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Originally posted by Nerm

That game was fun to watch. I have to give it to SS, he likes to spread it out and get guys open. Nice job by the Skins tonight, especially the backup WRs, DW, and Gillespie.


The team showed some nice things out there, especially Weurfel looked poised and in command of the offense.

The Redskins's back-ups had a better undestanding of the system than the 49er's defensive back-ups whom appeared to be lost.

Whilst the first units where playing, the 49er's where much more in command and the Skins Offense appeared confused and out of sync. After the Mike Rumph brain fart, Rosenfel got some much needed confidence.

After all the mixed reviews coming out of Skins camp, the fans and organization needed some fireworks.

p.s. I got the feeling after the game that the 49ers will circle the Redskins game on their schedule calendar. 3rd game of the season the Skins go to San Fran. Early season grudge match!!!!

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I hope the 69'rs do circle that game, b/c I'm sure thats all SS was thinking about on the flight home.

Thanks for being positive remarks on our 1st preseason game.

Don't expect the same this Friday Night. I don't see the new coach in Oakland taking it easy on Campo & the boyz.

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Originally posted by Qcard


The team showed some nice things out there, especially Weurfel looked poised and in command of the offense.

The Redskins's back-ups had a better undestanding of the system than the 49er's defensive back-ups whom appeared to be lost.

Whilst the first units where playing, the 49er's where much more in command and the Skins Offense appeared confused and out of sync. After the Mike Rumph brain fart, Rosenfel got some much needed confidence.

After all the mixed reviews coming out of Skins camp, the fans and organization needed some fireworks.

p.s. I got the feeling after the game that the 49ers will circle the Redskins game on their schedule calendar. 3rd game of the season the Skins go to San Fran. Early season grudge match!!!!

Another ridiculous post, masqueraded as a grudging tip-o-the-hat.

The first units on either team didn't play long enough to assert any sort of command. To my eyes, Sage was the only one shaky on the Redskins "first unit". He was missing open receivers pretty consistently early on (ASF will probably say it's the other way around, at least the throws to Gardner). The first unit for the 49ers hardly dominated. If Sage hits some of those throws (not unreasonable to expect out of a "first unit" QB), the score would have been even more obscene.

As far as the grudge match thing goes, the 49ers claimed to not have taken the game very seriously. If they're going to take that approach, why should they be bitter about the result? If they don't have the pride to show well for a game, why would they be able to summon it up for taking revenge on a preseason game?

If they need that to get going, I would seriously question their motivation. Late game shots of the sidelines didn't reveal players too concerned about what was happening on the field. Mariucci may have been embarrassed to be so thoroughly outcoached by a rookie, but I don't think the players shared in his humiliation. The Redskins hardly provided any bulletin board material afterwards, either.

So, yes, as we've come to expect, that was an asinine post from you.

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Originally posted by SonnyJ

Another ridiculous post, masqueraded as a grudging tip-o-the-hat.

The first units on either team didn't play long enough to assert any sort of command. To my eyes, Sage was the only one shaky on the Redskins "first unit". He was missing open receivers pretty consistently early on (ASF will probably say it's the other way around, at least the throws to Gardner). The first unit for the 49ers hardly dominated. If Sage hits some of those throws (not unreasonable to expect out of a "first unit" QB), the score would have been even more obscene.

As far as the grudge match thing goes, the 49ers claimed to not have taken the game very seriously. If they're going to take that approach, why should they be bitter about the result? If they don't have the pride to show well for a game, why would they be able to summon it up for taking revenge on a preseason game?

If they need that to get going, I would seriously question their motivation. Late game shots of the sidelines didn't reveal players too concerned about what was happening on the field. Mariucci may have been embarrassed to be so thoroughly outcoached by a rookie, but I don't think the players shared in his humiliation. The Redskins hardly provided any bulletin board material afterwards, either.

So, yes, as we've come to expect, that was an asinine post from you.

Bwahahahahahaha :laugh: hehehehe.

It's only preseason.

Sound it out buddy P R E - S E A S O N

Get a grip son. I could give sh$t what you think about my post. Infact your inflated ego about your teams performance matters as much as the game it self. NOTHING!!!

The game in a Nutshell.

1.Your back-ups had were more in-tune with the schemes than the 49er's back-ups

2.The 49ers are a play-off team. They could careless about the 2nd, 3rd and 4th qtr of a preseason game half away around the world.

I'll be looking forward to your commentaries when the season comes around.

Preseason shesh. The arrogance and ignorance reeking from your post, I almost thought your team had won a play-off game.

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Originally posted by SkinsLegacy44


I hope the 69'rs do circle that game, b/c I'm sure thats all SS was thinking about on the flight home.

Thanks for being positive remarks on our 1st preseason game.

Don't expect the same this Friday Night. I don't see the new coach in Oakland taking it easy on Campo & the boyz.

Just like Danny Weurfel, I expect Chad Hutchinson to light it up against the Oakland Raiders second team. The Raiders are a veteran team. Expect a lack luster performance like the 49ers. Veteran Play-off teams fear injury like the plague. I am looking forward to the Antonio Bryant vs Philip Buchanon match-up. Both these guys think they are God's gift to their respective positions.

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You just said two entirely different things. Earlier you wrote that you suspect the Niners will hold a grudge against us due to this game. In this thread you wrote, "They could careless about the 2nd, 3rd and 4th qtr of a preseason game half away around the world."

So, which is it? They are upset by being beaten soundly and will hold a grudge against us, or they could care less? Or, is it in typical Cowboy fan style, both, because when in doubt, say everything and hope something sticks so you can say you said it?

When you figure out what you mean, let us know and try to stick with one theme at a time so you don't confuse yourself further.

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Wow Art, that makes two ridiculous posts in one day. Are you feeling okay? Or did one little preseason game throw you for a loop.

It is very simple what Q means. This game meant next to nothing to the 49ers. It was the first of five games. They just wanted to get through it without any injuries. However, they have pride. And throwing deep on fourth and one and putting up a lot of points against scrubs will tend to anger a football player and the coaches. Surely the 49ers didn't care if they won. But they do care when they get blown out. That's what Q meant and I hope you know that. I hope you are just being cute and pretending not to understand. Or maybe it's because the Skins haven't had a real good team in so long that you forget what "real" teams do in the preseason. They just try to shake off the rust and make it through in one piece. That's what the 49ers were doing. Only rookie coaches and coaches of real bad teams (this doesn't include the skins) play and coach like preseason is the conference championship. And while this game surely didn't mean much to SF, you know that Mooch will get plenty of motivation from the long ball on 4th and one and the coaches jumping up and down on the sideline like a pom-pom squad that just took second in the state finals. But there antics were very hunmorous to those of us not directly involved in the game.:laugh:

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Thanks for saving me the typing, Art.

Typical punk Cowboy fan response. Throw out a brainless post, get called on it, and act like the responder is clueless and completely blowing things out of proportion.

I think it's what they teach you at the debating school for jacka$$es. After you submit points with no factual basis and are left naked with a common sense rebuttal, pour gasoline on yourself and ask someone to throw a match on you.

QCard apparently was valedictorian of his class.

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I think the point was to "motivate" Mooch and the Niners. No one plays mind games better than SS. In fact, Mooch already seemed a bit rattled in some post game interviews when he gave the Skins some rather backhanded compliments (there is a thread about this). So the Niners can bring it week 3 and you can bet SS wont hesitate to throw deep on 4th and 1.

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Originally posted by Art


You just said two entirely different things. Earlier you wrote that you suspect the Niners will hold a grudge against us due to this game. In this thread you wrote, "They could careless about the 2nd, 3rd and 4th qtr of a preseason game half away around the world."

So, which is it? They are upset by being beaten soundly and will hold a grudge against us, or they could care less? Or, is it in typical Cowboy fan style, both, because when in doubt, say everything and hope something sticks so you can say you said it?

When you figure out what you mean, let us know and try to stick with one theme at a time so you don't confuse yourself further.

oh yes!!! the glory of Preseason games.

For a reply check-out the Erwin S. post it pretty much sums up my feelings.

ARTism, once again trying to start a debate by setting the parameters.

So, which is it? They are upset by being beaten soundly and will hold a grudge against us, or they could care less? Or, is it in typical Cowboy fan style, both, because when in doubt, say everything and hope something sticks so you can say you said it?

So if you really want to know what I meant (without trying to sandbox me with your stupid reasons) just ask, but keep the junior high debating tactics to yourself.

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I realize you and Q speak the same duplicitious and multiple speak language, but that doesn't mean the rest of us do. In one post Q wrote he feels the Niners will hold a grudge because of what we did. In the next he wrote they could care less about the second, third and fourth quarters of a preseason game.

You defend him by saying of COURSE they care about a fourth quarter bomb and how dim I am not to see that because of course they don't care about the preseason game at all. See, who can counter such a totally double-sided argument which says everything yet means nothing?

Certainly not I.

But, you two are on the same page and that is all I need to know about the substance of your position.

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Originally posted by SonnyJ

Another ridiculous post, masqueraded as a grudging tip-o-the-hat.

It was a congratulatory post. It appears a pre-season game of no consequence has gone to your head. You must have had a hard-on waiting for me to appear sometime and bash your team so you could spew all the Weurfel, Sage and SS achievements on Saturday night, only to have the biggest let down of your life. Grow up it's only preseason. Sage and Weurfel did a good job.

Originally posted by SonnyJ

The first units on either team didn't play long enough to assert any sort of command. To my eyes, Sage was the only one shaky on the Redskins "first unit". He was missing open receivers pretty consistently early on (ASF will probably say it's the other way around, at least the throws to Gardner). The first unit for the 49ers hardly dominated. If Sage hits some of those throws (not unreasonable to expect out of a "first unit" QB), the score would have been even more obscene.

Well knuckle since you want to get into semantics, I will further breakdown what your OUT OF SYNC offense did in the 15 minute first Quarter whilst the STARTERS where still in the game. The Offense had the ball for close to 6 minutes, generated 1 FIRST DOWN and 21 yards TOTAL OFFENSE. The 49ers had 5 generated 1st downs with a total of 75 yards total gained. For a QTR (knucklehead) whilst the starters were playing your team was dominated. Get a grip.

Originally posted by SonnyJ

As far as the grudge match thing goes, the 49ers claimed to not have taken the game very seriously. If they're going to take that approach, why should they be bitter about the result? If they don't have the pride to show well for a game, why would they be able to summon it up for taking revenge on a preseason game?

If they need that to get going, I would seriously question their motivation. Late game shots of the sidelines didn't reveal players too concerned about what was happening on the field. Mariucci may have been embarrassed to be so thoroughly outcoached by a rookie, but I don't think the players shared in his humiliation. The Redskins hardly provided any bulletin board material afterwards, either.

So, yes, as we've come to expect, that was an asinine post from you.

The 49ers did not take the game seriously, but they also do not expect the Redskins to run up the score whilst the white flag had been raised a Qtr ago. Throwing a bomb on 4th and 1 when the game is already out of hand is bulletin board material.

Factor in the young offensive coaches on the Redskins team celebrating like they had won the SEC championship game. I understand that SS wants to get his offense going and get his players experience, but just like any other sport there are unspoken rules. 1 is to never show up an opponent.

Your back-ups and QBs got some much needed experience and Skin fans should be happy, but take this game for what it was worth NOTHING!!!

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Originally posted by Art


I realize you and Q speak the same duplicitious and multiple speak language, but that doesn't mean the rest of us do. In one post Q wrote he feels the Niners will hold a grudge because of what we did. In the next he wrote they could care less about the second, third and fourth quarters of a preseason game.

You defend him by saying of COURSE they care about a fourth quarter bomb and how dim I am not to see that because of course they don't care about the preseason game at all. See, who can counter such a totally double-sided argument which says everything yet means nothing?

Certainly not I.

But, you two are on the same page and that is all I need to know about the substance of your position.

Once again smART 49ers could care less about what happened during the second, third and fourth quaters of a preseason game, because they are a play-off team with their starters already intact. They are just evaluating a couple of back-up positions and letting their camp fodder get some experience and playing time.

I got the feeling that the 49ers were Pissed off after the game because the Skins threw the bomb on the 4th and 1. Showing up an opponent in preseason when the game is already decided is not good business. That is SS personality. So far this falls in line with the rest of the unspoken rules he has broken since becoming the Skins headcoach.

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I guess you think you can trot out words like duplicitous and that makes your argument valid. Are you truly that obtuse? Perhaps if you reread my posts and Q's posts, you will experience a metanoia.

Simply put, before and during the game, the 49ers could care less about the outcome. However, after having the score run up on them, they will not be happy. Therefore, they didn't care but they do care now.

BTW - while you are being so smart and putting down the Cowboy fans, may I point out that writing duplicitous and multiple speak is redundant. They are stating the same thing. Just so you know Mr. Duplicitous.

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You have strained the bounds of credulity. You come in with a clearly back-handed "congratulatory" post replete with incorrect assertions. I called you on it.

You fall back repeatedly on the tired mantra of "lighten up, knucklehead, it's only preseason" and proceed to attribute meaning to my post that was clearly not there. In other words, you got your little panties in a bunch and lied in order to cover up your inadequacies as a poster.

That's OK. It's what we expect from you here. If you were to come here with rational, well-thought logical posts (such as, "the thought of Quincy Carter as my team's QB is scaring the crap out of me"), it would worry us to no end. It would mean we would no longer have a mouse to play with occasionally, until we get tired of you spouting your drivel and stop responding in hopes you would just go away.

Naturally, you'll respond with additional impotent ramblings. But, just to give you a head's up (I know, you have to take your head out of your posterior first), you'll just be adding to your dubious legend on this board.

PSST - BTW, that's not a good thing.

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Q, erwin, et al....you don't get it. spurrier doesn't play by your rules or any other "sensitivities". he plays to win. what the 9ers expected was irrelevant. if he gets a chance, you can be sure SS will ring up 50+ on the pokes whether that creates enmity or not. gee whizz.......bulletin board material. wow...now there's something to be truly frightened of. win, lose or draw...the skins are going to make a statement this year...."bring it on". as for preseason being meaningless...well the first few maybe (unless you happen to be a player on the bubble), but i remember both george allen and joe gibbs sttaing that they wanted the trend to fall toward winning in the last 1-2 games of preseason to set the tone. is this necessary? no. but it can be part of the psychology of the game. was the game in Japan meaningless.....well.....for the most part...yes. unless you're a skins fan wandering whether the system has promise, whether the QBs can run it, whether the receivers can be a threat, whether the draftees have promise, whether there is going to be talent & depth, etc., etc. in your recap of the first Qtr you forgot one key part: after a giveaway interception the 1st team (without 3 starting linemen) kept the 9ers from scoring. that's what turns games during the regular season. so, while no one is preduicting SB, the early returns are starting to answer key questions and the skins may have something better going than any of us suspect. time will tell.

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I am not so sure why its so hard for you guys to understand why the niners didn't care about losing (its preseason) but cared about what SS did by running up the score (like throwing long on 4th and 1) to show up perhaps.

I think you guys are confused? SS running up the score in a preseason game to show up the niners? the wins and losses don't count but the act is remembered and niners would want to pay back.

art you are looking to make ridicule where there is nothing. some times I lose respect for you. normally you are very rational but I guess this pre season game got you too excited , so we chalk that one up as overly excited and looking to get even

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I've not been overly excited by this preseason game. In fact, Shawn, I've not said a positive word about the preseason game in this entire thread, so, while you are losing respect for me for getting overly excited about the preseason game we just won, I'd appreciate it if you'd at least pay attention to what you're reading since not an excited utterance was witnessed in this thread regarding the preseason game we just won. I'm just fascinated watching you boys dance to the tune of, "No way the Niners cared about what happened, but they clearly cared about the way it happened."

You see, that's so ignorantly foolish I can't help but snicker. Q, you understand, don't you, that in no way shape or form can the Niners not care about what happened in the second, third and fourth quarters, but yet still care greatly about a particular passing play in the fourth quarter that went for a score.

When the Danny Wuerffel to Derrius Thompson killer combination gets accused of running up the score, I just sit here stunned, wondering what you boys are thinking. It was Wuerffel and Thompson. It's not like we put Gardener or Green back in for that special fourth and one.

The Niners either didn't care about the game or they did. They either didn't care about the outcome, or they cared about the outcome. You can't not care while caring. You can't care while not caring. It's not all that hard to grasp. I've got poor Erwin over there searching for a thesaurus while failing to understand the language well enough to offer a grade of my "redundancy."

Erwin, buddy, duplicitous means given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech. Multiple speak means having, relating to, or consisting of more than one individual, element, part, or other component. So, you see, both are apt. You boys consistently argue multiple parts to a single argument and at the same time you are deliberately deceptive, which in Q's case is highlighted by his backhanded compliment.

Do not ever correct me when you simply fail to grasp the language yourself Erwin. It makes you look very silly.

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Originally posted by shawn

I am not so sure why its so hard for you guys to understand why the niners didn't care about losing (its preseason) but cared about what SS did by running up the score (like throwing long on 4th and 1) to show up perhaps.

I think you guys are confused? SS running up the score in a preseason game to show up the niners? the wins and losses don't count but the act is remembered and niners would want to pay back.

art you are looking to make ridicule where there is nothing. some times I lose respect for you. normally you are very rational but I guess this pre season game got you too excited , so we chalk that one up as overly excited and looking to get even

So, I suppose if it had been 2nd and 1, throwing a bomb is OK?

The point is, if they didn't care too much about the game, why would they care about a meaningless score that came when most of their starters were barely paying attention?

Look, not one person on this board is exalting that play, but neither are we condemning it. If the play was done to merely stick a poker in the eye of the 49ers, it seems a little silly, then. Anyone with half a brain, though, would presume that Spurrier probably had other things in mind when he called the play. Why waste it in the preseason just to show up the other team? It makes no sense.

And I still submit that the 49ers are grasping at straws if they need this as a grudge tool in the regular season game. After all, they're so good and they're lineup is so set, what could they possibly have to worry about from the Redskins?

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What kills me is that if we sucked on Saturday, these same fools would be here chiming in too! Its preseason but lets look at the big picture here. We Skin fans are hyped about our new coach so let us enjoy it.We've been under some suck *** coaches for the last 9 yrs. Norv offense in preseason was awful even when the starters where in there. Marty was the same way. If we stink up the joint this season so be it, but like Fat boy Peter King said:"I dont know when Spurrier will suceed, but he will".

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Originally posted by SonnyJ


You have strained the bounds of credulity. You come in with a clearly back-handed "congratulatory" post replete with incorrect assertions. I called you on it.

Well, that is your opinion. I honestly think the Redskins Qbs had a decent game after the starters left the game. It is a fact which you can not refute. I could give sh!t what you think about me.

Erwin S. and I responded to your call-out. Once again I could give a sh!t if my response does not suffice

Originally posted by SonnyJ

You fall back repeatedly on the tired mantra of "lighten up, knucklehead, it's only preseason" and proceed to attribute meaning to my post that was clearly not there. In other words, you got your little panties in a bunch and lied in order to cover up your inadequacies as a poster.

The same can be said about you in regards to my initial post. Once again get a Grip!!. Where did I lie?.

Where or when did you get the feeling that I actually give a sh!t about what you think about me or my posting adequacies.

Originally posted by SonnyJ

That's OK. It's what we expect from you here. If you were to come here with rational, well-thought logical posts (such as, "the thought of Quincy Carter as my team's QB is scaring the crap out of me"), it would worry us to no end. It would mean we would no longer have a mouse to play with occasionally, until we get tired of you spouting your drivel and stop responding in hopes you would just go away.

Quincy Carter will succeed or fail on his own merit. I have not hailed him as the next great QB for the DallasCowboys, but I have debated with those who claim Quincy Carter will amount to nothing. The thought of any young QB starting in the NFL should scare any rationale fan. I don't expect you to like Quincy Carter, I expect you to ball up like a little dwarf when he lights up your secondary once again.

Originally posted by SonnyJ

Naturally, you'll respond with additional impotent ramblings. But, just to give you a head's up (I know, you have to take your head out of your posterior first), you'll just be adding to your dubious legend on this board.

PSST - BTW, that's not a good thing. [/b]

once again like I give a sh!t.

here are the facts again.

Whilst the 1st team units were on the field the 49ers dominated time of possesion, Total Offensive yardage, Defensive pressure/take-aways.

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