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More on Ki Jana Carter(Packers?), Levins(Skins?)


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Yeah I smell something. It's funky but cool. Carter I am surprised, but business rules with. Remember that when the time comes for the Pack to address needs and remember the burden they expect you to carry IMMEDIATELY for those dollars? Are you ready for 300 carries already??? Good luck.<br /><br />Levens, would be a very, very good backup and alternate for Stephen Davis and his hands wouldn't hurt, so there'd be no drop-off in the backfield. <br /><br />Just wish Cater had stayed or will stay. There's really not a sound reason to leave. He simply WILL NOT BE the feature back in Green Bay. Not in the ole' black and blue division.

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There is a difference between frugal and stingy. The Redskins would not have to make an offer much higher than the minimum to Carter to re-sign him, but this is one case where I don't think the new, penny pinching Redskins would be wise to count their pennies. I for one think Levens is done, I think he can no longer be effective as a primary back, and that is exactly what would be required of him if SD were to go down for any length of time. Carter on the other hand is a diamond in the rough, and I am surprised that he has not garnered more interest after the way he played last year, as the article reminds us, he was a #1 pick, and he seems to be as close to his Pen State form as he has been since being drafted. Hopefully it won't matter, and Davis will stay healthy, but I would feel a lot more comfortable with Carter on the sidelines than I would with an over the hill big name like Levens.

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Carter would seem to be an excellent fit in our new offense, especially considering the glimpses we saw of him last season. At this point in their career's, Carter is probably as good of a player, if not better, than the more hyped Levens. It would seem advantageous to both Carter and the Redskins for them to reach an agreement.

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I think I'm joining the "Keep Ki-Jana" crowd. He kept a lot of drives alive last year. I think I would rate him as Marty's best personnell move. (Maybe getting Szott was close). <br /><br />Steve might even prefer Ki-Jana over Davis. (Although, what I've read is that Steve doesn't like to throw to the back: He either carries the ball, or stays in and blocks). <br /><br />I don't want to spend big bucks on a backup runner. If somebody wants to offer him starting money, then it's "See ya. Hope you can stand up to it". But if all he's asking for is, say, $1M bonus and three years of minimum, and in return we get to convert three or four third-and-longs into first-and-tens every game. . .<br /><br />Just thought of another potential offer: The article mentioned that the offers being looked at were close to the "vet minimum" rule, but not guite close enough. Maybe we could offer a deal that's low enough to qualify for the minimum rule, but guarantee the money. If he gets injured this year, then next year he still gets minimum wage for watching the games on television. But the Skins get a cap hit that's actually below minimum wage.<br /> <br /> <small>[ April 10, 2002, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Larry ]</small>

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I`m not going to jump off the band wagon for keeping Ki-Jana, he is the only back that could be capable of filling in or even taking over the #1 running spot for Davis if he got hurt. Why do they continue to look to spend more money for backs from other teams when we already have one here? He is in our house now why let him do what Thrash did when he got the chance, when we refused to let him have the chance when he was with us, are we going to do the same here again. Wake up and smell the coffee People, don`t let this diamond go somewhere else and come back to cut us again like Thrash did. Pay the money and lets get on the other spots to fill like the o-line and dolines

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Thrash cut us?<br />Hmm...when was this?<br /><br />I do agree on keeping Carter. Of all the options out there right now, he's the best one. <br />If he does stay though, it's only going to be a couple years at the most. He's got his feet wet, now he wants to jump in.

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Carter AND Levens have had their share of injuries and lost time.<br /><br />What we will get out of either player should Davis go down is likely to be similar to what the Ravens got out of Terry Allen after Jamal Lewis went down, competent but not spectacular production.<br /><br />Carter has less wear and tear on him and did play well in spots last year.<br /><br />Levens on the other hand has PROVEN in the NFL that he can both run and catch the football AND produce in some big games. Carter has never reached the level of success that Levens has.<br /><br />Whether he can still do so at 32 is a question.<br /><br />I do know that the plan in Green Bay was to marginalize Levens last year. He was kept on the rolls for another season to avoid the cap hit of cutting him in 2001 and the team didn't really use him at all.<br /><br />I think in large measure this decision comes down to what the coaches and medical staff see in their workouts. Does Levens still cut with any speed and quickness? Does he look like he still wants to play football?<br /><br />We know that Carter is committed to making his comeback a successful one and he is not lacking in motivation.<br /><br />The question on Carter is, is there an upside?

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Larry:<br /><strong>I think I'm joining the "Keep Ki-Jana" crowd. He kept a lot of drives alive last year. I think I would rate him as Marty's best personnell move. (Maybe getting Szott was close).</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Drafting Fred Smoot? Signing Antonio Pierce? Cutting Deion? Nah, I'm just joshing you a bit, the move for Carter was a good one, and probably at least number 3. (Sorry, I just think that Smoot and Coleman had bigger impacts)

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by bulldog:<br />The question on Carter is, is there an upside?</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I think so, #1 draft pick who came back from severe surgery at a young age to rush for 5 yards per carry last year.

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Yomar:<br /><strong> </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by bulldog:<br />The question on Carter is, is there an upside?</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I think so, #1 draft pick who came back from severe surgery at a young age to rush for 5 yards per carry last year.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I wouldn't call 29 "young"...He's also injury-prone still, his workload last year isn't enough to prove he's beaten that bug yet. I don't know who I'd rather have, Levens has much better hands, blocks very well, and could be our answer to the loss of Centers, but Carter could be cheaper and is a bit faster on the rush. Both are injury prone and somewhat older, so if we get one, I still hope that we can draft a third RB if our old practice-squadders don't pan out. I heard Stanley Stephens is done, so who does that leave?

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I would have to agree that a 4.9 average on only 63 carries is suspect because Carter was running the ball a lot on long third downs when teams were guarding against the big play and the field was spread.<br /><br />If you will remember Kelvin Bryant near a 5.0 average one year in the 1980's as well in a similar role with the team.<br /><br />It's when you get up to 200+ carries that 4.5+ average sets you apart as an elite back.<br /><br />.

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