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Someone hold me, i'm scared ;(


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Hello? How many yards has Clinton + Ladell given us this year? Without that 41 yard run from our 4 yard line (Bears' defense playing pass all-the-way), it would be terrible. How many fumbles have occured in our running game? (1 Ladell turnover and 1 lucky recovery). How many times have we gone to our "stout" running game to get a 3rd down conversion? Have you seen Brunell? I think you're just so used to calling our passing game pathetic that it's hard to admit Brunell looks 10x better than last year. Legs, arm strength (especially) and accuracy. Clinton is our 4 million dollar man, and what has he done for us lately? Brunell? Pathetic last year. But worked his ass off and looks much better now. I'm confident we will get yards through the air. He's been hitting his targets - even with inadequate blocking.

Take away those 2 deep passes (which were absolutely beautiful passes, which Dallas KNEW was coming) and the majority of Brunell's passes are sweet spirals right where they need to be. How deep they are is another question, but it looks to me like he's capable of throwing it 50 yards.

Our offensive line, Clinton and Ladell need to step it up, do you disagree?

It's kinda hard to run when your opponents stack the box with eight or nine players because they absolutely do not respect our passing game.

To say Brunell has turned it all around after showing up(thank God) for the last five minutes of the Dallas game is crazy. Funny how people forget that he and our passing offense stunk it up for 3 and a half quarters.

Until our passing offense and Brunell show that they can be more consistent, we're going to have some trouble running the ball..no matter who's in the backfield.

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It's kinda hard to run when your opponents stack the box with eight or nine players because they absolutely do not respect our passing game.

To say Brunell has turned it all around after showing up(thank God) for the last five minutes of the Dallas game is crazy. Funny how people forget that he and our passing offense stunk it up for 3 and a half quarters.

Until our passing offense and Brunell show that they can be more consistent, we're going to have some trouble running the ball..no matter who's in the backfield.

Ok, I didn't say he turned it all around. But you must admit that he looks much better in every aspect of his game this year. Most of our passing woes this season are due to our sudden weakening of the offensive line. How many times did Brunell stand in the pocket last Monday and pick his receivers out? He was bull-rushed all game. Our WHOLE offense stunk it up for 3 quarters...and on top of that, it was the our running game that gave up a turnover and gained, what, 40 yards? Pathetic, even without much blocking. I'm just saying that we can't keep automatically blaming it on a bad passing attack. Brunell now hits the majority of the receivers that are open. And he puts it in spots where they won't get popped and/or have room to run. Sure, they put 8 in the box all the time, as I've preached in other threads. But you also have to realize that 8 in the box doesn't make it impossible to gain 90 yards. Especially against Dallas' young and undersized defense. 4 Mil is a lot of money to excuse a back for getting anything under 60 yards against a decent defense.

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Surely, you jest!

Last year, we surrendered plus 100 to only three backs. Baltimore should have been down 10-0 going into the 4th and would probably had to abandon the run and it wasn't until the 4th that they really had any success. We could have been up 14-6 going into the 4th versus Pittsburgh, Bettis ONLY got 100 because they had the lead in the 4th. Against Cincinatti, again they could bang on our defense because they had a commanding lead but their run game was not all that successful.

Alexander is a very good back but I suspect he's the type our defense has the least trouble with: a runner who relies on broken tackles to get yards and we don't miss tackle. This defense seems to have most of its trouble (and that's not been much) against backs whose lines push the point-of-attack out two yards and then can fall forward for another couple of yards.

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Thing is, if they beat us on the ground then they beat us outright. That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about OUR running game. It is now the most questionable part of our offense now that Brunell is in decent shape.

If, as you say, Brunell is in decent shape our running game has to get better. Didn't see any of the Chicago game (hard to get games living in IOWA) but sat through all of the Dallas game. Seemed life the D could focus on stopping the run because we had no passing game. My wife was laughing at me because i was yelling at the TV to throw some long balls to Moss.

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