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Transcript: Mayor Nagin vs. Tim Russert (Meet the Press)


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I think that Chome and Nelms need their own private board, maybe with a counselor.

I didn't see the interview but if Tim Russert had an incredulous look on his face, I share it with him.

Anyone who has ever had ultimate responsibility for the lives of others knows that the Mayor's excuses are lame. If 20,000 something people are in the Superdome and another 80,000 or so are in the city, are you telling me that none of them could drive a fricking school bus in a life or death emergency? (The issue of the Mayor's negligence in lining up reliable drivers beforehand aside.)

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Code, you don't live in a city with half a million people, with up to 200,000 without access to a car, they live below sea level and there is a threat for the whole city to flood, and trap the water. It is apples and oranges. Also, I will note that he did use buses to round up people for the S'dome.

Nobody is saying the president should have been responsible for evacuating the city, we are saying that he is responsible, along with the state of removing people from the city. This effort didn't get started when it should, and the delay caused people to lose their life, it is unacceptable for troops to arriveon friday, 4 days after the levees droke the damn.

I still disagree, sure, we are not the same size city, but that also means we have fewer resources to deal with.

Is there a rule that the President has to get involved with big cities but not small ones?

If you combined the seven cities in my area that are bunched together, I'm guessing that we are bigger than NO. We have several areas with homes below sea level, we have sea walls etc...

I just don't see how the local government isn't 99% responsible. Even if it's a large scale disaster, the locality is still responsible to ask for help. It shouldn't be up to others to do the Mayor's job for him.

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Will you please honor this statement this time.

When you make it, you sound like both sides of a high school couple breaking up over and over again.

Explain to me why I should care what you think? You've stuck your beak in my business before, bug out.

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Explain to me why I should care what you think?

I don't know why you care but you addressed my post, so why do you care?

You've stuck your beak in my business before, bug out.

I didn't see the message saying that I wasn't allowed to address the thread starter. Sorry about that honey!

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Who was it that was keeping the red cross people out of the city, and the city dwellers inside the city? I'm asking because I don't remember precisely, but I seem to recall it was the city authorities. Somebody who remembers please help.

It was both FEAM and the State. During the initial 48 hours, they didn't have enough forces in the city and they both thought it was prudent to keep out help, wrong choice. The right choice was to allow the people OUT of the city. FEMA stopped numerous trucks and supplies entering the city as well as the state.

Maybe the captain of the police force in the neighboring can come up with a good reason of why he was shooting at people who were trying to leave, and forceing them back into NO. Maybe the former FEMA head can tell us why he didn't think it was prudent to send in military forces when anarchy was breaking out and there were no communications. Maybe the president can tell us why he thought it was prudent to go to a fundraiser when his staff knew the state was in over their heads, and there was no communications inside the city. Maybe the mayor can tell us why he thought a days worth of rations was enough food at the s'dome.

All questions which will be answered, and all questions which should be asked. To focus this on the state as the sole reason for the problems is putting your ideology before your country, something people just aren't ashamed of now, but in the days of fake news and propaganda it's no suprise to anyone anymore.

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