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I'm New and Have Something to Say!


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I am new and thus delegated waterboy.

I would first like to compliment the administrators of this board for keeping it so well-maintained, intelligent in nature, and flame free. I have been lurking here for awhile and felt the need to finally start speaking.

I am a Skins and Gators fan, both by birth. You will never see any word from SwampSkin that express wishes to see any player perform poorly. I do not like reading the anti-Sage nonsense from some of my Gator brethren. I do not like seeing the anti-Shane/anti-Danny comments from some of my Skins brethren. This is ONE team, with one agenda, and that is to win as many games as possible, returning this team to its due and rightful spot atop the NFL.

The Gatorfaithful are as passionate about football as Skins' fans are, so when they see someone labeling their Jergenson or their Baugh (i.e. Danny or Shane)--apologies to those skins who see this as a slight to either SJ or SB--they get defensive and attack, just as we would do if someone attacked members of cherished skins memories. This bantering back and forth has led to what I can see as resentment toward some of the former gators players. I say enough of the dissention! The first game of the SOS era is tomorrow, and there are no more allegiances except to the Burgundy and Gold; may the best man win the QB spot. We are the Skins! We have the best fans in the league! It's time to put away the off-season banter about allegiances to college players, and focus at the heart of the matter: The Skins Domination of this League. SOS will win, and he will win big. I am thankful and appreciative everyday, knowing that his NFL coaching career will begin with my team, and end with my team having won RINGS!! You will too!

Go Skins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hail Victory!

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I am new and thus delegated waterboy.

ummmm, you're a cheerleader. take a look, it's true.

kidding aside, amen brother on the post. i'm so amped for tomorrow night. my wife thinks i'm crazy, and i'm pretty sure she's right.

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I will second that sentiment. And never forgot what brought us all together here. Our passionate love and loyal devotion to the Washington Redskins. We are all one big extended family. Let's all forget the past few weeks and dwell on the here and now. Football is finally back, and we are about to enjoy the dawn of a new and glorious era. Hail to the Redskins:notworthy :notworthy

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I work with SwampSkin...don't trust him! He's a Cowboys/Seminoles fan!! Just kidding...I do work with SwampSkin, and he is a loyal fan of both the Skins and Gators. It makes the work day a lot easier knowing that there's a fellow Skins fan down the hall I can discuss important life issues with, such as who will win the starting QB job. Welcome aboard, SwampSkin. :cheers:

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Welcome aboard swampskin.

Dudes and dudette(s) with the high humidity and some of us out in the heat tomorrow doing that bar b qing prior to the game, dont forget to be hydrated :pint: (yes zima is water but you'll lose macho pts if you indulge) and since some of you dont have this gorgeous and permanent tan like moi protect yourself with sunscreen.

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Welcome aboard Swampskin,

As a life long 'Skins fan 40+ years and a 19 year follower of the Gators I truely understand the sentiments you expressed. I've lurked around the back-biting, but knew in my heart of hearts that SOS did not have any problem with who was on HIS team. He'll play the best man at any position, period. If it's Sage, great, if it's Danny, great, if it's Shane, great, even Patrick (but I doubt it 'cause of the holdout), great! IT'S THE SYSTEM, STUPID! Not the players.

First look in 26 hours,


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