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WHo thinks the spagetti sauce ...


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Actually, I think Sage aquitted himself decently. His stats bare that out. If you want to say that he did it against backups after the first teamers left, that's fair. He surely didn't prove himself a world beater and surely didn't look better than Weurfal, but he had some decent moments once his stage fright dissipated. Weurfal on the other hand made some great plays and improvs. I'm curious how more studious defensive gameplanning would impact how he did. I enjoyed yesterday's game thoroughly. We showed good run d, decent pass d, actually got pressure occassionally, didn't get too many dumb penalties and the few dumb penalties we got the players were mad at themselves. Problems, a ton of fair catches and the run game. But Sage was okay, just not brilliant.

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Hey, the rebuttal added an additional good throw. Seriously though, I think that we can feel good about this team, Sage included, based on yesterday. If it is an either or question there's no doubt who lost, but considering this was his first start, first go against a first team, and was probably rehashing the Todd Husak fiasco from last year that got him cut and destroyed Todd's reputation. I think the recovery in the second quarter deserves a tip o the hat or a :pint: depending on your style.

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Originally posted by amsterdamgator

Burgold...He made about three good throws all day...He could have thrown for about 350 in the first half if he hit 2/3's the open guys.

His first series was the worst I might have ever seen in the nfl...He made andre ware look good.

True enough. But he DID loosen up. I think he did well overall.

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I'm thinking that the end is near for Sage. (BTW...thats oregano in spaghetti sauce, not sage). I'm also wondering what the Houston Texan's are thinking about trading Wuerrfel to the "Skins" after his performance last night?

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They are probably thinking "Good for Danny!" Because Spurrier's offense is the ONLY offense DW would have a chance in. Even then, I still think he's going to have to have personnel with NFL caliber skills to make his offense run, just like every other team in the NFL.

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Norv Turner got great production out of very average to below talent. In 1999 he went into the year with a 400-yard rusher, Westbrook and Connell as his best receivers and Brad Johnson, a very injury prone and limited QB who had shown some good performance when in games.

We're better off today on offense than we were then. Shane Matthews reminds me greatly of Johnson in that both have proven accurate and pretty effective in limited playing time and both have been largely more injured than anything. But, Spurrier is the type of coach who can get high performance levels out of his players. By the end of the year it may not be asked how come the Redskins don't have any NFL talent, but, how did they get so much :).

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Well, the "NFL-quality" talent comment wasn't a criticism of the talent level on the Skins, it was a criticism of the talent level of the QB (most namely DW). If anyone here seriously thinks DW can do that against NFL first teamers, i've got a bridge to sell you.

Danny has started before in the NFL, he started a few games with New Orleans about 4 years ago, and he looked HORRIBLE. Why? He threw too many INTs. Why? Because his arm resembles a wet noodle. If im a skins fan, I'd be more excited that the offense works against 2nd stringers (sage's 2nd quarter last night) and be eager to see what it does with Matthews against first teamers than i would be with DW's performance last night. Hell, QC lit it up in two preseason starts last year, and came out absolutely horrible in the regular season before getting hurt and changing his grip.

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I agreed with you and now after last night I am just curious to see how this pans out, if DW is able to be this good, he can not play this well all the time but how low does his lows go, will be the point I am looking at and where his average performance settles in at. But remember we have yet to see MAtthews

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amsterdam reminds me of that old Deion-worshipper "Primetime21" except you can put any or all of the ex-Gators in Deion's spot. Remember THAT bozo?

He actually pulls against other Skin players and rejoices when they don't play well because he thinks this might reflect favorably on his boys.

Not so much a Skin fan as a fan of Spurrier, Wuerfful, Matthews and the rest of the Fla. players. Irritating to no end.

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The problem you're going to have in chatting about Wuerffel's problems in New Orleans is simply that the offense there and the offense here are entirely different. Wuerffel had plenty of zip and touch on the ball last night. It doesn't matter that there were second stringers in. He still had plenty of accurazy, zip and touch.

Is his arm great? No. Is it above average? No. In this offense his mental thought process is what's more important however. This offense is designed perfectly to fit what Wuerffel can do as a player and what strength he has as a player.

He showed enough arm last night to be encouraging. He showed enough smarts and awareness to be more than encoraging. It was somewhat inspiring.

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I have seen a bunch of threads this morning with this gator fan and I believe he has about to enter the point where I for one won't even open his threads because of the BS. Chill out Amsterdamgator or no one will ever listen to you

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Sage did not look very good last night, but he did outplay the scrubs, his supposed peer group. He will have to prove himself against some starters deeper into the preseason, and if he can't, he'll be gone with the first round of cuts.

If he looks even decent in the upcoming weeks, then hopefully we'll keep 4 QBs on the roster.

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Sage will be the 4th QB unless Matthews stinks it up. Now, whether or not the Skins keep a 4th QB is another matter entirely.

ChrisFul, no one on the board is about to name DW as the next Favre or Young (although both of those guys had slow starts in the NFL), and everyone is aware that DW was throwing against scrubs. That being said, he showed patience and confidence (did you see that shovel-pass?) and hit his receivers when they were open, which works just fine for me.

Some offenses work better for certain players, and I'm open to the possibility (last night did nothing to decrease this possibility) that DW could still be developing as a functional, if not quality, QB in the NFL. Great, no. But certainly a lot better than he's played before.

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Mathews won't stink it up...he'll look like a carbon copy of Wuerful running the offense...slightly better arm and not as good with the fade. I think Sage is number 3 if he continues to improve. If Ramsey doesn't sign soon he will be on loan to NFL Europe or traded. From a pretty optimistic standpoint, if Ramsey can pick up SOS's system faster than most, he'll take the number 3 slot from Sage and get a little playing time in blowouts.

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