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Ray Lewis

Dirk Diggler

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OK, let's recap...

Ray Lewis, arguably a "10" on a 1-10 scale for MLBs.

Cost: 7 years, $50 million, $19 mill SB

(A snippet from Lenny the Hutt says his contract is structured so that he will receive most of the contract value-- read, "large base salaries and minimal incentives.")

Jeremiah Trotter, arguably a "9" on a 1-10 scale for MLBs.

Cost: 7 years, $35.5 million, $7 million SB

(Will not earn a base salary over $2.7M until 2005, when he will make a $4.5M salary.)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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The 2005 Baltimore Ravens - Ray Lewis, Peter Boulware and 45 XFL "veterans" :lol:

It will be interesting to see if Lewis' effectiveness remains the same when he doesn't have Siragusa and Adams screening the blockers for him...

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Honestly guys.... I dont think the contract is that bad. The overall value of the contract isnt THAT high, and if it is in fact structured so that there arent any crazy inflated years at the end, there wont be a big cap hit from cutting him 2 years from the end of the contract. All things considered, its not so ridiculous. Just my opinion.

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Good God! Those are some big numbers.

Modell is a hypocrite if he's been critical of Snyder's spending.

Although nobody ever talked about it, the Ravens payroll was only a few mill below the Skins in 2000. Granted, they won the SuperBowl and we imploded, but with all the attention given about how much the Skins spent that year, you would think people would have talked about their giant payroll too.

Looks like the wheels are starting to come off the Ravens bandwagon, what a shame, and it only got up and running two years ago.:cool:

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When you have a franchise player like Lewis, your damned if you do and damned if you don't when it comes to signing him.

Of course they have to throw the big bucks at him, sure they are rebuilding, but you can't let a guy like Lewis get away. When you rebuild, you have to pick your battles. Some guys are tough to cut but you have to, while other guys just have to be re-signed, like Lewis. If they let Lewis walk that would be telling the fans that the team is just completely giving up on trying to be competitive.

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These guys are crazy, NO player is worth that kind of money. I don't care what the rest thinks.

This deal is a 3 year thing and then they'll be running around for cap space....

I hope they crash and burn with Modell at the helm....

This is going to affect future contract negotiations with linebackers and players in general, these will only prompt the owners to raise ticket prices....

This move its so dumb that it makes me mad

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19 million for a middle linebacker?


Without the beef up front he is probably on par with the kid from Cincy that the Steelers (in dis mode) compared him to after the plexiglass comments.

Lavar is going to command a huge bonus after this nonsense but we have a few years before we have to worry about that.

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