a team around the strengths of his players.

Unlike most coaches he didn't drop a guy into a set program and then expect that player to excel by rote.

That is what got coaches like Norv Turner in trouble. Not every quarterback or receiver is able to produce in his (the Zampese) offense.

Quarterbacks have to hit that deep out regularly and receivers have to be sideline straddlers :)

With Spurrier's offensive mind and knack for playcalling (and the fact he has players that know the playbook) I think the Redskins will be at least OK at qb and on offense if you look from the glass half empty side, and quite productive if you look at it from the more optimistic side.

I think the mistake most observers make is in saying that Spurrier as a first year coach is in the same barrel as Marty in San Diego and John Fox in Carolina.

He isn't. Those coaches have to get players to completely relearn a new system and way of doing things.

Spurrier already has a number of players with 3 or 4 years in his system.

And on defense, the additions of Lewis as DC and Gardener, Trotter and Armstead make this a much more formidable unit than in 2000 and 2001 when the defense was solid and finished in the top 10 both years :)

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riggo, Gibbs has some good players on that offense, like the OL, the WRs, TE. this years team is weak in the middle of the line and the WRs are all suited for #3 except maybe Gardner and he is a second year player learning a new system.

I just don't think its going to happen this fast. this is the 3rd offensive system in 3 years and 3rd year in a row guys have been shuffled in and out of the skins.....it takes time to jell together offensively as well as defensively.

SS may have the ability to get it done but not this year. this is going to be a very up and down year for his offense. world beater one week and down right awful the next.....

SS may eventually get it donw in the NFL, but he needs time. those stats are just way too high for someone like weurful to go from average to a world class QB in one year, specially haven't played with the players in a while and most are just learning the system....plus as many of the skins said, they are not running the same offense as florida, its going to be adjusted to the NFL level as SS will adopt so even that will take time for Weurfull to adopt...

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riggo, Gibbs has some good players on that offense, like the OL, the WRs, TE. this years team is weak in the middle of the line and the WRs are all suited for #3 except maybe Gardner and he is a second year player learning a new system.

I just don't think its going to happen this fast. this is the 3rd offensive system in 3 years and 3rd year in a row guys have been shuffled in and out of the skins.....it takes time to jell together offensively as well as defensively.

SS may have the ability to get it done but not this year. this is going to be a very up and down year for his offense. world beater one week and down right awful the next.....

SS may eventually get it donw in the NFL, but he needs time. those stats are just way too high for someone like weurful to go from average to a world class QB in one year, specially haven't played with the players in a while and most are just learning the system....plus as many of the skins said, they are not running the same offense as florida, its going to be adjusted to the NFL level as SS will adopt so even that will take time for Weurfull to adopt...

Spoken like a true commentator for ESPN.

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Thats a reasonable and moderately conservative stance...a fairly safe bet really. Spurrier has amazed me enough times that I wouldn't bet against a miraculous rejuvenation of this offense. In fact, I felt all along that the talent was far better here than the Win column indicated. A really good coach could go far with this team.

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I can't disagree with the Wuerffel-Matthews-Ramsey ranking right now, with Sage of course being the odd man out. It makes a lot of sense.

What I wonder about, though, is how much value Spurrier places upon development of young QB talent as opposed to security with multiple players who can perform now. We really have no way of knowing because he's made no statement on this issue.

However, if he's going to place heavy emphasis upon developing talent, then Sage might sneak in and supplant Matthews, resulting in Matthews being cut. As I indicated in another thread, Spurrier's statement about considering keeping 4 QB's is perhaps an interesting statement about what he believes the future may hold for Sage.

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