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Stephen Davis


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it seems to me that davis will not be with us next year. i don't think him being two seasons away from riggo's record is enough incentive for him to stay. who really cares about team records anyway? IMO, davis will want to get his big pay day and will do that via the FA market after we are forced to cut him. he's scheduled to make what , 11 million next year? no way is he worth that when faulk just got a 9 million signing bonus.

maybe i'm being overly negative, but i just don't see him (and his agent) settling for a significant pay cut. i sure hope he does. he's good for the skins and i don't want to retire my 48 jersey...


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I honestly think that the press has played a part in this decision for Davis.

Since we don't know what has been said by Spurrier to Davis, we have to go under the assumption that SS has said the right things.

That being the case, I think Davis already comes from the standpoint that Snyder has made a tremondous commitment to him and I don't think he'll just brush that to the side when making a decision.

However, I think he is going to wait and see how the season turns out. If Davis gets a ton of play time and his stats prove that, I think he'll be willing to stay and renegotiate.

If what the media has said and Davis doesn't get used very much or it becomes clear that SS doesn't think he is the right type of back for his team, then he'll force the hand of the front office.

That would be a scarey bidding war.

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Davis will be looking for a pay day, no doubt, but I believe he is as likely to get that here as anywhere else. Of course a lot depends on the offensive system, how he is used and how those behind him perform as well. Our luxury is that we have a year to determine how valuable he will be in the future ... not how valuable he has been over the last three years.

He will not make 11 million dollars anywhere.

Let me repeat.

He will not make 11 million dollars anywhere.

If he refuses to re-negotiate he could end up like so many others recently and signing late for a lot less than he thought he might get. If he DOES re-negotiate he may actually get more for taking less ... so to speak. :)

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He may pull a Rolen and get paid a lot less than he would've had he stayed put. I guess if he really hates being in DC, then that would make sense, but who doesn't like playing for Steve Spurrier?

A lot of it depends on how he's used this year. If our passing attack is feared, and he doesn't have to put up with 8 and 9 man boxes anymore and gains 1500 yards, then he'll probably stay. If we depend on the defense to win every game and have to basically play Marty ball on every offensive possession, he's gone.

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He will not make 11 million dollars anywhere.

Probobly right, but he might get close to it. Deion was able to get $8M as a signing bonus, and he was how old?

If Davis gets out on the FA market, $8-10 isn't a bad range for a signing bonus (and at least .5M salary for the first year).

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Quite frankly, I'd be surprised if he approached the 8-10 million range. possible perhaps ... but not likely IMHO. That's what Faulk just got from the Rams and he's a bigger, more multi-dimensional weapon.

I would guess Davis to come in a tier below that, like around 4-7 million and, again, I would suspect he might get close enough to that here.

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Are we confusing a few things here?

Is Davis' actual salary next year $11.4 million, or is that his cap number? (I think it's his cap number).

Also, if we cut Davis, I believe I read we take a cap hit of 5-6 million anyway.

In other words, it would be very possible to give Davis a big new contract, like yes with an $11 million (or more) signing bonus, but for say five or six years, and have a cap figure for him lower than what we would have if we cut him.

So I think there is a lot of room for us to re-sign him, if he wants to stay.

OTOH, Mendes' brain-dead idea of threatening to cut him didn't help matters at all.

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