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History of Violence


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Just returned from seeing this movie with my wife. Honestly, I think it was one of the better movies I've seen in awhile. To be sure, I'd have to see it again.

Some very rough scenes -- from both a sex and violence perspective -- but not gratuitous, in my opinion. Just accurate to the type of story.

I feel like this storyline has been played out in recent years, but I still found myself enjoying it. It seemed like a new take on this type of story, but for some reason I couldn't find myself FULLY enjoying it. Perhaps it was Vigo Mortenson -- I don't know, I'll have to check it out again when it comes out on video to try and nail down some more specific thoughts.

Anyone else seen this movie yet?

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There was a lack of build up.....when we find the "truth" about the main character, well that's it really. I think they revealed too much too soon.

Kinda slow.

Great performances by Viggo, Bello, Harris and Hurt-- but it just lacked something. Something that just kinda made the movie drag.

When it ends, you kinda say-- Is that it?

Isn't there more?

There is a bit of a body count. Graphic violence (anybody who's seen kill Bill or Sin City won't think it's too graphic however). 2 sex scenes (graphic maybe for a film, but you see alot more sex/nudity on late night Cinemax/HBO/Showtime.

Not a bad film...alot will like it, but I was disappointed.

goskins grade: C

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  • 5 months later...

After searching for this topic, I finally found it. I rented the movie today...I know, its a wild Spring Break. I thought it was pretty good. I agree with most, that it had some violent scenes and some sex, but Im not complaining. I really think if they wanted to, there could be a sequel.

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