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Reverend Jesse says don't blame Bush


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Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson that is.

Dependence on Government, Not Racism, Hurting Black People, Pastor Says

By Susan Jones

CNSNews.com Senior Editor

September 08, 2005

(CNSNews.com) - A black conservative leader says don't blame racism or President Bush for what happened to thousands of black people during and after Hurricane Katrina.

"The truth is black people died, not because of President Bush or racism, they died because of their unhealthy dependence on the government and the incompetence of Mayor Ray Nagin and Governor Kathleen Blanco," said the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of BOND (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny).

Peterson singled out the Rev. Jesse Jackson, members of the Congressional Black Caucus, and rapper Kanye West, all of whom blamed President Bush for not doing enough to help black people, especially in New Orleans, where TV images showed scenes of desperation and violence that continued for several days after the hurricane hit.

Jackson called President Bush's response "incompetent" and charged that racism is partly to blame for the slow evacuation of survivors; and during a nationally televised fundraising event on NBC, West said, "George Bush doesn't care about black people."

Not fair, said the Rev. Peterson: "If black folks want to blame someone for this tragedy they only need to look in the mirror." Mayor Nagin has blamed everyone else except himself, when it was Nagin who failed in his duty to evacuate and protect city residents, Peterson said.

"Our prayers go out to the families of the deceased," Peterson concluded. "Hopefully this will help black people realize the folly of depending on the government or leaders and serve as a notice to avert future tragedies in other cities."

Peterson frequently criticizes the entrenched civil rights leadership, saying liberal black leaders have failed and exploited African-Americans.

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Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson that is.

Dependence on Government, Not Racism, Hurting Black People, Pastor Says

By Susan Jones

CNSNews.com Senior Editor

September 08, 2005

(CNSNews.com) - A black conservative leader says don't blame racism or President Bush for what happened to thousands of black people during and after Hurricane Katrina.

"The truth is black people died, not because of President Bush or racism, they died because of their unhealthy dependence on the government and the incompetence of Mayor Ray Nagin and Governor Kathleen Blanco," said the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of BOND (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny).

What a freakin joke. Did this moron go around blaming the people who died in 9-11 because they lived in a terrorist target? Does he even know what the % of people who were working are? Does he even give a damn about anything except for pumping people with propaganda? I doubt it. Maybe if he would use some facts, instead of wide sweeping generalizations and stereotypes, people with an objective eye would take this with more then a grain of salt :doh:

Jackson called President Bush's response "incompetent" and charged that racism is partly to blame for the slow evacuation of survivors; and during a nationally televised fundraising event on NBC, West said, "George Bush doesn't care about black people."

I don't think Kayne was right, but Jackson was right on the button. This reeked of incompetence from the top down, and it was out there for the entire world to see.

Not fair, said the Rev. Peterson: "If black folks want to blame someone for this tragedy they only need to look in the mirror." Mayor Nagin has blamed everyone else except himself, when it was Nagin who failed in his duty to evacuate and protect city residents, Peterson said.

Again, a bold and outright lie. Nagin has said numerous times that he wishes he did things better. Maybe if you watched the Meet the Press interview, you would understand this, but instead you get your "news" aka. propaganda, directly from RNC stooges.

"Our prayers go out to the families of the deceased," Peterson concluded. "Hopefully this will help black people realize the folly of depending on the government or leaders and serve as a notice to avert future tragedies in other cities."

What an ignorant dolt this moron is. Yes, blaiming the people again for the tragedy to promote an agenda.:hammer: The only thing which is romotely true is depending on leaders to get them out, and yes Bush is included.

Peterson frequently criticizes the entrenched civil rights leadership, saying liberal black leaders have failed and exploited African-Americans.

I actually don't disagree with this point as much, but the entire article was a bunch of drivel with sweeping generalizations, and outright lies to promote a political ideology. :doh1:

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Some other quotes from the Rev.

It was disturbing to watch Billy Graham, a man whom I've admired for years, being used by evil to mislead countless Christians. The Clintons' political futures received the greatest revival from the endorsement they received from Rev. Graham. As First ‘Lady,' Hillary Clinton tried to force a massive socialist health care plan down the throats of Americans. Hillary represents the extreme liberal wing of the Democratic Party. How can a man of God [Graham] endorse a godless woman to run a godly country?

Rev. Peterson added: “Farrakhan is still a racist and anti-Semite. This is a separatist movement designed to turn blacks against whites and their own country. Farrakhan will once again take millions from mostly low income blacks who cannot see him for what he is—an American Hitler. “


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I actually don't disagree with this point as much, but the entire article was a bunch of drivel with sweeping generalizations, and outright lies to promote a political ideology.

Kinda like any article in the New York Times or Washington Post.

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Please, comparing a right wing propaganda site who advertises on Free Republic, to two of the top three national papers shows you are completely oblivious to reality.

Oh, because they are national papers means that aren't biased. :laugh: Please.

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Oh, because they are national papers means that aren't biased. :laugh: Please.

You were the one who made the comparisson of CSNews to the Post and Times, well if you think the comparisson is valid, you are completely devoid of reality. If you would have compared it to moveon.org, then I would agree, but not the post or the times. People in here are a lot smarter then that.

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You were the one who made the comparisson of CSNews to the Post and Times, well if you think the comparisson is valid, you are completely devoid of reality. If you would have compared it to moveon.org, then I would agree, but not the post or the times. People in here are a lot smarter then that.

The N.Y. Times is a radical left paper. I read it every now and then just to get some laughs. The radical left slant is so apparent and can be compared to moveon.org.

The Post is very liberal, but not radical like the Times. Just my opinion.

Oh, and I also believe the Washington Times has a conservative bias, about the same degree that the Post has on the liberal side.

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The N.Y. Times is a radical left paper. I read it every now and then just to get some laughs. The radical left slant is so apparent and can be compared to moveon.org.

The Post is very liberal, but not radical like the Times. Just my opinion.

Oh, and I also believe the Washington Times has a conservative bias, about the same degree that the Post has on the liberal side.

Well then please tell me who the liberal op-eds are on the Washington Times, I know who the conservative people are on the NYtimes and the post, but I have yet to see a liberal on CSN or the Wash Times. Try again.

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Well then please tell me who the liberal op-eds are on the Washington Times, I know who the conservative people are on the NYtimes and the post, but I have yet to see a liberal on CSN or the Wash Times. Try again.

Bwhahahahhahahahahaha. You are a hoot. Are you just playing dumb?

I don't give a rat's a$$ about any stinking op-eds on any paper, national or not. The true litmus test are not the op-ed articles. It is the news articles that are supposed to be un-biased. The NY Times has a radical left slant on most of their news articles. You can't see it because you are also a radical leftist. Thanks for playing.

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Bwhahahahhahahahahaha. You are a hoot. Are you just playing dumb?

I don't give a rat's a$$ about any stinking op-eds on any paper, national or not. The true litmus test are not the op-ed articles. It is the news articles that are supposed to be un-biased. The NY Times has a radical left slant on most of their news articles. You can't see it because you are also a radical leftist. Thanks for playing.

Who said op-eds are a how to judge if a news outlet is bias? I didn't, I simply asked you to show me the liberal op-ed writers on the WashTimes, or the CSNews site. Hell, an op-ed is SUPPOSED to allow all viewpoints. There are none, but the point went directly over your head, didn't it. How in the world can you equate a source with only conservative propaganda with a national paper who poses both sides of the issue? How can you equate a paper that has lost money every year in existance to two of the most sucessful papers in the country? You are so far beyond hope, you can't even see what is staring you in the face. I am truly scared for my country, because when the neo-cons go down, I have no idea how you will react.

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Who said op-eds are a how to judge if a news outlet is bias? I didn't, I simply asked you to show me the liberal op-ed writers on the WashTimes, or the CSNews site. Hell, an op-ed is SUPPOSED to allow all viewpoints. There are none, but the point went directly over your head, didn't it. How in the world can you equate a source with only conservative propaganda with a national paper who poses both sides of the issue? How can you equate a paper that has lost money every year in existance to two of the most sucessful papers in the country? You are so far beyond hope, you can't even see what is staring you in the face. I am truly scared for my country, because when the neo-cons go down, I have no idea how you will react.

I really believe that you don't get it.

A true litmus test of whether a paper is biased or not is a review of their non-editorials. I know when I read a William Safire op-ed piece or a Maureen Dowd op-ed piece that I am reading a conversative and liberal viewpoint, respectively. That's a no brainer. The fact that the Times or the Post has x number of conservative op-eds and x number of liberal op-eds means absolutely nothing.

I have a problem with non-editorials that are supposed to be unbiased, but are not. That is so true with the N.Y. Times and to a lesser degree with the Post and the Washington Times. It is also pervasive with the network news, the worst being the now retired Dan Rather.

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I really believe that you don't get it.

I have a problem with non-editorials that are supposed to be unbiased, but are not. That is so true with the N.Y. Times and to a lesser degree with the Post and the Washington Times. It is also pervasive with the network news, the worst being the now retired Dan Rather.

So you mean the Liberal Washington post would write an article like this?


If anything a conservative spin but pretty nutral. Now, can you find left leaning articles in the NYTimes? Yes, you acan also find right leaning articles there.

You ONLY find conservative pieces in the papers you listed, and that's why they're considered propaganda outlets, just like moveon.org. It is also why you have absolutely no credibility on this forum. From your asanine comment that Colmes represents the Liberal thought, to your attempt to attack me by bringing up a thread where I talked about my girlfriend then made fun of it, to your insistence that saying you'd kill everyone in Iran, Syria and Iraq wasn't derrogatory, or even this ludicrous position that the Washington Times shoud be held up to the same standard as the NY Tines and the Washington Post. When you look at your body of work over these past few days, you have revealed yourself to us.

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