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I keep reading about two missed tackles....

Joey T

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on both of Bell's touchdown runs. I've looked through the threads to see if there are any mention of names & particulars. Could not find. Do any of you know who missed the tackles and can provide any details?

where, how, why??????????

Thanks so much :cheers:

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Matt Bowen and someone else (Springs?) missed badly on the 55 yarder.

Daniels got shook on the 34 yarder, but I think I recall the major problem being Holdman who was getting mugged by some tight end... it was run to his side of the field.

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Springs was outta the game WAAAAAY before the 55 yarder but you were correct on 2 points: (1) Daniels missed Bell in the backfield and Holdman was stuck in the mud. (2) Holdman was out of position and Bowen missed the tackle. Do we see a theme here?

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Springs was outta the game WAAAAAY before the 55 yarder but you were correct on 2 points: (1) Daniels missed Bell in the backfield and Holdman was stuck in the mud. (2) Holdman was out of position and Bowen missed the tackle. Do we see a theme here?

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Of course giving up long runs is bad, but I mean that it could be good if Holdman's not getting it done because then Lavar should get some time. However, it could be very bad if Lavar still doesn't get in because then it just confirms everyone's fear that we're trying to phase him out and we'll use any excuse to leave him on the bench.

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Matt Bowen and someone else (Springs?) missed badly on the 55 yarder.

Daniels got shook on the 34 yarder, but I think I recall the major problem being Holdman who was getting mugged by some tight end... it was run to his side of the field.

agreed, obviously, haha

Holdman, he was tripped up a little, but him and Daniels were the ones who had the best chance on that first run.

Bowen looks like he missed the 2nd one.

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Bowen was coming clear across from the right side after being up on the line, he did take a bad angle on Bell which didn't give him much of a chance to make the tackle. Stoutmire probably did the worst job on that 2nd TD as he was the left side safety, 2 players were already close to the sideline and had the outside contain locked up, Stoutmire comes up and goes further outside and engages a blocker and didn't even attempt to fill the hole towards the inside. If you focus on him, he should have been in a perfect position to make the stop and just completely blew it.

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on the second long run washington was in perfect position to make the tackle and then he gets nailed with a block right in the back. BS all game with the officiating.

the first run, daniels kept bell contained, but he did miss an oppurtunity for the tackle. HOLDMAN wasn't ATHLETIC enough to make the tackle and made a diving attempt at a one-handed grab. Get Arrington in the game. I must have yelled that 50 times during the game. People in the Boston-area sports bar thought i was crazy haha

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It was a full-on rain dump in the mud. Bell got the separation he needed. Twice. He doesn't have that day on dry grass and he won't have that day again this year. These were EXTREME playing conditions. It is not a shock that the team with the longer-standing, better-established running system won in that rain. Those two plays killed us, but we are the better defense and the better team.

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