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Eagles lose Hollis Thomas. Out for the year?


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Ouch. It doesn't say anything about the severity of the injury and when they expect him to be back but you've got wonder if this thing is ever going to heal correctly again.

This is a huge blow to the Eagles. Thomas is the only guy on their line that excels against the run. Unless they make a move for Sam Adams they may have a serious problem at their hand.


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Thomas is a good run stuffer. Corey Simon should be given his weight distbribution, but, you're right, this type of injury does leave the Eagles in a bit of a bind. In total they still have a better defensive line than Dallas, but, they are close now to having the worst line in the East if they can't get a good patch here. I would expect them to jump into the Adams derby.

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run stuffing DTs? The Eagles don't need no stinkin' run stiffin' DTs, thats why they have 14 defensive backs on the roster...individually these guys may not be able to do much against the run, but get all of them together and they are like a pack of hungry corgis...


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C'mon, just a few months ago the mention of Sam Adams brought throngs of boos from this message board. Now all of a sudden he's fearsome because the Eagles might sign him?

Granted, he is a better run stuffer than Thomas, but when he sees that the Eagles are desperately in need of him, he's going to push his demands up to an $8 mil signing bonus again. Who actually believes that the Eagles will shell out that much cash?

They'd rather lose than spend big bucks on a player.

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