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Ouch Darrell.....


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Anyone see Darrell Green cheerleading for Spurrier in the Post, then, adding this slam against Marty....

"I just felt like we never really established any continuity," Green said. "We never reached that level of family which, I think, is important to be successful. You see it in Baltimore. You see it in St. Louis. So much of that is generated by the boss. That's one of the things I could see as a player."

Had this come from someone other than Green I'd proably write it off as sour grapes. I'd expect this out of Westbrook, but, from Green, given his sway with the organization and the players here, you can bet this isn't Green speaking out of school after a late night meeting with the other, "Get Marty out of here" club, Bruce Smith. This is a very harsh criticism of Marty that refutes the thought that 95 percent of players want him back or that the team had bought into Marty's system.

For Green to be that blunt surprises me greatly.

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Guest fuji869

I don't think Darrell would of said it if he did not mean it.

I know that during the Joe Gibbs teams there was a sence of family in the Redskin's Club House.

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everyone, including myself at times, has compared Marty's approach to that of George Allen. Play defense and special teams and be conservative and control the ball on offense on the ground.

the one major difference on the Redskins, however, was that the players under Allen were willing to go through a wall for him (well all but Sonny smile.gif).

Marty never got that kind of buyin from his players, that was obvious.

Every time the turnaround from 0-5 was cited, one of the Redskins players would talk about how the team decided to 'come together and win for each other'.

Note that they did not say win one for or with the Coach. smile.gif

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I don't know if we're gonna be getting a big ole love fest, warm and fuzzy locker room with Spurrier.

I will admit to not really knowing too much about the guy so.......take my comment above for what it's worth.



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In all the years, I don't think I have ever seen Green make a statement like that. That speaks volumes. I agree with Bulldog- Champ wasn't happy this season and that quote of his when they were talking about the players support of marty--something to the effect-that Mr. Snyder is the owner and can do what he pleases. Marty never had the faith of the players that George Allen had. I still remember Brad Dusak(sp)throwing his body mid-air into a wedge to destroy a kickoff return. That's not from coaching-that comes from a belief in your coach.

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The Champ quote was a killer for Marty because as important as Arrington's support was, if you don't have Champ you aren't going to be as successful. That Champ so clearly avoided any support of Marty and so completely backed the owner spoke loudly for how he felt. I commend Arrington for coming out and speaking his mind as he did as well. That showed great class for him and I think in Marty something in Arrington just connected with the coach.


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Yeah, something that you did notice is that there were very few players making supportinve statements about the coach himself. Lots making statements about the environment, the team, the city, whatever. Outside of Szott and Arrington to a lesser extent, nobody was defending the coach himself.

Also, it makes you wonder about the timing of Darrell's retraction of the retirement notice. Perhaps Snyder had told him about these plans weeks ago.


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"Champ wasn't happy this season and that quote of his when they were talking about the players support of marty--something to the effect-that Mr. Snyder is the owner and can do what he pleases. "

I was watching the post-game interviews after the Arizona game on Fox and Comcast, and they asked just about every player what their opinion was.

Stephen Davis and Walter Rasby both answered along the same lines as Champ, basically they have no opinion since they have no control over it and their job is to go out and play, no matter who the coach is.

K. Lang did his best to avoid voicing any opinion.

Szott and Jansen both supported Marty, which is understandable. Szott has a history with Marty and Jansen has a lot of loyalty to his coaches (he supported Turner last year).

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Lang was credited with a quote that says he's definately returing if Marty is back. I'll put Lang in the category of those wanting Marty batck for that reason, though I suspect Lang will stay if he's given what he wants, and what he wants is to be an end again. I've not seen anything from Jansen either way. Sometimes it's important to listen to what a player thinks if it appears to be the team's view. Other times it's not as important, like when Samuels backs Banks, we aren't going to let that get in the way of what we should do with Banks smile.gif


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media report this morning (wtop) said snyder had initiated overtures to spurrier this september. darrel probably was aware of what was in the works; hence, his "wait till tuesday" show stopper to the press.

i have no proof, just instinct, but i have been carping all along that marty didn't seem to be a franchise kind of caoch. more specifically, he never struck me as deeply committed to the Redskins. i saw him as a guy who wanted to win a SB, who tried to bond with his players, but who ultimately was rigidly committed to his system qand winning for his legacy and not the skins. he rarely spoke about the fan base and never about the skins' traditions, former greats, etc. he protected himself well and can now laugh all the way to the bank - just like deion.


looking through a glass onion

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Green's "wait till Tuesday" remark wasn't to the press. It was to an office staffer who speaks with the press and that "information" didn't come with a foundation, or, come true if true. That's a story that is going to be best described as Park lore as when it was printed by the one outlet that did it was of seriously questionable veracity and certainly after everything this week, we've no reason to believe that statement which was not directly heard, but third person reported, was ever said.


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My guess is Marty is VERY complimentary of Spurrier and Snyder. How sincere that is will be told by one key word. Dan or Mister.

If Marty is up there saying sweet nothings about the situation and continues to call Snyder, Dan, it probably means he feels ok about this. If he's calling Snyder, Mr. Snyder, it probably means he feels slighted and either he's being stand up about things for his own reasons, or, that was part of a side "agreement." We will see smile.gif.


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