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Should We Bring Back Lineup Introductions?


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I miss lineup introductions at the Big Jack. Nothing got you more fired up when your favorite player was announced and you could scream your head off. I really wish Coach Joe would start introducing one of his lineups weekly. Imagine the reception Mr Brunnell would get this week if he was announced.

What does everyone else think?

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someone let the person who has yet to go to a home game, what music do they play when they charge out? I definitely like how Va. Tech plays Enter Sandman for a good minute before they let the players out.

JMU this season started doing the song from Zombie Nation, but they only play it for like 15 seconds before they let the team out, which is not enough.

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I never used to mind the player introductions...until the Deion's and the Ray Lewis' of the world decided to make it into a dance routine...then I started to hate them. If you want to run out onto the field when your name is called...fine. But cut the dancing crap...

...so I don't miss them at all...

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