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OT: Getting D.C. local channels from DirecTV when you're not in D.C.

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OK, so I called DirecTV yesterday and told them I was taking a six-month "assignment" in D.C., and wanted my DirecTV service switched to D.C. for that period. Specifically, I asked for my "local channels" to be switched from Atlanta to D.C.

The reason, of course, is so I can catch the preseason Skins games, and also the Redskin commentary shows. It might save on NFL Sunday Ticket as well, if I decide I just want to watch Redskin games.

The CSR said no problem, and even allowed me to continue receiving bills in Atlanta, though I was willing to get them in D.C. (via family there). I gave them my family's D.C. address, and said, "I'm flying up tonight, so can you switch the local channels immediately?"

Again, the CSR said no problem. (I've made service changes before with DirecTV, and they were activated in seconds -- opening new channels, etc.).

I hung up, turned on the T.V. -- no D.C. channels. Still Atlanta channels.

I waited an hour and called back. New CSR confirmed my local channels were switched. I said, "Uh, hmmm, still seeing Atlanta stations, any idea why?" She said everything would be fine when I plugged in my equipment in D.C. Me: "Uh, hmmm, so, ah, how does that work exactly? How does the equipment know it's in D.C.?" She said that it would reset after the equipment had been turned off and unplugged.

So I unplugged the equipment, replugged it, turned it on -- d@mn, still got Atlanta stations.

Anyone know what's up with this? I'm pretty sure the equipment isn't calling on the phone lines (as it does once a month), as I didn't see the phone line light go on. Can the receiver somehow know it's not in D.C. from the satellite signals? (Angle of satellite signals being different between D.C. and Atlanta.) Or has DirecTV just botched my switch?

I just want to be in D.C. again (virtually). Is that so bad?

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D@mn dude, I thought you might be onto the scam of the century...

It's my understanding that DISH Network has a case before the Supreme Court to allow customers to choose which local networks they want to receive. I haven't heard anything on it yet, but would be switching back to my DC stations immediately if DISH wins.

It would probably be better in the long run to allow this rather than approve the merger of DISH and DirectTV. The merger hinges on the companies' assertion that they can only offer locals in all markets if they combined their resources.

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I heard now with newer technology that they stream the local chanels down from the satellite to specific regions of the continent. I forget what the technology is called but it sure puts a damper on these types of scams. You probably would get the DC chanels if you were in a part of the country that was recieving that signal. It sucks that they can do this, but it does make sense.

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Originally posted by MarkPSkins

I heard now with newer technology that they stream the local chanels down from the satellite to specific regions of the continent. I forget what the technology is called but it sure puts a damper on these types of scams. You probably would get the DC chanels if you were in a part of the country that was recieving that signal. It sucks that they can do this, but it does make sense.

Boy this sucks -- and I think you're right.

Turned on the TV this morning and -- get this -- now I have no local channels at all. I think the DirecTV switch finally went through overnight (my on-screen program guide now shows D.C. programs). But somehow either I can't get the signal physically (due to the MarkPSkins explanation), or maybe the receiver called overnight and discovered I'm still in Atlanta and has therefore embargoed my access to D.C. channels.

You'd think I was trying to rob a bank or something.

By the way, the reason for all these problems is *not* DirecTV. The local TV station lobby (nationally) has long had protection from competition, via legislation prohibiting competition from other non-local network stations. The legislation mandates that if you live in a city, you must get that city's local TV stations. It was a long legal struggle for DirecTV to be able to offer local TV stations at all. For a while you could get a national network feed, but only if you could prove you couldn't receive local TV stations any other way. More recently DirecTV has offered the actual local TV feeds in major cities, while maintaining the embargo against the feeds from other cities. They are maintaining the embargo because they have no choice under the law.

Nice Soviet-style system we have. It's one of many abuses of monopoly by local TV stations. (Ownership of their airwave spectrum without payment to the public being the major one.)

Trying to get D.C. stations isn't a scam. It's an attempt to resist *their* scam against us.

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Sorry for the bad news ASF.

I have become a sort of DirectTV expert over the years due to my incredibly hard time getting local chanels at all. I live in a very rural area of Texas about 70 miles from Dallas. I can sort of receive Local Dallas channels via antena, but they are often snowy and, depending on the weather very inconsistent. I can get some other local chanels from other local markets, but with the same results. It took me like 4 months to get the waivers from all the local TV stations in all of the markets available to me. Finally I got the national broadcast network channels via satellite (NY & LA). When they finally got the Dallas Channels added to my region, I wanted to get the Dallas Channels and keep my national channels as well but they said if I got the Dallas Channels I'd have to give up my national ones. It's pretty cool having East and West coast network TV. Although the only preseason stuff I get is the Raiders and the Jets/Giants. I still don't get any local Dallas stuff.

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The ONE other thing I'd try if I were you is to change the zip code on the dish setup. I think Mark is right and you can't get the signal no matter what, but, I wonder if it's tied to something as simple as your zip code.

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Originally posted by Art

The ONE other thing I'd try if I were you is to change the zip code on the dish setup. I think Mark is right and you can't get the signal no matter what, but, I wonder if it's tied to something as simple as your zip code.

Yeah, that was the first thing I tried. I don't think it does anything other than change the recommended satellite dish positioning.

So now I know the recommended dish settings for Great Falls, Virginia. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

Yeah, that was the first thing I tried. I don't think it does anything other than change the recommended satellite dish positioning.

Yep, you are correct.

So now I know the recommended dish settings for Great Falls, Virginia. :rolleyes:

So, are you gonna tell them that your assignment got cancelled and that you are back in ATL so you can get your local channels again? We had a big discussion about this over at Cowboys.net and someone said they use spotbeams now and that only the certains areas intended to get the local channels will get them. Do a search over there and read up on it. Hell, if it worked I would call and tell them that I live in Dallas.

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So, are you gonna tell them that your assignment got cancelled and that you are back in ATL so you can get your local channels again? We had a big discussion about this over at Cowboys.net and someone said they use spotbeams now and that only the certains areas intended to get the local channels will get them. Do a search over there and read up on it. Hell, if it worked I would call and tell them that I live in Dallas.

Here is a good overview of the spotbeam technology. It includes maps of what spotbeams you might be able to get.


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Not that I espouse this or have knowledge of it, but I would do a search on "Direct TV hacking" on Yahoo or something of that such. You will be amazed of what one can learn on the web! Not like you didnt know that though. :P

There is a lot of info that might help :D

Don' know if thats your cup of tea though.

I remember a few years back some of my friends could reprogram the chips, but I think they have upgraded their hacking protection since then.


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Originally posted by smith22

So, are you gonna tell them that your assignment got cancelled and that you are back in ATL so you can get your local channels again?

Yeah, you can imagine how excited I'm going to be to have *that* conversation.

They probably put guys like me on speakerphone so all the CSRs can enjoy the call. :rolleyes: :puke:

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