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Redskins Lines Decimated for Saturday


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the string of injuries over the past 2 weeks on both lines has been incredible.

nobody is going to miss the season (except perhaps Leverette) but for the 49er game we will be without:

Bruce Smith, Santana Dotson, Daryl Gardener, Otis Leverette, David Loverne, Kipp Vickers (maybe), and now Chris Samuels who has food poisoning.

the glass half full argument is we are going to get to see the younger players in action for a long stretch of the game.

the glass half empty is that the quarterbacks and linebackers are going to see some widebodies heading in their direction with a head of steam and some smoke coming out of their ears :(

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Bruce Smith, Santana Dotson, Daryl Gardener, Otis Leverette, David Loverne, Kipp Vickers (maybe), and now Chris Samuels who has food poisoning

It might be a blessing in disguise especailly if Samuels is held out because that turf and the trip to there is taxing on a body.

WTEM is still saying 6 weeks max on Leverettes knee injury hope that is true because he could actually be the starting RDE if not Dotson

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Originally posted by NavyDave

Bruce Smith, Santana Dotson, Daryl Gardener, Otis Leverette, David Loverne, Kipp Vickers (maybe), and now Chris Samuels who has food poisoning

It might be a blessing in disguise especailly if Samuels is held out because that turf and the trip to there is taxing on a body.

WTEM is still saying 6 weeks max on Leverettes knee injury hope that is true because he could actually be the starting RDE if not Dotson

starting RDE is Bruce Smith...

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Smith is going to need a blow on run downs to remain standing for 16 weeks on those knees.

So, it is very possible that another player such as Dotson or Gardener could rotate at end for Bruce on some early downs.

It might not have been probable but it was possible that a productive camp and preseason by Leverette would have put him into the mix at DE because the other backup candidates like Carl Powell are undersized at 6'2 and 265.

Leverette is 6'6 and 275 or 280 with good quickness.

I agree with Dave that the injury will set him back from that immediate goal but he could definitely be a contributor here before all is said and done.

He is another one of those cheaper, younger players that has a physical upside.

We need a few of these guys to come through.

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It was going to be difficult enough for Sage to prove himself in the first preseason game with a new coach and system, and largely new WR's. Now he's going to be playing with an entirely new line with the exception of Jansen. I'm afraid he's going to have a very tough time trying to show what he can do.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

It hasnt been reported but if you look at how long Kobe took to recover and how that field does have the players worry it might be in our best interest to have him sit this one out.

true... i would like to see him play but my better instincts are telling me to wait... i'm just so anxious to watch games that have meaning that i wanna see the starters play now... but i can wait, i can do it... only one more month... :(

preseason will have to do for now... :D

GO SKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :high:

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Neither Bruce Smith nor Santana Dotson have serious injuries...they are vets who would prefer not to go through the rigorous part of training camp and putting them on PUP (physically unable to perform) is a means of saving face for the team. You can't just let 'em sit there and eat pizza while the rest of the team sweats.

Both Bruce and Santana were out running and hitting sleds in drills. They'll be miraculously healed for Game One.

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All I know is seafood with the head, icky antenna and eyes still on it freaks me out (which is why snails prepared in Spain are definately o my he11 no list)and I bet most kids at that buffet stuck to stuff the recognized from long john silver or Capt Georges.

Heck not many people can see something live cut up then cooked by only applying lemon juice to it in a dish

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Smith is going to need a blow on run downs to remain standing for 16 weeks on those knees.

I'm guessing that Smith WON'T be starting. I mean, he's already coming off the knee surgery. You add in a LONG flight to Japan and the need to keep THE best defensive player in the NFL healthy, and I would bet you SS is smart enough to keep Smith watching and cheering from the sidelines.

I was hoping to see Samuels in action. But, I guess I'll have to wait for the next preseason game. :shootinth

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It's just a pre-season game. You guys don't need to start the excuse thread for that. Winning the game is nice but not neccessary, it's a glorified scrimmage to evaluate your guys, whoever they are for this game.

Good luck anyway. Never really liked the 9ers.

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