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ESPN Countdown... Monday @ 7pm EST

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Originally posted by Bufford

nope, at 7:45 when I get home tonight, I would love to read your recap of what was said. Seriously, go get em.

haha ok... but u might be disappointed... i work from 8-5:30 Monday-Friday and i'm on a computer the whole day... i usually try and stay away from it when i get home... if u can wait until tomorrow for an update, then u got it... if not, better set that VCR... ;):D :cool:

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There is an unwritten rule here that the person who makes a comment about a radio broadcast or a TV broadcast ahead of time is responsible for recapping it for all who might not be able to see it. Of course, if you can't, just say so, and one other brave soul will :).

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Originally posted by Art


There is an unwritten rule here that the person who makes a comment about a radio broadcast or a TV broadcast ahead of time is responsible for recapping it for all who might not be able to see it. Of course, if you can't, just say so, and one other brave soul will :).

ah i understand... ;):D

sorry bout that... i can re-cap, but won't be til tomorrow... but if anyone else wants that duty, feel free to take it...

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Originally posted by THiTo48

ah i understand... ;):D

sorry bout that... i can re-cap, but won't be til tomorrow... but if anyone else wants that duty, feel free to take it...

Ok guys, I'll help out. Only because I went to camp on Saturday and was so excited to post what I saw, but I soon realized that someone (can't remember who) had actually taken notes and beaten me to it. Plus his analysis was a hell of a lot better than I could have done. I'll watch the show tonight and post a detailed summary shortly after. I guess I better get my pen and notepad ready. :cool:

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WildBill, sitting in a nice thermal bath with all those blondes up in Reykjavik.........I don't feel to sorry for you :laugh:

heck, if you are a couple of hours late in getting Skins news just chalk it up to your other distractions :cool:

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It was a nice protion where all three guys Jaws and the avid bronco fan were giving props to them on both sides of the ball as well as the coaches.

They brought up the subject of QBs not panning out in the NFL initially then used some QB in Oakland as an example of QBs fitting in a system.

They started out "with contray to popular belief Spurrier does run the ball" then they showed various formation (UF) 2 TEs and two WRs on one side and it was a running play then they showed how a running back who is a down hill runner is suited for Spurriers scheme and they showed runs by S Davis last year and compared the straight ahead running to UFs running game and showed it was similar.

They came out and said to not be surprised if both CBs and all three starting linebackers are in the probowl.

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